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  1. Abstract

    Tunable optical lenses are in great demand in modern technologies ranging from augmented and virtual reality to sensing and detection. In this work, electrically tunable microlenses based on a polymer‐stabilized chiral ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal are described. The power of the lens can be quickly (within 5 ms) varied by ≈500 diopters by ramping an in‐plane electric field from 0 to 2.5 V µm−1. Importantly, within this relatively low‐amplitude field range, the lens is optically isotropic; thus, its focal length is independent of the polarization of incoming light. This remarkable performance combines the advantages of electrically tuned isotropic lenses and the field‐controlled shape of the lens, which are unique properties of chiral ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals and have no counterpart in other liquid crystals. The achieved lens performance represents a significant step forward as compared to liquid lenses controlled by electrowetting and opens new possibilities in various applications such as biomimetic optics, security printing, and solar energy concentration.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Surface Light Scattering Spectroscopy (SLSS) can characterize the dynamics of an interface between two immiscible fluids by measuring the frequency spectrum of coherent light scattered from thermophysical fluctuations—‘ripplons’. In principle, and for many interfaces, SLSS can simultaneously measure surface tension and viscosity, with the potential for higher-order properties, such as surface elasticity and bending moments. Previously, this has been challenging. We describe and present some measurements from an instrument with improvements in optical design, specimen access, vibrational stability, signal-to-noise ratio, electronics, and data processing. Quantitative improvements include total internal reflection at the interface to enhance the typically available signal by a factor of order 40 and optical improvements that minimize adverse effects of sloshing induced by external vibrations. Information retrieval is based on a comprehensive surface response function, an instrument function, which compensates for real geometrical and optical limitations, and processing of almost real-time data to report results and their likely accuracy. Detailed models may be fit to the power spectrum in real time. The raw one-dimensional digitized data stream is archived to allow post-experiment processing. This paper reports a system design and implementation that offers substantial improvements in accuracy, simplicity, ease of use, and cost. The presented data are for systems in regions of low viscosity where the ripplons are underdamped, but the hardware described is more widely applicable.

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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. null (Ed.)
  5. null (Ed.)
    Lipid droplets (LDs) are ubiquitously expressed organelles; the only intracellular organelles that contain a lipid monolayer rather than a bilayer. Proteins localize and bind to this monolayer as they do to intracellular lipid bilayers. The mechanism by which cytosolic LD binding proteins recognize, and bind, to this lipid interface remains poorly understood. Amphipathic α-helix bundles form a common motif that is shared between cytosolic LD binding proteins (e.g., perilipins 2, 3, and 5) and apolipoproteins, such as apoE and apoLp-III, found on lipoprotein particles. Here, we use pendant drop tensiometry to expand our previous work on the C-terminal α-helix bundle of perilipin 3 and the full-length protein. We measure the recruitment and insertion of perilipin 3 at mixed lipid monolayers at an aqueous-phospholipid-oil interface. We find that, compared to its C-terminus alone, the full-length perilipin 3 has a higher affinity for both a neat oil/aqueous interface and a phosphatidylcholine (PC) coated oil/aqueous interface. Both the full-length protein and the C-terminus show significantly more insertion into a fully unsaturated PC monolayer, contrary to our previous results at the air-aqueous interface. Additionally, the C-terminus shows a preference for lipid monolayers containing phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), whereas the full-length protein does not. These results strongly support a model whereby both the N-terminal 11-mer repeat region and C-terminal amphipathic α-helix bundle domains of perilipin 3 have distinct lipid binding, and potentially biological roles. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
  7. The organization of multiple subcellular compartments is controlled by liquid–liquid phase separation. Phase separation of this type occurs with the emergence of interfacial tension. Aqueous two-phase systems formed by two non-ionic polymers can be used to separate and analyze biological macromolecules, cells and viruses. Phase separation in these systems may serve as the simple model of phase separation in cells also occurring in aqueous media. To better understand liquid–liquid phase separation mechanisms, interfacial tension was measured in aqueous two-phase systems formed by dextran and polyethylene glycol and by polyethylene glycol and sodium sulfate in the presence of different additives. Interfacial tension values depend on differences between the solvent properties of the coexisting phases, estimated experimentally by parameters representing dipole–dipole, ion–dipole, ion–ion, and hydrogen bonding interactions. Based on both current and literature data, we propose a mechanism for phase separation in aqueous two-phase systems. This mechanism is based on the fundamental role of intermolecular forces. Although it remains to be confirmed, it is possible that these may underlie all liquid–liquid phase separation processes in biology. 
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