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Creators/Authors contains: "McKinney, Elizabeth C."

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  1. Abstract Background The function of DNA methyltransferase genes of insects is a puzzle, because an association between gene expression and methylation is not universal for insects. If the genes normally involved in cytosine methylation are not influencing gene expression, what might be their role? We previously demonstrated that gametogenesis of Oncopeltus fasciatus is interrupted at meiosis following knockdown of DNA methyltransferase 1 ( Dnmt1 ) and this is unrelated to changes in levels of cytosine methylation. Here, using transcriptomics, we tested the hypothesis that Dmnt1 is a part of the meiotic gene pathway. Testes, which almost exclusively contain gametes at varying stages of development, were sampled at 7 days and 14 days following knockdown of Dmnt1 using RNAi. Results Using microscopy, we found actively dividing spermatocysts were reduced at both timepoints. However, as with other studies, we saw Dnmt1 knockdown resulted in condensed nuclei after mitosis–meiosis transition, and then cellular arrest. We found limited support for a functional role for Dnmt1 in our predicted cell cycle and meiotic pathways. An examination of a priori Gene Ontology terms showed no enrichment for meiosis. We then used the full data set to reveal further candidate pathways influenced by Dnmt1 for further hypotheses. Very few genes were differentially expressed at 7 days, but nearly half of all transcribed genes were differentially expressed at 14 days. We found no strong candidate pathways for how Dnmt1 knockdown was achieving its effect through Gene Ontology term overrepresentation analysis. Conclusions We, therefore, suggest that Dmnt1 plays a role in chromosome dynamics based on our observations of condensed nuclei and cellular arrest with no specific molecular pathways disrupted. 
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  2. 1. Burying beetles (Nicrophorusspp.) provide an excellent model system to test predictions about the relationships between environment, life‐history and behaviour. All species in the genus display similar natural histories, breeding on vertebrate carcasses and providing parental care to developing offspring. However, variations in other aspects of species' ecologies provide a rich framework to examine the evolution of parental behaviours and other traits.

    2. One little‐studied species,N. sayi, breeds in substantially colder temperatures than its congeners, creating a potentially harsh environment for offspring. Here, we examined the timing of reproductive and developmental events in this species, and also investigated the effects of removing parents on offspring performance.

    3. We find that development is not only extremely slow in this species, but it is also delayed even in comparison to other burying beetles reared at similar temperatures. However, the presence of parents reduces the time that offspring take to leave the carcass. This decrease in development time does not appear to result in a trade‐off with mortality or body size.

    4. From these results, we suggest that very slow development may be advantageous when living in a particularly cold environment. Additionally, one role of extended parental care may be to assist offspring in dealing with these harsh conditions, and to mitigate the potentially negative consequences of adopting such a slow life‐history strategy.

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  3. Summary

    Cell differentiation is driven by changes in the activity of transcription factors (TFs) and subsequent alterations in transcription. To study this process, differences inTFbinding between cell types can be deduced by probing chromatin accessibility. We used cell type‐specific nuclear purification followed by the assay for transposase‐accessible chromatin (ATAC‐seq) to delineate differences in chromatin accessibility andTFregulatory networks between stem cells of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and differentiated leaf mesophyll cells inArabidopsis thaliana. Chromatin accessibility profiles ofSAMstem cells and leaf mesophyll cells were very similar at a qualitative level, yet thousands of regions having quantitatively different chromatin accessibility were also identified. Analysis of the genomic regions preferentially accessible in each cell type identified hundreds of overrepresentedTF‐binding motifs, highlighting sets ofTFs that are probably important for each cell type. Within these sets, we found evidence for extensive co‐regulation of target genes by multipleTFs that are preferentially expressed in each cell type. Interestingly, theTFs within each of these cell type‐enriched sets also showed evidence of extensively co‐regulating each other. We further found that preferentially accessible chromatin regions in mesophyll cells tended to also be substantially accessible in the stem cells, whereas the converse was not true. This observation suggests that the generally higher accessibility of regulatory elements in stem cells might contribute to their developmental plasticity. This work demonstrates the utility of cell type‐specific chromatin accessibility profiling for the rapid development of testable models of regulatory control differences between cell types.

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