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Creators/Authors contains: "Moore, Curtis E."

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  1. A (PNNP)FeIIcomplex is shown to catalyze the dimerization of terminal alkynesviaa metal–ligand cooperative mechanism.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 9, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  4. Dehydrogenation of the ligand backbone of a bis(amido)bis(phosphine) Co complex is achieved through hydrogen atom abstraction. The new unsaturated backbone of the tetradentate ligand renders the ligand in the resulting Co complex redox-active.

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  5. We establish the synthesis, physical properties, and highly-frustrated magnetism of Mn2In2Se5and Mn2Ga2S5van der Waals crystals.

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  6. A Co(II) complex, (PPHP)CoI2, was synthesized and evaluated as a precatalyst for the hydrogenation of terminal alkenes under mild conditions (1 atm H2, ambient temperature) using KBEt3H as an activator. This catalytic system was found to be active for terminal alkene substrates, including 1,1′-disubstituted alkenes, and to exhibit modest air and moisture stability. A preliminary investigation into substrate scope and functional group tolerance was performed. Upon the completion of catalytic reactions, the sole metal complex observed was identified as the dimeric species [(PPP)CoH]2 suggesting that the catalytically active species may be a cobalt hydride monomer. 
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