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Creators/Authors contains: "MARSHALL, SIMON"

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  1. Abstract We prove a power saving over the trivial bound for the number of cohomological cuspidal automorphic representations of fixed level and growing weight on $GL_3/{\mathbb{Q}}$ by adapting the methods of our earlier paper on $GL_2$. 
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  2. Let $G$ be an anisotropic semisimple group over a totally real number field $F$ . Suppose that $G$ is compact at all but one infinite place $v_{0}$ . In addition, suppose that $G_{v_{0}}$ is $\mathbb{R}$ -almost simple, not split, and has a Cartan involution defined over $F$ . If $Y$ is a congruence arithmetic manifold of non-positive curvature associated with $G$ , we prove that there exists a sequence of Laplace eigenfunctions on $Y$ whose sup norms grow like a power of the eigenvalue. 
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  3. By assuming the endoscopic classification of automorphic representations on inner forms of unitary groups, which is currently work in progress by Kaletha, Minguez, Shin, and White, we bound the growth of cohomology in congruence towers of locally symmetric spaces associated to $U(n,1)$ . In the case of lattices arising from Hermitian forms, we expect that the growth exponents we obtain are sharp in all degrees. 
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