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  1. Abstract: Underrepresented minorities in engineering regularly experience subtle behaviors or statements that denigrate them on account of their race, ethnicity, gender, or other identity. Engineering students cite these behaviors, known as microaggressions, as reasons for having considered changing majors or leaving college altogether. Despite the recent research trend to foster a more racially, ethnically, and genderinclusive engineering education and profession, previous research does not examine microaggressions in engineering using an intersectional lens. Without an intersectional perspective, intragroup diversity is overlooked, increasing the potential to reinforce broad racial and gender stereotypes. To measure the effects of microaggressions among engineering undergraduate students, the current study used an intersectional approach and collected data from a predominantly white institution (PWI) and from a historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The authors conducted individual semistructured interviews to examine the effects of microaggressions among 42 engineering undergraduate students, who can be categorized into seven intersectional identities—White women, African American men, African American women, Asian men, Asian women, Latino men, and Latina women. Results showed five macroeffects and two microeffects—(1) reduced self-belief (reduced self-efficacy and reduced self-esteem), (2) otherness, (3) racial/gender isolation, (4) stereotype threat, and (5) and empowered sense of self. Also, in this work, we make comparisons across intersectional identities. The data provide support for further study of microaggressions and their effects on intersectional identities. This research extends the intersectional approach to focus on engineering departments and colleges and provides information to engineering departments and university administrators concerning the experiences of minority undergraduates and offers academic leaders further information regarding issues surrounding minority student retention and persistence. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000889. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers. 
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  2. Microaggressions are widespread in engineering but have received limited attention from engineering education scholars. This research presents the current state of literature on microaggressions and emphasizes the need to adopt an intersectionality perspective to studying mciroaggressions. The research presents a review of the literature including the (1) study context, (2) study methods, (3) study objectives, (4) microaggressions outcomes and (5) microaggressions types using data from 45 journal articles. Data analysis included coding of the journal articles to identify major themes representing different forms of microaggressions. The current results show that the research studying microaggressions using an intersectional lens is limited. This research contributes to improved understanding regarding microaggressions by identifying the gaps within existing literature on microaggressions. Practically, this research increases the visibility of subtle negative behaviors that engineering minority groups experience and their importance for students’ success and persistence. 
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