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Creators/Authors contains: "Meng, Guangrong"

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  1. In this Special Issue, “Featured Papers in Organometallic Chemistry”, we report on the synthesis and characterization of [IPr#–PEPPSI], a new, well-defined, highly hindered Pd(II)–NHC precatalyst for cross-coupling reactions. This catalyst was commercialized in collaboration with MilliporeSigma, Burlington, ON, Canada (no. 925489) to provide academic and industrial researchers with broad access to reaction screening and optimization. The broad activity of [IPr#–PEPPSI] in cross-coupling reactions in a range of bond activations with C–N, C–O, C–Cl, C–Br, C–S and C–H cleavage is presented. A comprehensive evaluation of the steric and electronic properties is provided. Easy access to the [IPr#–PEPPSI] class of precatalysts based on modular pyridine ligands, together with the steric impact of the IPr# peralkylation framework, will facilitate the implementation of well-defined, air- and moisture-stable Pd(II)–NHC precatalysts in chemistry research.

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  2. ItBu (ItBu = 1,3-di- tert -butylimidazol-2-ylidene) represents the most important and most versatile N -alkyl N-heterocyclic carbene available in organic synthesis and catalysis. Herein, we report the synthesis, structural characterization and catalytic activity of ItOct (I t Octyl), C 2 -symmetric, higher homologues of ItBu. The new ligand class, including saturated imidazolin-2-ylidene analogues has been commercialized in collaboration with MilliporeSigma: ItOct, 929 298; SItOct, 929 492 to enable broad access of the academic and industrial researchers within the field of organic and inorganic synthesis. We demonstrate that replacement of the t -Bu side chain with t -Oct results in the highest steric volume of N -alkyl N-heterocyclic carbenes reported to date, while retaining the electronic properties inherent to N-aliphatic ligands, such as extremely strong σ-donation crucial to the reactivity of N -alkyl N-heterocyclic carbenes. An efficient large-scale synthesis of imidazolium ItOct and imidazolinium SItOct carbene precursors is presented. Coordination chemistry to Au( i ), Cu( i ), Ag( i ) and Pd( ii ) as well as beneficial effects on catalysis using Au( i ), Cu( i ), Ag( i ) and Pd( ii ) complexes are described. Considering the tremendous importance of ItBu in catalysis, synthesis and metal stabilization, we anticipate that the new class of ItOct ligands will find wide application in pushing the boundaries of new and existing approaches in organic and inorganic synthesis. 
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  3. IPr (IPr = 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene) represents the most important NHC (NHC = N-heterocyclic carbene) ligand throughout the field of homogeneous catalysis. Herein, we report the synthesis, catalytic activity, and full structural and electronic characterization of novel, sterically-bulky, easily-accessible NHC ligands based on the hash peralkylation concept, including IPr#, Np# and BIAN-IPr#. The new ligands have been commercialized in collaboration with Millipore Sigma: IPr#HCl, 915653; Np#HCl; 915912; BIAN-IPr#HCl, 916420, enabling broad access of the academic and industrial researchers to new ligands for reaction optimization and screening. In particular, the synthesis of IPr# hinges upon cost-effective, modular alkylation of aniline, an industrial chemical that is available in bulk. The generality of this approach in ligand design is demonstrated through facile synthesis of BIAN-IPr# and Np#, two ligands that differ in steric properties and N-wingtip arrangement. The broad activity in various cross-coupling reactions in an array of N–C, O–C, C–Cl, C–Br, C–S and C–H bond cross-couplings is demonstrated. The evaluation of steric, electron-donating and π-accepting properties as well as coordination chemistry to Au( i ), Rh( i ) and Pd( ii ) is presented. Given the tremendous importance of NHC ligands in homogenous catalysis, we expect that this new class of NHCs will find rapid and widespread application. 
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  4. null (Ed.)