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Creators/Authors contains: "Liepold, Christopher"

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  1. Abstract We present a detailed analysis of the behavior of the triaxial Schwarzschild orbit superposition method near the axisymmetric limit. Orbit superposition modeling is the primary method used to determine dynamical masses of supermassive black holes ( M BH ) in nearby galaxies; however, prior studies have reported conflicting results when comparing the outcome from axisymmetric orbit codes with that from a triaxial orbit code in the axisymmetric limit. We show that in order to achieve (oblate) axisymmetry in a triaxial code, care needs to be taken to axisymmetrize the short-axis tube orbits and to exclude both the long-axis tube and box orbits from the orbit library. Using up to 12 Gauss–Hermite moments of the line-of-sight velocity distributions as constraints, we demonstrate the effects of orbit types on the best-fit M BH in orbit modeling of the massive elliptical galaxy NGC 1453 reported in Liepold et al. In addition, we verify the efficacy of our updated code on a mock galaxy data set. We identify a subset of slowly precessing quasi-planar orbits for which the typical integration times can be insufficient to fully capture the equilibrium orbital behavior in both axisymmetric and triaxial systems with central black holes. Further investigation is needed for a more reliable treatment of these orbits. 
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