Stellar-mass black holes (sBHs) embedded in gaseous disks of active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be important sources of detectable gravitational radiation for LIGO/Virgo when they form binaries and coalesce due to orbital decay. In this paper, we study the effect of dynamical friction (DF) on the formation of BH binaries in AGN disks using
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Abstract N -body simulations. We employ two simplified models of DF, with the force on the BH depending on Δ , the velocity of the sBH relative to the background Keplerian gas. We integrate the motion of two sBHs initially on circular orbits around the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) and evaluate the probability of binary formation under various conditions. We find that both models of DF (with different dependence of the frictional coefficient on ∣Δv ∣) can foster the formation of binaries when the effective friction timescalev τ satisfies ΩKτ ≲ 20–30 (where ΩKis the Keplerian frequency around the SMBH): prograde binaries are formed when the DF is stronger (smallerτ ), while retrograde binaries dominate when the DF is weaker (largerτ ). We determine the distribution of both prograde and retrograde binaries as a function of initial orbital separation and the DF strength. Using our models of DF, we show that for a given sBH number density in the AGN disk, the formation rate of sBH binaries increases with decreasingτ and can reach a moderate value with a sufficiently strong DF. -
ABSTRACT Closely packed multiplanet systems are known to experience dynamical instability if the spacings between the planets are too small. Such instability can be tempered by the frictional forces acting on the planets from gaseous discs. A similar situation applies to stellar-mass black holes embedded in active galactic nuclei discs around supermassive black holes. We use N-body integrations to evaluate how the frictional damping of orbital eccentricity affects the growth of dynamical instability for a wide range of K (the difference in the planetary semimajor axes in units of the mutual Hill radius) and (unequal) planet masses. We find that, in general, the stable region (large K) and unstable region (small K) are separated by a “grey zone”, where the (in)stability is not guaranteed. We report the numerical values of the critical spacing for stability Kcrit and the “grey zone” range in different systems, and provide fitting formulae for arbitrary frictional forcing strength. We show that the stability of a system depends on the damping time-scale τ relative to the zero-friction instability growth time-scale tinst: two-planet systems are stable if tinst ≳ τ; three-planet systems require tinst ≳ 10τ−100τ. When K is sufficiently small, tinst can be less than the synodic period between the planets, which makes frictional stabilization unlikely to occur. As K increases, tinst tends to grow exponentially, but can also fluctuate by a few orders of magnitude. We also devise a linear map to analyse the dynamical instability of the “planet + test mass” system, and find qualitative agreement with N-body simulations.
Abstract We present a new mechanism of generating large planetary eccentricities. This mechanism applies to planets within the inner cavities of their companion protoplanetary disks. A massive disk with an inner truncation may become eccentric due to nonadiabatic effects associated with gas cooling and can retain its eccentricity in long-lived coherently precessing eccentric modes; as the disk disperses, the inner planet will encounter a secular resonance with the eccentric disk when the planet and the disk have the same apsidal precession rates; the eccentricity of the planet is then excited to a large value as the system goes through the resonance. In this work, we solve the eccentric modes of a model disk for a wide range of masses. We then adopt an approximate secular dynamics model to calculate the long-term evolution of the “planet + dispersing disk” system. The planet attains a large eccentricity (between 0.1 and 0.6) in our calculations even though the disk eccentricity is quite small (≲0.05). This eccentricity excitation can be understood in terms of the mode conversion (“avoided crossing” between two eigenstates) phenomenon associated with the evolution of the “planet + disk” eccentricity eigenstates.
Abstract We study close encounters between two single black holes (BHs) embedded in an AGN disk using a series of global 2D hydrodynamics simulations. We find that when the disk density is sufficiently high, bound BH binaries can be formed by the collision of their circum-single disks. Our analysis demonstrates that, after a BH pair passes the pericenter of their relative trajectory, post-collision gas drag may slow down the BHs, possibly forcing the two BHs to stay tightly bound. A binary formed by a close encounter can have a compact semimajor axis, large eccentricity, and retrograde orbital angular momentum. We provide a fitting formula that can accurately predict whether a close encounter can form a binary based on the gas mass and the incoming energy of the encounter. This fitting formula can be easily implemented in other long-term simulations that study the dynamical evolution of BHs in active galactic nucleus disks.
Abstract We study the long-term evolution of two or more stellar black holes (BHs) on initially separated but unstable circular orbits around a supermassive BH (SMBH). Such a close-packed orbital configuration can naturally arise from BH migrations in the AGN disk. Dynamical instability of the orbits leads to recurring close encounters between two BHs, during which the BH separation
r pbecomes less than the Hill radius H. In rare very close encounters, a tight merging BH binary can form with the help of gravitational wave emission. We useR N -body simulations to study the time evolution of close encounters of various degrees ofcloseness . For a typical “SMBH+2BH” system, the averaged cumulative number of close encounters (withr p≲ H) scales approximately as ∝R t 0.5. The minimum encounter separationr pfollows a cumulative distributionP (<r p) ∝r pforr p≪ H. We obtain a semi-analytical expression for the averaged rate of binary captures that lead to BH mergers. Our results suggest that close-packed BHs in AGN disks may take a long time (≳107orbits around the SMBH) to experience a sufficiently close encounter and form a bound binary. This time can be shorter if the initial BH orbits are highly aligned. The BH binary mergers produced in this scenario have high eccentricities when entering the LIGO band and broad distribution of orbital inclinations relative to the original AGN disk. We explore the effects of the gas disk and find that simple gas drags on the BHs do not necessarily lead to an enhanced BH binary capture rate.R