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Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 26, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 28, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 14, 2025
ABSTRACT We examine the morphological and kinematical properties of SPT-2147, a strongly lensed, massive, dusty, star-forming galaxy at $z = 3.762$. Combining data from JWST, Hubble Space Telescope, and ALMA, we study the galaxy’s stellar emission, dust continuum, and gas properties. The imaging reveals a central bar structure in the stars and gas embedded within an extended disc with a spiral arm-like feature. The kinematics confirm the presence of the bar and of the regularly rotating disc. Dynamical modelling yields a dynamical mass, ${M}_{\rm dyn} = (9.7 \pm 2.0) \times 10^{10}$${\rm M}_{\odot }$, and a maximum rotational velocity to velocity dispersion ratio, $V / \sigma = 9.8 \pm 1.2$. From multiband imaging we infer, via spectral energy distribution fitting, a stellar mass, ${M}_{\star } = (6.3 \pm 0.9) \times 10^{10}$$\rm {M}_{\odot }$, and a star formation rate, ${\rm SFR} = 781 \pm 99$${\rm {\rm M}_{\odot } yr^{-1}}$, after correcting for magnification. Combining these measurements with the molecular gas mass, we derive a baryonic-to-total mass ratio of ${M}_{\rm bar} / {M}_{\rm dyn} = 1.1 \pm 0.3$ within 4.0 kpc. This finding suggests that the formation of bars in galaxies begins earlier in the history of the Universe than previously thought and can also occur in galaxies with elevated gas fractions.
Urban Land Surface Models (ULSMs) simulate energy and water exchanges between the urban surface and atmosphere. However, earlier systematic ULSM comparison projects assessed the energy balance but ignored the water balance, which is coupled to the energy balance. Here, we analyze the water balance representation in 19 ULSMs participating in the Urban‐PLUMBER project using results for 20 sites spread across a range of climates and urban form characteristics. As observations for most water fluxes are unavailable, we examine the water balance closure, flux timing, and magnitude with a score derived from seven indicators expecting better scoring models to capture the latent heat flux more accurately. We find that the water budget is only closed in 57% of the model‐site combinations assuming closure when annual total incoming fluxes (precipitation and irrigation) fluxes are within 3% of the outgoing (all other) fluxes. Results show the timing is better captured than magnitude. No ULSM has passed all water balance indicators for any site. Models passing more indicators do not capture the latent heat flux more accurately refuting our hypothesis. While output reporting inconsistencies may have negatively affected model performance, our results indicate models could be improved by explicitly verifying water balance closure and revising runoff parameterizations. By expanding ULSM evaluation to the water balance and related to latent heat flux performance, we demonstrate the benefits of evaluating processes with direct feedback mechanisms to the processes of interest.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available September 28, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 13, 2025