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Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
Abstract Motivated by the high-performance solid-state lithium batteries enabled by lithium superionic conductors, sodium superionic conductor materials have great potential to empower sodium batteries with high energy, low cost, and sustainability. A critical challenge lies in designing and discovering sodium superionic conductors with high ionic conductivities to enable the development of solid-state sodium batteries. Here, by studying the structures and diffusion mechanisms of Li-ion versus Na-ion conducting solids, we reveal the structural feature of face-sharing high-coordination sites for fast sodium-ion conductors. By applying this feature as a design principle, we discover a number of Na-ion conductors in oxides, sulfides, and halides. Notably, we discover a chloride-based family of Na-ion conductors NaxMyCl6(M = La–Sm) with UCl3-type structure and experimentally validate with the highest reported ionic conductivity. Our findings not only pave the way for the future development of sodium-ion conductors for sodium batteries, but also consolidate design principles of fast ion-conducting materials for a variety of energy applications.
Abstract Pulsar timing array experiments have recently uncovered evidence for a nanohertz gravitational wave background by precisely timing an ensemble of millisecond pulsars. The next significant milestones for these experiments include characterizing the detected background with greater precision, identifying its source(s), and detecting continuous gravitational waves from individual supermassive black hole binaries. To achieve these objectives, generating accurate and precise times of arrival of pulses from pulsar observations is crucial. Incorrect polarization calibration of the observed pulsar profiles may introduce errors in the measured times of arrival. Further, previous studies have demonstrated that robust polarization calibration of pulsar profiles can reduce noise in the pulsar timing data and improve timing solutions. In this paper, we investigate and compare the impact of different polarization calibration methods on pulsar timing precision using three distinct calibration techniques: the Ideal Feed Assumption (IFA), Measurement Equation Modeling (MEM), and Measurement Equation Template Matching (METM). Three NANOGrav pulsars—PSRs J1643−1224, J1744−1134, and J1909−3744—observed with the 800 MHz and 1.5 GHz receivers at the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) are utilized for our analysis. Our findings reveal that all three calibration methods enhance timing precision compared to scenarios where no polarization calibration is performed. Additionally, among the three calibration methods, the IFA approach generally provides the best results for timing analysis of pulsars observed with the GBT receiver system. We attribute the comparatively poorer performance of the MEM and METM methods to potential instabilities in the reference noise diode coupled to the receiver and temporal variations in the profile of the reference pulsar, respectively.
Abstract PINT is a pure-Python framework for high-precision pulsar timing developed on top of widely used and well-tested Python libraries, supporting both interactive and programmatic data analysis workflows. We present a new frequentist framework withinPINT to characterize the single-pulsar noise processes present in pulsar timing data sets. This framework enables parameter estimation for both uncorrelated and correlated noise processes, as well as model comparison between different timing and noise models in a computationally inexpensive way. We demonstrate the efficacy of the new framework by applying it to simulated data sets as well as a real data set of PSR B1855+09. We also describe the new features implemented inPINT since it was first described in the literature. -
Abstract Noise characterization for pulsar-timing applications accounts for interstellar dispersion by assuming a known frequency dependence of the delay it introduces in the times of arrival (TOAs). However, calculations of this delay suffer from misestimations due to other chromatic effects in the observations. The precision in modeling dispersion is dependent on the observed bandwidth. In this work, we calculate the offsets in infinite-frequency TOAs due to misestimations in the modeling of dispersion when using varying bandwidths at the Green Bank Telescope. We use a set of broadband observations of PSR J1643−1224, a pulsar with unusual chromatic timing behavior. We artificially restricted these observations to a narrowband frequency range, then used both the broad- and narrowband data sets to calculate residuals with a timing model that does not account for time variations in the dispersion. By fitting the resulting residuals to a dispersion model and comparing the fits, we quantify the error introduced in the timing parameters due to using a reduced frequency range. Moreover, by calculating the autocovariance function of the parameters, we obtained a characteristic timescale over which the dispersion misestimates are correlated. For PSR J1643−1224, which has one of the highest dispersion measures (DM) in the NANOGrav pulsar timing array, we find that the infinite-frequency TOAs suffer from a systematic offset of ∼22
μ s due to incomplete frequency sampling, with correlations over about one month. For lower-DM pulsars, the offset is ∼7μ s. This error quantification can be used to provide more robust noise modeling in the NANOGrav data, thereby increasing the sensitivity and improving the parameter estimation in gravitational wave searches.Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 26, 2025 -
Abstract The cosmic merger history of supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) is expected to produce a low-frequency gravitational wave background (GWB). Here we investigate how signs of the discrete nature of this GWB can manifest in pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) through excursions from, and breaks in, the expected
power law of the GWB strain spectrum. To do this, we create a semianalytic SMBHB population model, fit to North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav’s) 15 yr GWB amplitude, and with 1000 realizations, we study the populations’ characteristic strain and residual spectra. Comparing our models to the NANOGrav 15 yr spectrum, we find two interesting excursions from the power law. The first, at 2 nHz, is below our GWB realizations with ap -value significancep = 0.05–0.06 (≈1.8σ –1.9σ ). The second, at 16 nHz, is above our GWB realizations withp = 0.04–0.15 (≈1.4σ –2.1σ ). We explore the properties of a loud SMBHB that could cause such an excursion. Our simulations also show that the expected number of SMBHBs decreases by 3 orders of magnitude, from ∼106to ∼103, between 2 and 20 nHz. This causes a break in the strain spectrum as the stochasticity of the background breaks down at , consistent with predictions pre-dating GWB measurements. The diminished GWB signal from SMBHBs at frequencies above the 26 nHz break opens a window for PTAs to detect continuous GWs from individual SMBHBs or GWs from the early Universe. -
Editors: Bartow-Gillies, E ; Blunden, J. ; Boyer, T. Chapter Editors: (Ed.)