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Diggle, P (Ed.)Combining ecological questions with evolutionary con- text generates novel insight into both ecology and evo- lution. However, our ability to draw broad inferences can be limited by the taxonomic diversity present within and across species at a site. Public gardens (including botan- ical gardens and arboreta) may focus solely on aesthetics in developing their gardens, but some public gardens include scientific inquiry and conservation at the core of their missions (Hohn, 2022). These scientifically oriented public gardens follow community standards of excellence (Hohn, 2022) to provide unique access to curated plant collections specifically designed to gather high levels of biodiversity, both among and within species, at a single geographic location. These research‐grade collections include long‐lived species cared for over many decades. Such public gardens have long histories of conducting and supporting research harnessing the power inherent in these diverse collections, including explorations of sys- tematics, ecophysiology, and ecology. By bringing together species, as well as individuals within species, from across broad spatial ranges into a single site, these collections offer living repositories of diversity ripe for scientific exploration as de facto common gardens (Dosmann, 2006; Dosmann and Groover, 2012; Primack et al., 2021).more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
Abstract Phytophthora cinnamomi, which causes the disease root rot, is an oomycete pathogen that is damaging to woody plants, including many horticulturally important groups, such as Rhododendron. Infecting the root of plants, Phytophthora cinnamomi inhibits water uptake, leading to root damage, wilting, and increased rates of plant mortality. Some observations suggest that P. cinnamomi infection corresponds to changes in leaf coloration, though whether this indicates a plant stress response or plant damage is generally unknown. We used leaf color analysis to test for differences in leaf discoloration between plants inoculated with the pathogen and control plants. We demonstrate a significant link between leaf discoloration in Rhododendron species and Phytophthora cinnamomi inoculation. This method was most useful when mortality was not exceptionally high, and analyzers must consider mortality as well as leaf damage in quantifying effects of the pathogen. Plants with leaf discoloration were 3.3 times more likely to die 2 weeks from our leaf census than plants with no leaf discoloration (P =0.005). This method is particularly inexpensive to implement, making it a valuable alternative to multi-spectral or hyperspectral imaging, especially in contexts such as horticulture and citizen science, where the high speed and low-cost nature of this technique might prove valuable.
Species used in this study: root rot disease pathogen (Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands); Rhododendron atlanticum (Ashe) Rehder; Rhododendron brachycarpum D.Don ex G.Don; Rhododendron kiusianum Makino; Rhododendron maximum L.; Rhododendron minus Michx.; Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr.; Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.; Rhododendron keiskei Miq.
Chemicals used in this study: Fosal Select Aliette/aluminum phosphite.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025 -
Background and Aims The soil-borne pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi causes a deadly plant disease. Phosphite is widely used as an effective treatment to protect plants from Phytophthora cinnamomi. Phosphite as a common fungicide might influence the composition of soil fungal communities. However, whether the belowground effects of phosphitemediated protections are direct or indirectly mediated through soil biota are unknown. Therefore, exploring belowground effects could contribute to the evaluation of the sustainability of phosphite use and tests hypotheses about direct versus indirect effects in pathogen response. Methods Our greenhouse pot experiment on Rhododendron species had either an after-pathogen or a before-pathogen use of phosphite to compare and evaluate plant and soil fungal responses to phosphite and the presence of an oomycete pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. The factorial experiment also included with and without pathogen and soil biota treatments, for a test of interactive effects. High throughput sequencing analyzed the soil fungal communities, and we measured the diversity, evenness and richness of soil fungi. Results Phosphite effectively increased survival of Rhododendron species. It altered the composition of soil fungal communities, and the timing of using phosphite determined the way in which the fungal communities changed. Trichoderma taxa also responded to soil phosphite and Phytophthora cinnamomi. Conclusions The benefits of antagonistic fungi such as Trichoderma are context-dependent, suggesting protection against pathogens depends on the timing of phosphite application. This study provides evidence that phosphite-mediated pathogen protection includes both direct benefits to plants and indirect effects mediated through the soil fungal community.more » « less
Guo, Xiao (Ed.)Eastern redcedar Juniperus virginiana is encroaching into new habitats, which will affect native ecosystems as this species competes with other plants for available resources, including water. We designed a greenhouse experiment to investigate changes in soil moisture content and rooting depths of two-year-old J . virginiana saplings growing with or without competition. We had four competition treatments: 1) none, 2) with a native tree ( Quercus stellata ), 3) with an invasive grass ( Bromus inermis ), and 4) with both Q . stellata and B . inermis . We measured soil moisture content over two years as well as root length, total biomass, relative water content, midday water potential, and mortality at the end of the experiment. When J . virginiana and B . inermis grew together, water depletion occurred at both 30–40 cm and 10–20 cm. Combined with root length results, we can infer that J . virginiana most likely took up water from the deeper layers whereas B . inermis used water from the top layers. We found a similar pattern of water depletion and uptake when J . virginiana grew with Q . stellata , indicating that J . virginiana took up water from the deeper layers and Q . stellata used water mostly from the top soil layers. When the three species grew together, we found root overlap between J . virginiana and Q . stellata . Despite the root overlap, our relative water content and water potential indicate that J . virginiana was not water stressed in any of the plant combinations. Regardless, J . virginiana saplings had less total biomass in treatments with B . inermis and we recorded a significantly higher mortality when J . virginiana grew with both competitors. Root overlap and partitioning can affect how J . virginiana perform and adapt to new competitors and can allow their co-existence with grasses and other woody species, which can facilitate J . virginiana encroachment into grasslands and woodlands. Our data also show that competition with both Q . stellata and B . inermis could limit establishment, regardless of water availability.more » « less