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  1. Abstract

    Motivated by numerous lower atmosphere climate model hindcast simulations, we performed simulations of the Earth's atmosphere from the surface up through the thermosphere‐ionosphere to reveal for the first time the century scale changes in the upper atmosphere from the 1920s through the 2010s using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model—eXtended (WACCM‐X v. 2.1). We impose solar minimum conditions to get a clear indication of the effects of the long‐term forcing from greenhouse gas increases and changes of the Earth's magnetic field and to avoid the requirement for careful removal of the 11‐year solar cycle as in some previous studies using observations and models. These previous studies have shown greenhouse gas effects in the upper atmosphere but what has been missing is the time evolution with actual greenhouse gas increases throughout the last century, including the period of less than 5% increase prior to the space age and the transition to the over 25% increase in the latter half of the 20th century. Neutral temperature, density, and ionosphere changes are close to those reported in previous studies. Also, we find high correlation between the continuous carbon dioxide rate of change over this past century and that of temperature in the thermosphere and the ionosphere, attributed to the shorter adjustment time of the upper atmosphere to greenhouse gas changes relative to the longer time in the lower atmosphere. Consequently, WACCM‐X future scenario projections can provide valuable insight in the entire atmosphere of future greenhouse gas effects and mitigation efforts.

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  2. The mesospheric polar vortex (MPV) plays a critical role in coupling the atmosphere-ionosphere system, so its accurate simulation is imperative for robust predictions of the thermosphere and ionosphere. While the stratospheric polar vortex is widely understood and characterized, the mesospheric polar vortex is much less well-known and observed, a short-coming that must be addressed to improve predictability of the ionosphere. The winter MPV facilitates top-down coupling via the communication of high energy particle precipitation effects from the thermosphere down to the stratosphere, though the details of this mechanism are poorly understood. Coupling from the bottom-up involves gravity waves (GWs), planetary waves (PWs), and tidal interactions that are distinctly different and important during weak vs. strong vortex states, and yet remain poorly understood as well. Moreover, generation and modulation of GWs by the large wind shears at the vortex edge contribute to the generation of traveling atmospheric disturbances and traveling ionospheric disturbances. Unfortunately, representation of the MPV is generally not accurate in state-of-the-art general circulation models, even when compared to the limited observational data available. Models substantially underestimate eastward momentum at the top of the MPV, which limits the ability to predict upward effects in the thermosphere. The zonal wind bias responsible for this missing momentum in models has been attributed to deficiencies in the treatment of GWs and to an inaccurate representation of the high-latitude dynamics. In the coming decade, simulations of the MPV must be improved. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    Abstract A companion paper by Lund et al. (2020) employed a compressible model to describe the evolution of mountain waves arising due to increasing flow with time over the Southern Andes, their breaking, secondary gravity waves and acoustic waves arising from these dynamics, and their local responses. This paper describes the mountain wave, secondary gravity wave, and acoustic wave vertical fluxes of horizontal momentum, and the local and large-scale three-dimensional responses to gravity breaking and wave/mean-flow interactions accompanying this event. Mountain wave and secondary gravity wave momentum fluxes and deposition vary strongly in space and time due to variable large-scale winds and spatially-localized mountain wave and secondary gravity wave responses. Mountain wave instabilities accompanying breaking induce strong, local, largely-zonal forcing. Secondary gravity waves arising from mountain wave breaking also interact strongly with large-scale winds at altitudes above ~80km. Together, these mountain wave and secondary gravity wave interactions reveal systematic gravity-wave/mean-flow interactions having implications for both mean and tidal forcing and feedbacks. Acoustic waves likewise achieve large momentum fluxes, but typically imply significant responses only at much higher altitudes. 
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  4. Daedalus MASE (Mission Assessment through Simulation Exercise) is an open-source package of scientific analysis tools aimed at research in the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere (LTI). It was created with the purpose to assess the performance and demonstrate closure of the mission objectives of Daedalus, a mission concept targeting to performin-situmeasurements in the LTI. However, through its successful usage as a mission-simulator toolset, Daedalus MASE has evolved to encompass numerous capabilities related to LTI science and modeling. Inputs are geophysical observables in the LTI, which can be obtained either throughin-situmeasurements from spacecraft and rockets, or through Global Circulation Models (GCM). These include ion, neutral and electron densities, ion and neutral composition, ion, electron and neutral temperatures, ion drifts, neutral winds, electric field, and magnetic field. In the examples presented, these geophysical observables are obtained through NCAR’s Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model. Capabilities of Daedalus MASE include: 1) Calculations of products that are derived from the above geophysical observables, such as Joule heating, energy transfer rates between species, electrical currents, electrical conductivity, ion-neutral collision frequencies between all combinations of species, as well as height-integrations of derived products. 2) Calculation and cross-comparison of collision frequencies and estimates of the effect of using different models of collision frequencies into derived products. 3) Calculation of the uncertainties of derived products based on the uncertainties of the geophysical observables, due to instrument errors or to uncertainties in measurement techniques. 4) Routines for the along-orbit interpolation within gridded datasets of GCMs. 5) Routines for the calculation of the global coverage of anin situmission in regions of interest and for various conditions of solar and geomagnetic activity. 6) Calculations of the statistical significance of obtaining the primary and derived products throughout anin situmission’s lifetime. 7) Routines for the visualization of 3D datasets of GCMs and of measurements along orbit. Daedalus MASE code is accompanied by a set of Jupyter Notebooks, incorporating all required theory, references, codes and plotting in a user-friendly environment. Daedalus MASE is developed and maintained at the Department for Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace, with key contributions from several partner institutions.

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  5. Abstract

    The ultraviolet‐imaging spectrograph that comprises Global‐scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission in geostationary orbit at 47.5°W longitude has taken full disk images at high cadence throughout the deep solar minimum period of 2019–2020. Synoptic (i.e., concurrent and spatially unified and resolved) observations of thermospheric temperature and composition at ∼150 km altitude are made for the first time, allowing GOLD to disambiguate temporal and spatial variations. Here we analyze the daytime effective temperature and column integrated O and N2density ratio (ΣO/N2) data simultaneously observed by GOLD over 120°W–20°E longitude and 60°S–60°N latitude from 13 October 2019 to 12 October 2020. Daily zonal mean values are calculated for each latitude and compared with NRLMSIS 2.0 and simulations from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere extension (WACCM‐X). On average, the GOLD observations show higher temperatures than Mass Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter radar (MSIS) and WACCM‐X by ∼20–60 K (5%–10%) and 80–120 K (12%–18%), respectively. The ΣO/N2ratios observed by GOLD are larger than the MSIS results by ∼0.4 (40%) but smaller than the WACCM‐X simulations by ∼0.3 (30%). The observed and modeled results are correlated at most latitudes (r = 0.4–0.8), and GOLD, MSIS, and WACCM‐X all display a similar seasonal variation and change with latitude. WACCM‐X simulates a larger annual variation in ΣO/N2, suggesting that the thermospheric circulation is overestimated and atmospheric waves and turbulence transport are not properly represented in the model.

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  6. null (Ed.)
    Abstract This paper addresses the compressible nonlinear dynamics accompanying increasing mountain wave (MW) forcing over the southern Andes and propagation into the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) under winter conditions. A stretched grid provides very high resolution of the MW dynamics in a large computational domain. A slow increase of cross-mountain winds enables MWs to initially break in the mesosphere and extend to lower and higher altitudes thereafter. MW structure and breaking is strongly modulated by static mean and semidiurnal tide fields exhibiting a critical level at ~114 km for zonal MW propagation. Varying vertical group velocities for different zonal wavelengths λ x yield initial breaking in the lee of the major Andes peaks for λ x ~ 50 km, and extending significantly upstream for larger λ x approaching the critical level at later times. The localized extent of the Andes terrain in latitude leads to “ship wave” responses above the individual peaks at earlier times, and a much larger ship-wave response at 100 km and above as the larger-scale MWs achieve large amplitudes. Other responses above regions of MW breaking include large-scale secondary gravity waves and acoustic waves that achieve very large amplitudes extending well into the thermosphere. MW breaking also causes momentum deposition that yields local decelerations initially, which merge and extend horizontally thereafter and persist throughout the event. Companion papers examine the associated momentum fluxes, mean-flow evolution, gravity wave–tidal interactions, and the MW instability dynamics and sources of secondary gravity waves and acoustic waves. 
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  7. Abstract

    Quantification of heat and constituent transport by gravity waves (GWs) in global models is challenging due to limited model resolutions. Current parameterization schemes suffer from oversimplification and often underestimate the transport rate. In this study, a new approach is explored to quantify the effective vertical eddy diffusion by using a high‐resolution Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) simulation based on scale invariance. The WACCM simulation can partially resolve the mesoscale GW spectrum down to 250 km horizontal wavelength, and the heat flux and the effective vertical eddy diffusion by these waves are calculated directly. The effective vertical diffusion by the smaller‐scale, unresolved waves, is then deduced based on scale invariance, following the method outlined by H.‐L. Liu (2019) in quantifying GW momentum flux and forcing. The effective vertical diffusion obtained is generally larger than that obtained from parameterizations, and is comparable with that derived from observations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region.

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  8. Abstract

    Gravity waves (GWs) and their associated multi‐scale dynamics are known to play fundamental roles in energy and momentum transport and deposition processes throughout the atmosphere. We describe an initial machine learning model—the Compressible Atmosphere Model Network (CAM‐Net). CAM‐Net is trained on high‐resolution simulations by the state‐of‐the‐art model Complex Geometry Compressible Atmosphere Model (CGCAM). Two initial applications to a Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability source and mountain wave generation, propagation, breaking, and Secondary GW (SGW) generation in two wind environments are described here. Results show that CAM‐Net can capture the key 2‐D dynamics modeled by CGCAM with high precision. Spectral characteristics of primary and SGWs estimated by CAM‐Net agree well with those from CGCAM. Our results show that CAM‐Net can achieve a several order‐of‐magnitude acceleration relative to CGCAM without sacrificing accuracy and suggests a potential for machine learning to enable efficient and accurate descriptions of primary and secondary GWs in global atmospheric models.

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  9. Abstract

    Fritts, Wang, Lund, and Thorpe (2022, and Fritts, Wang, Thorpe, and Lund (2022, described a 3‐dimensional direct numerical simulation of interacting Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability (KHI) billows and resulting tube and knot (T&K) dynamics that arise at a stratified shear layer defined by an idealized, large‐amplitude inertia‐gravity wave. Using similar initial conditions, we performed a high‐resolution compressible simulation to explore the emission of GWs by these dynamics. The simulation confirms that such shear can induce strong KHI with large horizontal scales and billow depths that readily emit GWs having high frequencies, small horizontal wavelengths, and large vertical group velocities. The density‐weighted amplitudes of GWs reveal “fishbone” structures in vertical cross sections above and below the KHI source. Our results reveal that KHI, and their associated T&K dynamics, may be an important additional source of high‐frequency, small‐scale GWs at higher altitudes.

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