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Creators/Authors contains: "Li, Xiangzhi"

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  1. Abstract

    Two-dimensional semiconductors, including transition metal dichalcogenides, are of interest in electronics and photonics but remain nonmagnetic in their intrinsic form. Previous efforts to form two-dimensional dilute magnetic semiconductors utilized extrinsic doping techniques or bulk crystal growth, detrimentally affecting uniformity, scalability, or Curie temperature. Here, we demonstrate an in situ substitutional doping of Fe atoms into MoS2monolayers in the chemical vapor deposition growth. The iron atoms substitute molybdenum sites in MoS2crystals, as confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and Raman signatures. We uncover an Fe-related spectral transition of Fe:MoS2monolayers that appears at 2.28 eV above the pristine bandgap and displays pronounced ferromagnetic hysteresis. The microscopic origin is further corroborated by density functional theory calculations of dipole-allowed transitions in Fe:MoS2. Using spatially integrating magnetization measurements and spatially resolving nitrogen-vacancy center magnetometry, we show that Fe:MoS2monolayers remain magnetized even at ambient conditions, manifesting ferromagnetism at room temperature.

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  2. Covalent functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is a promising route to enhance the quantum yield of exciton emission and can lead to single-photon emission at room temperature. However, the spectral linewidth of the defect-related E 11 * emission remains rather broad. Here, we systematically investigate the low-temperature exciton emission of individual SWCNTs that have been dispersed with sodium-deoxycholate (DOC) and polyfluorene (PFO-BPy), are grown by laser vaporization (LV) or by CoMoCat techniques and are functionalized with oxygen as well as 3,5-dichlorobenzene groups. The E 11 excitons in oxygen-functionalized SWCNTs remain rather broad with up to 10 meV linewidth while exciton emission from 3,5-dichlorobenzene functionalized SWCNTs is found to be about one order of magnitude narrower. In all cases, wrapping with PFO-BPy provides significantly better protection against pump induced dephasing compared to DOC. To further study the influence of exciton localization on pump-induced dephasing, we have embedded the functionalized SWCNTs into metallo-dielectric antenna cavities to maximize light collection. We show that 0D excitons attributed to the E 11 * emission of 3,5-dichlorobenzene quantum defects of LV-grown SWCNTs can display near resolution-limited linewidths down to 35 μeV. Interestingly, these 0D excitons give rise to a 3-fold suppressed pump-induced exciton dephasing compared to the E 11 excitons in the same SWCNT. These findings provide a foundation to build a unified description of the emergence of novel optical behavior from the interplay of covalently introduced defects, dispersants, and exciton confinement in SWCNTs and might further lead to the realization of indistinguishable photons from carbon nanotubes. 
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