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  1. Abstract

    Root exudates shape the rhizosphere microbiome, but little is known about the specific compounds in root exudates that are important. Here, we investigated the impacts of the plant-synthesized phytohormones indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) exuded by roots on the maize rhizobacterial communities. To identify maize genotypes that differed in the root exudate concentrations of IAA and ABA, we screened hundreds of inbred lines using a semi-hydroponic system. Twelve genotypes with variable exudate concentrations of IAA and ABA were selected for a replicated field experiment. Bulk soil, rhizosphere, and root endosphere samples were collected at two vegetative and one reproductive maize developmental stage. IAA and ABA concentrations in rhizosphere samples were quantified by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. The bacterial communities were analyzed by V4 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Results indicated that IAA and ABA concentrations in root exudates significantly affected the rhizobacterial communities at specific developmental stages. ABA impacted the rhizosphere bacterial communities at later developmental stages, whereas IAA affected the rhizobacterial communities at the vegetative stages. This study contributed to our knowledge about the influence that specific root exudate compounds have on the rhizobiome composition, showing that the phytohormones IAA and ABA exuded by roots have a role in the plant–microbiome interactions.

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  2. Abstract

    Root exudates are important for shaping root-associated microbiomes. However, studies on a wider range of metabolites in exudates are required for a comprehensive understanding about their influence on microbial communities. We identified maize inbred lines that differ in exudate concentrations of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) using a semi-hydroponic system. These lines were grown in the field to determine the changes in microbial diversity and gene expression due to varying concentrations of DIMBOA and GABA in exudates using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and metatranscriptomics. Results showed individual and interaction effects of DIMBOA and GABA on the rhizosphere and root endosphere β-diversity, most strongly at the V10 growth stage. The main bacterial families affected by both compounds were Ktedonobacteraceae and Xanthomonadaceae. Higher concentrations of DIMBOA in exudates affected the rhizosphere metatranscriptome, enriching for metabolic pathways associated with plant disease. This study validated the use of natural variation within plant species as a powerful approach for understanding the role of root exudates on microbiome selection. We also showed that a semi-hydroponic system can be used to identify maize genotypes that differ in GABA and DIMBOA exudate concentrations under field conditions. The impact of GABA exudation on root-associated microbiomes is shown for the first time.

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  3. Semrau, Jeremy D. (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT This study investigated the differences in microbial community abundance, composition, and diversity throughout the depth profiles in soils collected from corn and soybean fields in Iowa (United States) using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. The results revealed decreased richness and diversity in microbial communities at increasing soil depth. Soil microbial community composition differed due to crop type only in the top 60 cm and due to location only in the top 90 cm. While the relative abundance of most phyla decreased in deep soils, the relative abundance of the phylum Proteobacteria increased and dominated agricultural soils below the depth of 90 cm. Although soil depth was the most important factor shaping microbial communities, edaphic factors, including soil organic matter, soil bulk density, and the length of time that deep soils were saturated with water, were all significant factors explaining the variation in soil microbial community composition. Soil organic matter showed the highest correlation with the exponential decrease in bacterial abundance with depth. A greater understanding of how soil depth influences the diversity and composition of soil microbial communities is vital for guiding sampling approaches in agricultural soils where plant roots extend beyond the upper soil profile. In the long term, a greater knowledge of the influence of depth on microbial communities should contribute to new strategies that enhance the sustainability of soil, which is a precious resource for food security. IMPORTANCE Determining how microbial properties change across different soils and within the soil depth profile will be potentially beneficial to understanding the long-term processes that are involved in the health of agricultural ecosystems. Most literature on soil microbes has been restricted to the easily accessible surface soils. However, deep soils are important in soil formation, carbon sequestration, and providing nutrients and water for plants. In the most productive agricultural systems in the United States where soybean and corn are grown, crop plant roots extend into the deeper regions of soils (>100 cm), but little is known about the taxonomic diversity or the factors that shape deep-soil microbial communities. The findings reported here highlight the importance of soil depth in shaping microbial communities, provide new information about edaphic factors that influence the deep-soil communities, and reveal more detailed information on taxa that exist in deep agricultural soils. 
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  4. Summary

    Bulk soil and rhizosphere are soil compartments selecting different microbial communities. However, it is unknown whether this selection also can change the genome content of specific bacterial taxa, splitting a population in distinct ecotypes. To answer this question we compared the genome sequences of 53 isolates obtained from sugarcane rhizosphere (28) and bulk soil (25). These isolates were previously classified in thePseudomonas koreensissubgroup of theP. fluorescenscomplex. Phylogenomics showed a trend of separation between bulk soil and rhizosphere isolates. Discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) identified differences in the accessory genome of rhizosphere and bulk soil sub‐populations. We found significant changes in gene frequencies distinguishing rhizosphere from bulk soil ecotypes, for example, enrichment of phosphatases and xylose utilization (xut) genes, respectively. Phenotypic assays and deletion ofxutAgene indicated that accumulation ofxutgenes in the bulk soil sub‐population provided a higher growth capacity in ad‐xylose medium, supporting the corresponding genomic differences. Despite the clear differences distinguishing the two ecotypes, all 53 isolates were classified in a single 16S rRNA gene OTU. Collectively, our results revealed that the gene pool and ecological behavior of a bacterial population can be different for ecotypes living in neighbouring soil habitats.

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