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Creators/Authors contains: "Low, Jonathan Z."

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  1. The adsorption geometry and the electronic structure of a Blatter radical derivative on a gold surface were investigated by a combination of high‐resolution noncontact atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. While the hybridization with the substrate hinders direct access to the molecular states, we show that the unpaired‐electron orbital can be probed with Ångström resolution by mapping the spatial distribution of the Kondo resonance. The Blatter derivative features a peculiar delocalization of the unpaired‐electron orbital over some but not all moieties of the molecule, such that the Kondo signature can be related to the spatial fingerprint of the orbital. We observe a direct correspondence between these two quantities, including a pronounced nodal plane structure. Finally, we demonstrate that the spatial signature of the Kondo resonance also persists upon noncovalent dimerization of molecules. 
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