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Creators/Authors contains: "McCann, John"

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    The role of charge exchange in shaping exoplanet photoevaporation remains a topic of contention. Exchange of electrons between stellar wind protons from the exoplanet’s host star and neutral hydrogen from the planet’s wind has been proposed as a mechanism to create ‘energetic neutral atoms’ (ENAs), which could explain the high absorption line velocities observed in systems where mass-loss is occurring. In this paper, we present results from three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the mass-loss of a planet similar to HD 209458b. We self-consistently launch a planetary wind by calculating the ionization and heating resulting from incident high-energy radiation, inject a stellar wind into the simulation, and allow electron exchange between the stellar and planetary winds. We predict the potential production of ENAs by the wind–wind interaction analytically, and then present the results of our simulations, which confirm the analytic limits. Within the limits of our hydrodynamic simulation, we find that charge exchange with the stellar wind properties examined here is unable to explain the absorption observed at high Doppler velocities.

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  2. ABSTRACT The role of radiation pressure in shaping exoplanet photoevaporation remains a topic of contention. Radiation pressure from the exoplanet’s host star has been proposed as a mechanism to drive the escaping atmosphere into a ‘cometary’ tail and explain the high velocities observed in systems where mass-loss is occurring. In this paper, we present results from high-resolution 3D hydrodynamic simulations of a planet similar to HD 209458b. We self-consistently launch a wind flowing outwards from the planet by calculating the ionization and heating resulting from incident high-energy radiation, and account for radiation pressure. We first present a simplified calculation, setting a limit on the Lyman-α flux required to drive the photoevaporated planetary material to larger radii and line-of-sight velocities. We then present the results of our simulations, which confirm the limits determined by our analytic calculation. We thus demonstrate that, within the limits of our hydrodynamic simulation and for the Lyman-α fluxes expected for HD 209458, radiation pressure is unlikely to significantly affect photoevaporative winds or to explain the high velocities at which wind material is observed, though further possibilities remain to be investigated. 
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