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Creators/Authors contains: "Lollar, Christina"

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  1. Abstract

    Aufgrund ihrer einstellbaren Poren und nahezu grenzenlosen Strukturdiversität, die sich aus dem Design verschiedener organischer Linker und metallischer Strukturbaueinheiten ableitet, haben sich Metall‐organische Gerüste (MOFs) in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem intensiv beforschten Gebiet entwickelt. Zu den größten Aufgaben gehören schaltbare MOFs und ihre Anwendung. Schaltbare MOFs sind “intelligente” Materialien, die bei Exposition gegenüber externen Stimuli eine deutliche, reversible, chemische Veränderung ihrer Struktur durchlaufen, was interessante technische Anwendungen ermöglicht. Obwohl dieser Prozess des Schaltens Ähnlichkeiten mit Flexibilität aufweist, haben sich nur sehr wenige Studien speziell mit Schalten beschäftigt, wohingegen sich eine recht große Zahl von Arbeiten und Übersichten mit der Flexibilität in MOFs beschäftigt. Dieser Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Eigenschaften und das allgemeine Design schaltbarer MOFs. Dabei wird die Schaltaktivität basierend auf der Ursache des Schaltens beschrieben: Licht, Spincrossover, Redoxchemie, Temperatur und Benetzbarkeit.

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  2. Abstract

    In recent years, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have become an area of intense research interest because of their adjustable pores and nearly limitless structural diversity deriving from the design of different organic linkers and metal structural building units (SBUs). Among the recent great challenges for scientists include switchable MOFs and their corresponding applications. Switchable MOFs are a type of smart material that undergo distinct, reversible, chemical changes in their structure upon exposure to external stimuli, yielding interesting technological applicability. Although the process of switching shares similarities with flexibility, very limited studies have been devoted specifically to switching, while a fairly large amount of research and a number of Reviews have covered flexibility in MOFs. This Review focuses on the properties and general design of switchable MOFs. The switching activity has been delineated based on the cause of the switching: light, spin crossover (SCO), redox, temperature, and wettability.

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  3. Abstract

    Multi‐component metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with precisely controlled pore environments are highly desired owing to their potential applications in gas adsorption, separation, cooperative catalysis, and biomimetics. A series of multi‐component MOFs, namely PCN‐900(RE), were constructed from a combination of tetratopic porphyrinic linkers, linear linkers, and rare‐earth hexanuclear clusters (RE6) under the guidance of thermodynamics. These MOFs exhibit high surface areas (up to 2523 cm2 g−1) and unlimited tunability by modification of metal nodes and/or linker components. Post‐synthetic exchange of linear linkers and metalation of two organic linkers were realized, allowing the incorporation of a wide range of functional moieties. Two different metal sites were sequentially placed on the linear linker and the tetratopic porphyrinic linker, respectively, giving rise to an ideal platform for heterogeneous catalysis.

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  4. Abstract

    Multi‐component metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with precisely controlled pore environments are highly desired owing to their potential applications in gas adsorption, separation, cooperative catalysis, and biomimetics. A series of multi‐component MOFs, namely PCN‐900(RE), were constructed from a combination of tetratopic porphyrinic linkers, linear linkers, and rare‐earth hexanuclear clusters (RE6) under the guidance of thermodynamics. These MOFs exhibit high surface areas (up to 2523 cm2 g−1) and unlimited tunability by modification of metal nodes and/or linker components. Post‐synthetic exchange of linear linkers and metalation of two organic linkers were realized, allowing the incorporation of a wide range of functional moieties. Two different metal sites were sequentially placed on the linear linker and the tetratopic porphyrinic linker, respectively, giving rise to an ideal platform for heterogeneous catalysis.

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  5. Abstract

    2D metal–organic frameworks (2D‐MOFs) have recently emerged as promising materials for gas separations, sensing, conduction, and catalysis. However, the stability of these 2D‐MOF catalysts and the tunability over catalytic environments are limited. Herein, it is demonstrated that 2D‐MOFs can act as stable and highly accessible catalyst supports by introducing more firmly anchored photosensitizers as bridging ligands. An ultrathin MOF nanosheet‐based material, Zr‐BTB (BTB = 1,3,5‐tris(4‐carboxyphenyl)benzene), is initially constructed by connecting Zr6‐clusters with the tritopic carboxylate linker. Surface modification of the Zr‐BTB structure was realized through the attachment of porphyrin‐based carboxylate ligands on the coordinatively unsaturated Zr metal sites in the MOF through strong Zr‐carboxylate bond formation. The functionalized MOF nanosheet, namely PCN‐134‐2D, acts as an efficient photocatalyst for1O2generation and artemisinin production. Compared to the 3D analogue (PCN‐134‐3D), PCN‐134‐2D allows for fast reaction kinetics due to the enhanced accessibility of the catalytic sites within the structure and facile substrate diffusion. Additionally, PCN‐134(Ni)‐2D exhibits an exceptional yield of artemisinin, surpassing all reported homo‐ or heterogeneous photocatalysts for the artemisinin production.

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