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  1. Abstract

    The mechanical properties of Al2O3–LaPO4composites with varying microstructures produced by flash sintering and conventional sintering are evaluated. Specifically, Vickers and Knoop hardness values were measured and calculated for different resultant microstructures, including eutectic microstructures with varying layer thickness, polycrystalline (noneutectic) microstructures, and single‐phase samples of Al2O3, LaPO4, and 8YSZ. The findings indicate that eutectic microstructures exhibited higher hardness values than polycrystalline counterparts on the flash‐sintered sample. However, the hardness values of eutectic microstructures with varying layer thicknesses show no significant or systematic variation. The grain size, indentation size, eutectic colony size, indentation shape (elastic recovery in Knoop indentations), and crack propagation pathways in the indented samples are also discussed. Overall, the results suggest that Al2O3–LaPO4eutectic composites have higher hardness than their polycrystalline counterparts and have great potential as abradable coatings with high machinability and durability.

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  2. Abstract

    While monazite (LaPO4) does not flash sinter even at high fields of 1130 V/cm and temperatures of 1450°C, composite systems of 8YSZ–LaPO4and Al2O3–LaPO4have been found to more readily flash sinter. 8YSZ added to LaPO4greatly lowered the furnace temperature for flash to 1100°C using a field of only 250 V/cm. In these experiments,‐Al2O3alone also did not flash sinter at 1450°C even with high fields of 1130 V/cm, but composites of Al2O3–LaPO4powders flash sintered at 900‐1080 V/cm at 1450°C. Alumina–monazite (Al2O3–LaPO4) composites with compositions ranging from 25 vol% to 75 vol% Al2O3were flash sintered with current limits from 2 to 25 mA/mm2. Microstructures were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A eutectic microstructure was observed to form in all flash sintered Al2O3–LaPO4composites. With higher power (higher current limits), eutectic structures with regular lamellar regions were found to coexist in the channeled region (where both the current and the temperature were the highest) with large hexagonal‐shaped‐Al2O3grains (up to 75 m) and large irregular LaPO4grains. With lower power (lower current limits), an irregular eutectic microstructure was dominant, and there was minimal abnormal grain growth. These results indicate that Al2O3–LaPO4is a eutectic‐forming system and the eutectic temperature was reached locally during flash sintering in regions. These eutectic microstructures with lamellar dimensions on the scale of 100 nm offer potential for improved mechanical properties.

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  3. In situ X-ray diffraction measurements at the Advanced Photon Source show that alpha-Al2O3 and MgAl2O4 react nearly instantaneously and completely, and nearly completely to form single-phase high-alumina spinel during voltage-to-current type of flash sintering experiments. The initial sample was constituted from powders of alpha-Al2O3, MgAl2O4 spinel, and cubic 8 mol% Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (8YSZ) mixed in equal volume fractions, the spinel to alumina molar ratio being 1:1.5. Specimen temperature was measured by thermal expansion of the platinum standard. These measurements correlated well with a black-body radiation model, using appropriate values for the emissivity of the constituents. Temperatures of 1600-1736 degrees C were reached during the flash, which promoted the formation of alumina-rich spinel. In a second set of experiments, the flash was induced in a current-rate method where the current flowing through the specimen is controlled and increased at a constant rate. In these experiments, we observed the formation of two different compositions of spinel, MgO center dot 3Al(2)O(3) and MgO center dot 1.5Al(2)O(3), which evolved into a single composition of MgO center dot 2.5Al(2)O(3) as the current continued to increase. In summary, flash sintering is an expedient way to create single-phase, alumina-rich spinel. 
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  4. Abstract

    Radiation damage tolerance for a variety of ceramics at high temperatures depends on the material’s resistance to nucleation and growth of extended defects. Such processes are prevalent in ceramics employed for space, nuclear fission/fusion and nuclear waste environments. This report shows that random heterointerfaces in materials with sub-micron grains can act as highly efficient sinks for point defects compared to grain boundaries in single-phase materials. The concentration of dislocation loops in a radiation damage-prone phase (Al2O3) is significantly reduced when Al2O3is a component of a composite system as opposed to a single-phase system. These results present a novel method for designing exceptionally radiation damage tolerant ceramics at high temperatures with a stable grain size, without requiring extensive interfacial engineering or production of nanocrystalline materials.

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