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Creators/Authors contains: "Liu, Lu"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 18, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 6, 2025
  4. This paper focuses on designing robust symbol-level precoding (SLP) in an overlay cognitive radio (CR) network, where the primary and secondary networks transmit signals concurrently. When the primary base station (PBS) shares data and perfect channel state information (CSI) with the cognitive base station (CBS), we derive an SLP approach that minimizes the CR transmission power and satisfies symbol-wise Safety Margin (SM) constraints of both primary users (PUs) and cognitive users (CUs). The resulting optimization has a quadratic objective and linear inequality (LI) constraints, which can be solved by standard convex methods. For the case of imperfect CSI from the PBS, we propose robust SLP schemes. First, with a norm-bounded CSI error model to approximate the uncertain channels, we adopt a max-min philosophy to conservatively achieve robust SLP constraints. Second, we use the additive quantization noise model (AQNM) to describe the quantized PBS CSI and employ a stochastic constraint to formulate the problem. Both robust approaches also result in a quadratic objective with LI constraints. Simulation results show that, rather than simply trying to eliminate the network’s cross-interference, the proposed robust SLP schemes enable the primary and secondary networks to aid each other in meeting their quality of service constraints. 
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    Cell differentiation and morphogenesis are crucial for the establishment of diverse cell types and organs in multicellular organisms. Trichome cells offer an excellent paradigm for dissecting the regulatory mechanisms of plant cell differentiation and morphogenesis due to their unique growth characteristics. Here, we report the isolation of an Arabidopsis mutant,aberrantlybranchedtrichome 3–1(abt3‐1), with a reduced trichome branching phenotype. Positional cloning and molecular complementation experiments confirmed thatabt3‐1is a new mutant allele ofAuxin resistant 1(AXR1), which encodes the N‐terminal half of ubiquitin‐activating enzyme E1 and functions in auxin signaling pathway. Meanwhile, we found that transgenic plants expressing constitutively active version ofROP2(CA‐ROP2) caused a reduction of trichome branches, resembling that ofabt3‐1. ROP2 is a member of Rho GTPase of plants (ROP) family, serving as versatile signaling switches involved in a range of cellular and developmental processes. Our genetic and biochemical analyses showedAXR1genetically interacted withROP2and mediated ROP2 protein stability. The loss ofAXR1aggravated the trichome defects ofCA‐ROP2and induced the accumulation of steady‐state ROP2. Consistently, elevatedAXR1expression levels suppressedROP2expression and partially rescued trichome branching defects inCA‐ROP2plants. Together, our results presented a new mutant allele ofAXR1, uncovered the effects ofAXR1andROP2during trichome development, and revealed a pathway ofROP2‐mediated regulation of plant cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis.

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  6. Overlay cognitive radio (CR) networks include a primary and cognitive base station (BS) sharing the same frequency band. This paper focuses on designing a robust symbol-level pre-coding (SLP) scheme where the primary BS shares data and quantized channel state information (CSI) with the cognitive BS. The proposed approach minimizes the cognitive BS transmission power under symbol-wise Safety Margin (SM) constraints for both the primary and cognitive systems. We apply the additive quantization noise model to describe the statistics of the quantized PBS CSI and employ a stochastic constraint to formulate the optimization problem, which is then converted to be deterministic. Simulation results show that the robust SLP protects the primary users from the effect of the imperfect CSI and simultaneously offers significantly improved energy efficiency compared to nonrobust methods. 
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  7. One-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) are a practical and promising solution for reducing cost and power consumption in massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. However, the one-bit precoding problem is NP-hard and even more challenging in frequency-selective fading channels compared to the flat-fading scenario. While block-wise processing (BWP) can effectively address the inter-symbol-interference (ISI) in frequency-selective fading channels, its computational complexity and processing delay can be too high for practical implementation. An alternative solution to alleviate the processing complexity and delay issues is symbol-wise processing (SWP) which sequentially designs the transmit signals. However, existing SWP work leaves unwanted interference for later signal designs. In this paper, we propose an SWP approach which can efficiently address the ISI even at the symbol rate. The idea is to design the transmit signal to not only be beneficial for its time slot, but also to provide constructive interference for subsequent symbols. We develop two active ISI processing methods that significantly outperform a conventional approach, one of which that even outperforms the BWP approach at low SNR. 
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  8. Abstract

    The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA2 (TTG2) gene encodes a WRKY transcription factor that regulates a range of development events like trichome, seed coat, and atrichoblast formation. Loss-of-function of TTG2 was previously shown to reduce or eliminate trichome specification and branching. Here, we report the identification of an allele of TTG2, ttg2-6. In contrast to the ttg2 mutants described before, ttg2-6 displayed unique trichome phenotypes. Some ttg2-6 mutant trichomes were hyper-branched, whereas others were hypo-branched, distorted, or clustered. Further, we found that in addition to specifically activating R3 MYB transcription factor TRIPTYCHON (TRY) to modulate trichome specification, TTG2 also integrated cytoskeletal signaling to regulate trichome morphogenesis. The ttg2-6 trichomes displayed aberrant cortical microtubules (cMTs) and actin filaments (F-actin) configurations. Moreover, genetic and biochemical analyses showed that TTG2 could directly bind to the promoter and regulate the expression of BRICK1 (BRK1), which encodes a subunit of the actin nucleation promoting complex suppressor of cyclic AMP repressor (SCAR)/Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein family verprolin homologous protein (WAVE). Collectively, taking advantage of ttg2-6, we uncovered a function for TTG2 in facilitating cMTs and F-actin cytoskeleton-dependent trichome development, providing insight into cellular signaling events downstream of the core transcriptional regulation during trichome development in Arabidopsis.

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