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Creators/Authors contains: "Malvankar, Nikhil S."

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  1. Microbial extracellular electron transfer (EET) drives various globally-important environmental phenomena and has biotechnology applications. Diverse prokaryotes have been proposed to perform EET via surface-displayed “nanowires” composed of multi-heme cytochromes. However, the mechanism that enables only a few cytochromes to polymerize into nanowires is unclear. Here, we identify a highly-conserved omcS-companion (osc) cluster that drives the formation of OmcS cytochrome nanowires in Geobacter sulfurreducens. Through a combination of genetic, biochemical, and biophysical methods, we establish that prolyl isomerase-containing chaperon OscH, channel-like OscEFG, and β-propeller-like OscD are involved in the folding, secretion, and morphology maintenance of OmcS nanowires, respectively. OscH and OscG can interact with OmcS. Furthermore, overexpression of oscG accelerates EET by overproducing nanowires in an ATP-dependent manner. Heme loading splits OscD and ΔoscD accelerates cell growth with bundling nanowires. Our findings establish the mechanism and prevalence of a specialized and modular assembly system for nanowires across phylogenetically-diverse species and environments 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 15, 2026
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 14, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Extracellular electron transfer (EET) via microbial nanowires drives globally-important environmental processes and biotechnological applications for bioenergy, bioremediation, and bioelectronics. Due to highly-redundant and complex EET pathways, it is unclear how microbes wire electrons rapidly (>106 s−1) from the inner-membrane through outer-surface nanowires directly to an external environment despite a crowded periplasm and slow (<105 s−1) electron diffusion among periplasmic cytochromes. Here, we show thatGeobacter sulfurreducensperiplasmic cytochromes PpcABCDE inject electrons directly into OmcS nanowires by binding transiently with differing efficiencies, with the least-abundant cytochrome (PpcC) showing the highest efficiency. Remarkably, this defined nanowire-charging pathway is evolutionarily conserved in phylogenetically-diverse bacteria capable of EET. OmcS heme reduction potentials are within 200 mV of each other, with a midpoint 82 mV-higher than reported previously. This could explain efficient EET over micrometres at ultrafast (<200 fs) rates with negligible energy loss. Engineering this minimal nanowire-charging pathway may yield microbial chassis with improved performance.

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  4. Abstract

    Borgs are huge extrachromosomal elements (ECE) of anaerobic methane-consuming “CandidatusMethanoperedens” archaea. Here, we used nanopore sequencing to validate published complete genomes curated from short reads and to reconstruct new genomes. 13 complete and four near-complete linear genomes share 40 genes that define a largely syntenous genome backbone. We use these conserved genes to identify new Borgs from peatland soil and to delineate Borg phylogeny, revealing two major clades. Remarkably, Borg genes encoding nanowire-like electron-transferring cytochromes and cell surface proteins are more highly expressed than those of hostMethanoperedens, indicating that Borgs augment theMethanoperedensactivity in situ. We reconstructed the first complete 4.00 Mbp genome for aMethanoperedensthat is inferred to be a Borg host and predicted its methylation motifs, which differ from pervasive TC and CC methylation motifs of the Borgs. Thus, methylation may enableMethanoperedensto distinguish their genomes from those of Borgs. Very high Borg toMethanoperedensratios and structural predictions suggest that Borgs may be capable of encapsulation. The findings clearly define Borgs as a distinct class of ECE with shared genomic signatures, establish their diversification from a common ancestor with genetic inheritance, and raise the possibility of periodic existence outside of host cells.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 26, 2025
  5. Every living cell needs to get rid of leftover electrons when metabolism extracts energy through the oxidation of nutrients. Common soil microbes such as Geobacter sulfurreducens live in harsh environments that do not afford the luxury of soluble, ingestible electron acceptors like oxygen. Instead of resorting to fermentation, which requires the export of reduced compounds (e.g. ethanol or lactate derived from pyruvate) from the cell, these organisms have evolved a means to anaerobically respire by using nanowires to export electrons to extracellular acceptors in a process called extracellular electron transfer (EET) [ 1]. Since 2005, these nanowires were thought to be pili filaments [ 2]. But recent studies have revealed that nanowires are composed of multiheme cytochromes OmcS [ 3, 4] and OmcZ [ 5] whereas pili remain inside the cell during EET and are required for the secretion of nanowires [ 6]. However, how electrons are passed to these nanowires remains a mystery ( Figure 1A). Periplasmic cytochromes (Ppc) called PpcA-E could be doing the job, but only two of them (PpcA and PpcD) can couple electron/proton transfer — a necessary condition for energy generation. In a recent study, Salgueiro and co-workers selectively replaced an aromatic with an aliphatic residue to couple electron/proton transfer in PpcB and PpcE (Biochem. J. 2021, 478 (14): 2871–2887). This significant in vitro success of their protein engineering strategy may enable the optimization of bioenergetic machinery for bioenergy, biofuels, and bioelectronics applications. 
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  6. Protein around hemes acts as a temperature sensor for environmental changes to control conductivity of cytochrome OmcS nanowires. 
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  7. Abstract

    Light-induced microbial electron transfer has potential for efficient production of value-added chemicals, biofuels and biodegradable materials owing to diversified metabolic pathways. However, most microbes lack photoactive proteins and require synthetic photosensitizers that suffer from photocorrosion, photodegradation, cytotoxicity, and generation of photoexcited radicals that are harmful to cells, thus severely limiting the catalytic performance. Therefore, there is a pressing need for biocompatible photoconductive materials for efficient electronic interface between microbes and electrodes. Here we show that living biofilms ofGeobacter sulfurreducensuse nanowires of cytochrome OmcS as intrinsic photoconductors. Photoconductive atomic force microscopy shows up to 100-fold increase in photocurrent in purified individual nanowires. Photocurrents respond rapidly (<100 ms) to the excitation and persist reversibly for hours. Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and quantum dynamics simulations reveal ultrafast (~200 fs) electron transfer between nanowire hemes upon photoexcitation, enhancing carrier density and mobility. Our work reveals a new class of natural photoconductors for whole-cell catalysis.

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