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Creators/Authors contains: "Liang, Jierui"

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  1. Epitaxial cobaltites have emerged as exemplary materials for electrochemical gating, in large part due to their topotactic perovskite (P) ↔ brownmillerite (BM) transformations. SrCoO3−δ, for example, can be cycled between metallic ferromagnetic P SrCoO3 and insulating BM SrCoO2.5, realizing exceptional modulation of electronic, thermal, and optical properties. It is often presumed that such cycling also generates ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic (F-AF) modulation due to the G-type AF order in bulk SrCoO2.5. Little is understood about magnetism in thin-film BM SrCoO2.5, however, meaning that the true magnetic property modulation is unclear. We address this here through a neutron diffraction study of BM La1−xSrxCoO2.5 films at x = 0.5 and 1.0. Lightly compressively strained SrCoO2.5 films are shown to retain G-type AF order, albeit with suppressed Néel temperature (∼340 K). Of high interest for AF spintronics, room-temperature F–AF cycling is thus possible across the SrCoO3-δ P ↔ BM transformation. At x = 0.5, however, BM La0.5Sr0.5CoO2.5 films are found to exhibit no detectable G-type AF order but instead weak F order (Curie temperature ∼115 K), unveiling a La0.5Sr0.5CoO3−δ phase diagram with two distinct F phases. These results thus uncover new, unanticipated magnetic phase behavior in these materials, in addition to being directly relevant to cobaltite-based magnetoionics.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  2. null (Ed.)
  3. Abstract

    The residue of common photo‐ and electron‐beam resists, such as poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), is often present on the surface of 2D crystals after device fabrication. The residue degrades device properties by decreasing carrier mobility and creating unwanted doping. Here, MoS2and WSe2field effect transistors (FETs) with residue are cleaned by contact mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the impact of the residue on: 1) the intrinsic electrical properties, and 2) the effectiveness of electric double layer (EDL) gating are measured. After cleaning, AFM measurements confirm that the surface roughness decreases to its intrinsic state (i.e., ≈0.23 nm for exfoliated MoS2and WSe2) and Raman spectroscopy shows that the characteristic peak intensities (E2gand A1g) increase. PMMA residue causes p‐type doping corresponding to a charge density of ≈7 × 1011cm−2on back‐gated MoS2and WSe2FETs. For FETs gated with polyethylene oxide (PEO)76:CsClO4, removing the residue increases the charge density by 4.5 × 1012cm−2, and the maximum drain current by 247% (statistically significant,p< 0.05). Removing the residue likely allows the ions to be positioned closer to the channel surface, which is essential for achieving the best possible electrostatic gate control in ion‐gated devices.

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