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Development of a parametric modeling method for masonry wall systems to support robotic constructionTurkan, Y. and (Ed.)The construction industry has undergone a technological shift. Technology advancements have made robots a topic of discussion in construction. One challenge to overcome is how the robot receives information from designed BIM models. This study describes the methods employed for parametric modeling and generating model content of wall systems in Autodesk Revit added with a Dynamo script. Coordinates are determined for components based on model geometry and dimensions. Once generated, components are placed with the required material based on wall parameters. This research develops a method to add components based on wall materials from a traditionally modeled BIM extracting information such as location, object identifier (ID), type, and orientation which is formatted to transfer to the robot based on the needs of the robotic system as a list of tasks in a comma-separated values (.CSV) file. This study details the development process and early implementation of the Dynamo script.more » « less
Desjardin, S. and (Ed.)Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a critical data source for constructing new structures depicting the inner workings of the systems and components in detail. However, current modeling practices are based on traditional construction methods, resulting in insufficient details within the BIM model to support robotic construction for many building systems. The model’s level of development (LOD) needs to be increased to facilitate the changes in data requirements. One method that allows for increased LOD is computational modeling; however, many factors can influence the process. Therefore, this study investigates challenges for implementation to increase the LOD for building to enable robotic construction. Dynamo is used as the computational modeling software in conjunction with Autodesk Revit to accomplish this. A process was created to place various components, such as concrete masonry units (CMUs), in their final design location and extract information utilizing these platforms for masonry construction. However, challenges were met during this process, including material naming conventions, tolerance/specification inputs, wall openings/lintels, and component/material libraries. The challenges presented during the implementation of the Dynamo mirror what the literature shows for supporting technological infrastructure BIM and mobile robot construction. To accomplish this research, an extensive literature review was completed, along with documentation of challenges during the development and implementation of the script.more » « less
The adoption of robotics into the construction industry has been progressing slower than in the manufacturing and industrial sectors. Current shortfalls in skilled labor, productivity trends, and ongoing safety challenges point to the need for a drastic shift toward adopting robotics. Addressing these shortfalls would be a necessary component of the shift toward industrializing the construction industry. Despite this lag in technology adoption, the interest and development of robotic technology targeting the construction industry has grown in recent years and is ranging from the use of drones for tracking to advances in offsite fabrication. However, the integration into fundamental site construction necessitates reconsidering the information technology infrastructure needed to support detailed task execution information needs in the change from craft labor to robotic operations. This research presents the identification and mapping of the Information Technology (IT) system architecture required to support building information modeling (BIM) to robotic construction. Combining elements of BIM architecture and information exchanges with the needed construction task decomposition is required. These elements are mapped to the robotic system elements vital for mobile robotic operations. In addition to defining the functions and integration required to support the BIM to robotic Construction Workflow, shortcomings in existing infrastructure, notably regarding the ability to decompose construction fabrication and assembly means and methods, are defined.more » « less