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Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 2, 2025
Abstract The future of modern optoelectronics and spintronic devices relies on our ability to control the spin and charge degrees of freedom at ultrafast timescales. Rashba spin-split quantum well states, 2D states that develop at the surface of strong spin-orbit coupling materials, are ideal given the tunability of their energy and spin states. So far, however, most studies have only demonstrated such control in a static way. In this study, we demonstrate control of the spin and energy degrees of freedom of surface quantum well states on Bi2Se3at picosecond timescales. By means of a focused laser pulse, we modulate the band-bending, producing picosecond time-varying electric fields at the material’s surface, thereby reversibly modulating the quantum well spectrum and Rashba effect. Moreover, we uncover a dynamic quasi-Fermi level, dependent on the Lifshitz transition of the second quantum well band bottom. These results open a pathway for light-driven spintronic devices with ultrafast switching of electronic phases, and offer the interesting prospect to extend this ultrafast photo-gating technique to a broader host of 2D materials.
Abstract Co
Sn$$_{3}$$ S$$_{2}$$ is a ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal that has been the subject of intense scientific interest due to its large anomalous Hall effect. We show that the coupling of this material’s topological properties to its magnetic texture leads to a strongly exchange biased anomalous Hall effect. We argue that this is likely caused by the coexistence of ferromagnetism and geometric frustration intrinsic to the kagome network of magnetic ions, giving rise to spin-glass behavior and an exchange bias.$$_{2}$$