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  1. Abstract

    It is well‐established that large eddies significantly influence the turbulent transport of heat and scalars in the atmospheric surface layer. However, the mechanistic understanding of how large eddies originating from both the ground (updrafts) and aloft (downdrafts) regulate flux convergence (FC) and divergence (FD) remains relatively unexplored. Based on turbulence data measured at 12 levels, spanning from 1.2 to 60.5 m above the ground, we observe a notable increase in the variability of sensible heat flux magnitudes with height. Our results show that FC and FD of sensible heat are primarily linked to variations in the respective transport efficiencies () at different heights. Using the cross‐wavelet transform, we find that in FC cases, the regions with high wavelet coherence expand with height, resulting in higher at higher levels compared to low ones. Conversely, in FD cases, the regions with high wavelet coherence decrease with height, leading to lower at higher levels. Large eddies with length scales of approximately 120–500 m have a significant impact on amplifying or attenuating at higher levels compared to lower levels. Using conditional sampling to extract the updrafts and downdrafts of large eddies, distinct patterns are observed in the characteristics of updrafts and downdrafts between FC and FD groups especially in their flux contribution and transport efficiencies. This work emphasizes the significant contribution of asymmetric turbulent transport by updrafts and downdrafts to the discrepancy between the observed turbulent fluxes and those predicted by the Monin‐Obukhov similarity theory.

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  2. Abstract. Accurate air temperature measurements are essential in eddy covariance systems, not only for determining sensible heat flux but also for applying density effect corrections (DECs) to water vapor and CO2 fluxes. However, the influence of wind-induced vibrations of mounting structures on temperature fluctuations remains a subject of investigation. This study examines 30 min average temperature variances and fluxes using eddy covariance systems, combining Campbell Scientific sonic anemometers with closely co-located fine-wire thermocouples alongside LI-COR CO2–H2O gas analyzers at multiple heights above a sagebrush ecosystem. The variances of sonic temperature after humidity corrections (Ts) and sensible heat fluxes derived from Ts are underestimated (e.g., by approximately 5 % for temperature variances and 4 % for sensible heat fluxes at 40.2 m, respectively) as compared with those measured by a fine-wire thermocouple (Tc). Spectral analysis illustrates that these underestimated variances and fluxes are caused by the lower energy levels in the Ts spectra than the Tc spectra in the low-frequency range (natural frequency < 0.02 Hz). These underestimated Ts spectra in the low-frequency range become more pronounced with increasing wind speeds, especially when wind speed exceeds 10 m s−1. Moreover, the underestimated temperature variances and fluxes cause overestimated water vapor and CO2 fluxes through DEC. Our analysis suggests that these underestimations when using Ts are likely due to wind-induced vibrations affecting the tower and mounting arms, altering the time of flight of ultrasonic signals along three sonic measurement paths. This study underscores the importance of further investigations to develop corrections for these errors.

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  3. Abstract

    How convective boundary‐layer (CBL) processes modify fluxes of sensible (SH) and latent (LH) heat and CO2(Fc) in the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) remains a recalcitrant problem. Here, large eddy simulations for the CBL show that whileSHin the ASL decreases linearly with height regardless of soil moisture conditions,LHandFcdecrease linearly with height over wet soils but increase with height over dry soils. This varying flux divergence/convergence is regulated by changes in asymmetric flux transport between top‐down and bottom‐up processes. Such flux divergence and convergence indicate that turbulent fluxes measured in the ASL underestimate and overestimate the “true” surface interfacial fluxes, respectively. While the non‐closure of the surface energy balance persists across all soil moisture states, it improves over drier soils due to overestimatedLH. The non‐closure does not imply thatFcis always underestimated;Fccan be overestimated over dry soils despite the non‐closure issue.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 16, 2025
  4. Abstract

    An “inverse‐temperature layer” (ITL) of water temperature increasing with depth is predicted based on physical principles and confirmed by in situ observations. Water temperature and other meteorological data were collected from a fixed platform in the middle of a shallow inland lake. The ITL persists year‐around with its depth on the order of one m varying diurnally and seasonally and shallower during daytimes than nighttimes. Water surface heat flux derived from the ITL temperature distribution follows the diurnal cycle of solar radiation up to 300 W m−2during daytime and down to 50 W m−2during nighttime. Solar radiation attenuation in water strongly influences the ITL dynamics and water surface heat flux. Water surface heat flux simulated by two non‐gradient models independent of temperature gradient, wind speed and surface roughness using the data of surface temperature and solar radiation is in close agreement with the ITL based estimates.

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  5. Abstract

    In this study we examined a data set of nearly two‐year collection and investigated the effects of low‐level jets (LLJ) on near‐surface turbulence, especially wind direction changes, in the nocturnal boundary layer. Typically, nocturnal boundary layer is thermally stratified and stable. When wind profiles exhibit low gradient (in the absence of LLJ), it is characterized by very weak turbulence and very large, abrupt, but intermittent wind direction changes (∆WD) in the layers near the surface. In contrast, presence of LLJs can cause dramatic changes through inducing wind velocity shears, enhancing vertical mixing, and weakening the thermal stratification underneath. Ultimately, bulk Richardson number (Rb) is reduced and weakly stable conditions prevail, leading to active turbulence, close coupling across the layers between the LLJ height and ground surface, relatively large vertical momentum and sensible heat fluxes, and suppressed ∆WD values.Rbcan be a useful parameter in assessing turbulence strength and ∆WD as well. The dependence of ∆WD onRbappears to be well defined under weakly stable conditions (0.0 < Rb ≤ 0.25) and ∆WD is generally confined to small values. However, the relationship between ΔWD andRbbreaks whenRbincreases, especiallyRb > 1.0 (very stable conditions), under which ΔWD varies across a very wide range and the potential for large ΔWD increases greatly. Our findings have provided important implications to the plume dispersion in the nocturnal boundary layers.

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  6. Abstract

    Accounting for temporal changes in carbon dioxide (CO2) effluxes from freshwaters remains a challenge for global and regional carbon budgets. Here, we synthesize 171 site-months of flux measurements of CO2based on the eddy covariance method from 13 lakes and reservoirs in the Northern Hemisphere, and quantify dynamics at multiple temporal scales. We found pronounced sub-annual variability in CO2flux at all sites. By accounting for diel variation, only 11% of site-months were net daily sinks of CO2. Annual CO2emissions had an average of 25% (range 3%–58%) interannual variation. Similar to studies on streams, nighttime emissions regularly exceeded daytime emissions. Biophysical regulations of CO2flux variability were delineated through mutual information analysis. Sample analysis of CO2fluxes indicate the importance of continuous measurements. Better characterization of short- and long-term variability is necessary to understand and improve detection of temporal changes of CO2fluxes in response to natural and anthropogenic drivers. Our results indicate that existing global lake carbon budgets relying primarily on daytime measurements yield underestimates of net emissions.

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  7. Abstract

    In very stable boundary layers (VSBL), a “cocktail” of submeso motions routinely result in elevated mean wind speed maxima above the ground, acting as a new source of turbulence generation. This new source of turbulent kinetic energy enhances turbulent mixing and causes mean wind profile distortion (WPD). As a results, this transient distortion in the wind profile adjusts the classical log‐law. Addressing how WPD‐induced turbulence regulates flow structures, turbulent fluxes, and transitions in stability regimes across layers remains a challenge. Eddy covariance data measured at four levels on a 62‐m tower are employed to address these questions. It is shown that the WPD initiates large turbulent eddies that penetrate downward, leading to enhanced vertical mixing and comparable turbulent transport efficiencies across layers. As a consequence, turbulence intensity and fluxes are increased. As the WPD is intensified, turbulent fluxes and turbulent flux transport caused by large eddies are also enhanced, leading to a transition from very stable to weakly stable regimes. Due to the influence of WPD‐induced large eddies, the large‐eddy turbulent Prandtl number does not deviate appreciably from unity and the partitioning between turbulent kinetic and potential energies is linearly related to the gradient Richardson number.

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