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When a hyperelastic hydrogel confined between two parallel glass plates begins to dry from a lateral boundary, the volume lost by evaporation is accommodated by an inward displacement of the air-hydrogel interface that induces an elastic deformation of the hydrogel. Once a critical front displacement is reached, we observe intermittent fracture events initiated by a geometric instability resulting in localized bursts at the interface. These bursts relax the stresses and irreversibly form air cavities that lead to cellular networks. We show that the spatial extent of the strain field prior to a burst, influenced by the air-hydrogel interfacial tension and the confinement of the gel, determines the characteristic size of the cavities.more » « less
The steelpan is a pitched percussion instrument that takes the form of a concave bowl with several localized dimpled regions of varying curvature. Each of these localized zones, called notes, can vibrate independently when struck, and produce a sustained tone of a well-defined pitch. While the association of the localized zones with individual notes has long been known and exploited, the relationship between the shell geometry and the strength of the mode confinement remains unclear. Here, we explore the spectral properties of the steelpan modelled as a vibrating elastic shell. To characterize the resulting eigenvalue problem, we generalize a recently developed theory of localization landscapes for scalar elliptic operators to the vector-valued case, and predict the location of confined eigenmodes by solving a Poisson problem. A finite-element discretization of the shell shows that the localization strength is determined by the difference in curvature between the note and the surrounding bowl. In addition to providing an explanation for how a steelpan operates as a two-dimensional xylophone, our study provides a geometric principle for designing localized modes in elastic shells.
The presence of incomplete cuts in a thin planar sheet can dramatically alter its mechanical and geometrical response to loading, as the cuts allow the sheet to deform strongly in the third dimension, most beautifully demonstrated in kirigami art-forms. We use numerical experiments to characterize the geometric mechanics of kirigamized sheets as a function of the number, size and orientation of cuts. We show that the geometry of mechanically loaded sheets can be approximated as a composition of simple developable units: flats, cylinders, cones and compressed Elasticae. This geometric construction yields scaling laws for the mechanical response of the sheet in both the weak and strongly deformed limit. In the ultimately stretched limit, this further leads to a theorem on the nature and form of geodesics in an arbitrary kirigami pattern, consistent with observations and simulations. Finally, we show that by varying the shape and size of the geodesic in a kirigamized sheet, we can control the deployment trajectory of the sheet, and thence its functional properties as an exemplar of a tunable structure that can serve as a robotic gripper, a soft light window or the basis for a physically unclonable device. Overall our study of disordered kirigami sets the stage for controlling the shape and shielding the stresses in thin sheets using cuts.more » « less
Controlling the connectivity and rigidity of kirigami, i.e. the process of cutting paper to deploy it into an articulated system, is critical in the manifestations of kirigami in art, science and technology, as it provides the resulting metamaterial with a range of mechanical and geometric properties. Here, we combine deterministic and stochastic approaches for the control of rigidity in kirigami using the power of k choices, an approach borrowed from the statistical mechanics of explosive percolation transitions. We show that several methods for rigidifying a kirigami system by incrementally changing either the connectivity or the rigidity of individual components allow us to control the nature of the explosive transition by a choice of selection rules. Our results suggest simple lessons for the design of mechanical metamaterials.more » « less
Understanding the complex patterns in space–time exhibited by active systems has been the subject of much interest in recent times. Complementing this forward problem is the inverse problem of controlling active matter. Here, we use optimal control theory to pose the problem of transporting a slender drop of an active fluid and determine the dynamical profile of the active stresses to move it with minimal viscous dissipation. By parametrizing the position and size of the drop using a low-order description based on lubrication theory, we uncover a natural “gather–move–spread” strategy that leads to an optimal bound on the maximum achievable displacement of the drop relative to its size. In the continuum setting, the competition between passive surface tension and active controls generates richer behavior with futile oscillations and complex drop morphologies that trade internal dissipation against the transport cost to select optimal strategies. Our work combines active hydrodynamics and optimal control in a tractable and interpretable framework and begins to pave the way for the spatiotemporal manipulation of active matter.
The persistence of imperfect mimicry in nature presents a challenge to mimicry theory. Some hypotheses for the existence of imperfect mimicry make differing predictions depending on how mimetic fidelity is measured. Here, we measure mimetic fidelity in a brood parasite–host system using both trait-based and response-based measures of mimetic fidelity. Cuckoo finches
Anomalospiza imberbis lay imperfectly mimetic eggs that lack the fine scribbling characteristic of eggs of the tawny-flanked priniaPrinia subflava , a common host species. A trait-based discriminant analysis based on Minkowski functionals—that use geometric and topological morphometric methods related to egg pattern shape and coverage—reflects this consistent difference between host and parasite eggs. These methods could be applied to quantify other phenotypes including stripes and waved patterns. Furthermore, by painting scribbles onto cuckoo finch eggs and testing their rate of rejection compared to control eggs (i.e. a response-based approach to quantify mimetic fidelity), we show that prinias do not discriminate between eggs based on the absence of scribbles. Overall, our results support relaxed selection on cuckoo finches to mimic scribbles, since prinias do not respond differently to eggs with and without scribbles, despite the existence of this consistent trait difference. -
The remarkable range of biological forms in and around us, such as the undulating shape of a leaf or flower in the garden, the coils in our gut, or the folds in our brain, raise a number of questions at the interface of biology, physics, and mathematics. How might these shapes be predicted, and how can they eventually be designed? We review our current understanding of this problem, which brings together analysis, geometry, and mechanics in the description of the morphogenesis of low-dimensional objects. Starting from the view that shape is the consequence of metric frustration in an ambient space, we examine the links between the classical Nash embedding problem and biological morphogenesis. Then, motivated by a range of experimental observations and numerical computations, we revisit known rigorous results on curvature-driven patterning of thin elastic films, especially the asymptotic behaviors of the solutions as the (scaled) thickness becomes vanishingly small and the local curvature can become large. Along the way, we discuss open problems that include those in mathematical modeling and analysis along with questions driven by the allure of being able to tame soft surfaces for applications in science and engineering.
Ribbons are a class of slender structures whose length, width, and thickness are widely separated from each other. This scale separation gives a ribbon unusual mechanical properties in athermal macroscopic settings, for example, it can bend without twisting, but cannot twist without bending. Given the ubiquity of ribbon-like biopolymers in biology and chemistry, here we study the statistical mechanics of microscopic inextensible, fluctuating ribbons loaded by forces and torques. We show that these ribbons exhibit a range of topologically and geometrically complex morphologies exemplified by three phases—a twist-dominated helical phase (HT), a writhe-dominated helical phase (HW), and an entangled phase—that arise as the applied torque and force are varied. Furthermore, the transition from HW to HT phases is characterized by the spontaneous breaking of parity symmetry and the disappearance of perversions (that correspond to chirality-reversing localized defects). This leads to a universal response curve of a topological quantity, the link, as a function of the applied torque that is similar to magnetization curves in second-order phase transitions.