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Abstract The challenge of growing rare-earth (RE) sesquioxide crystals can be overcome by tailoring their structural stability and melting point via composition engineering. This work contributes to the advancement of the field of crystal growth of high-entropy oxides. A compound with only small REs (Lu,Y,Ho,Yb,Er) 2 O 3 maintains a cubic C-type structure upon cooling from the melt, as observed via in-situ high-temperature neutron diffraction on aerodynamically levitated samples. On the other hand, a compound with a mixture of small and large REs (Lu,Y,Ho,Nd,La) 2 O 3 crystallizes as a mixture of a primary C-type phase with an unstable secondary phase. Crystals of compositions (Lu,Y,Ho,Nd,La) 2 O 3 and (Lu,Y,Gd,Nd,La) 2 O 3 were grown by the micro-pulling-down (mPD) method with a single monoclinic B-type phase, while a powder of (Lu,Y,Ho,Yb,Er) 2 O 3 did not melt at the maximum operating temperature of an iridium-rhenium crucible. The minimization of the melting point of the two grown crystals is attributed to the mismatch in cation sizes. The electron probe microanalysis reveals that the general element segregation behavior in the crystals depends on the composition.more » « less
Abstract Phase formation in multicomponent rare‐earth oxides is determined by a combination of composition, sintering atmosphere, and cooling rate. Polycrystalline ceramics comprising various combinations of Ce, Gd, La, Nd, Pr, Sm, and Y oxides in equiatomic proportions were synthesized using solid‐state sintering. The effects of composition, sintering atmosphere, and cooling rate on phase formation were investigated. Single cubic or monoclinic structures were obtained with a slow cooling of 3.3°C/min, confirming that rare‐earth oxides follow a different structure stabilization process than transition metal high‐entropy oxides. In an oxidizing atmosphere, both Ce and Pr induce a cubic structure, while only Ce plays that role in an inert or reducing atmosphere. Samples without Ce or Pr develop a single monoclinic structure. The structures formed at initial synthesis may be converted to a different one, when the ceramics are annealed in an additional atmosphere. Phase evolution of a five‐cation composition was also studied as a function of sintering temperature. The binary oxides used as raw materials completely dissolve into a single cubic structure at 1450°C in air.