This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the dominant deep acceptor level in nitrogen-doped beta-phase gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3), elucidating and reconciling the hole emission features observed in deep-level optical spectroscopy (DLOS). The unique behavior of this defect, coupled with its small optical cross section, complicates trap concentration analysis using DLOS, which is essential for defect characterization in β-Ga2O3. A complex feature arises in DLOS results due to simultaneous electron emission to the conduction band and hole emission to the valence band from the same defect state, indicating the formation of two distinct atomic configurations and suggesting metastable defect characteristics. This study discusses the implications of this behavior on DLOS analysis and employs advanced spectroscopy techniques such as double-beam DLOS and optical isothermal measurements to address these complications. The double-beam DLOS method reveals a distinct hole emission process at EV+1.3 eV previously obscured in conventional DLOS. Optical isothermal measurements further characterize this energy level, appearing only in N-doped β-Ga2O3. This enables an estimate of the β-Ga2O3 hole effective mass by analyzing temperature-dependent carrier emission rates. This work highlights the impact of partial trap-filling behavior on DLOS analysis and identifies the presence of hole trapping and emission in β-Ga2O3. Although N-doping is ideal for creating semi-insulating material through the efficient compensation of free electrons, this study also reveals a significant hole emission and migration process within the weak electric fields of the Schottky diode depletion region.
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The ability to achieve highly resistive beta-phase gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) layers and substrates is critical for β-Ga2O3 high voltage and RF devices. To date, the most common approach involves doping with iron (Fe), which generates a moderately deep acceptor-like defect state located at EC-0.8 eV in the β-Ga2O3 bandgap. Recently, there has been growing interest in alternative acceptors, such as magnesium (Mg) and nitrogen (N), due to their predicted deeper energy levels, which could avoid inadvertent charge modulation during device operation. In this work, a systematic study that makes direct correlations between the introduction of N using ion implantation and the observation of a newly observed deep level at EC-2.9 eV detected by deep-level optical spectroscopy (DLOS) is presented. The concentration of this state displayed a monotonic dependence with N concentration over a range of implant conditions, as confirmed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). With a near 1:1 match in absolute N and EC-2.9 eV trap concentrations from SIMS and DLOS, respectively, which also matched the measured removal of free electrons from capacitance-voltage studies, this indicates that N contributes a very efficiently incorporated compensating defect. Density functional theory calculations confirm the assignment of this state to be an N (0/−1) acceptor with a configuration of N occupying the oxygen site III [NO(III)]. The near ideal efficiency for this state to compensate free electrons and its location toward the midgap region of the β-Ga2O3 bandgap demonstrates the potential of N doping as a promising approach for producing semi-insulating β-Ga2O3.
The impact of 1.8 MeV proton irradiation on metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown (010) β-Ga2O3 Schottky diodes is presented. It is found that after a 10.8×1013cm−2 proton fluence the Schottky barrier height of (1.40±0.05 eV) and the ideality factor of (1.05±0.05) are unaffected. Capacitance–voltage extracted net ionized doping curves indicate a carrier removal rate of 268±10cm−1. The defect states responsible for the observed carrier removal are studied through a combination of deep level transient and optical spectroscopies (DLTS/DLOS) as well as lighted capacitance–voltage (LCV) measurements. The dominating effect on the defect spectrum is due to the EC-2.0 eV defect state observed in DLOS and LCV. This state accounts for ∼75% of the total trap introduction rate and is the primary source of carrier removal from proton irradiation. Of the DLTS detected states, the EC-0.72 eV state dominated but had a comparably smaller contribution to the trap introduction. These two traps have previously been correlated with acceptor-like gallium vacancy-related defects. Several other trap states at EC-0.36, EC-0.63, and EC-1.09 eV were newly detected after proton irradiation, and two pre-existing states at EC-1.2 and EC-4.4 eV showed a slight increase in concentration after irradiation, together accounting for the remainder of trap introduction. However, a pre-existing trap at EC-0.40 eV was found to be insensitive to proton irradiation and, therefore, is likely of extrinsic origin. The comprehensive defect characterization of 1.8 MeV proton irradiation damage can aid the modeling and design for a range of radiation tolerant devices.
A new record‐high room‐temperature electron Hall mobility (
μ RT = 194 cm2 V−1 s−1atn ≈ 8 × 1015 cm−3) for β‐Ga2O3is demonstrated in the unintentionally doped thin film grown on (010) semi‐insulating substrate via metal‐organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). A peak electron mobility of ≈9500 cm2 V−1 s−1is achieved at 45 K. Further investigation on the transport properties indicates the existence of sheet charges near the epilayer/substrate interface. Si is identified as the primary contributor to the background carrier in both the epilayer and the interface, originating from both surface contamination and growth environment. The pregrowth hydrofluoric acid cleaning of the substrate leads to an obvious decrease in Si impurity both at the interface and in the epilayer. In addition, the effect of the MOCVD growth condition, particularly the chamber pressure, on the Si impurity incorporation is studied. A positive correlation between the background charge concentration and the MOCVD growth pressure is confirmed. It is noteworthy that in a β‐Ga2O3film with very low bulk charge concentration, even a reduced sheet charge density plays an important role in the charge transport properties.