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  1. Schepartz, Alanna (Ed.)
    The physiological role of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHOD) enzymes is to catalyze the oxidation of dihydroorotate to orotate in pyrimidine biosynthesis. DHOD enzymes are structurally diverse existing as both soluble and membrane-associated forms. The Family 1 enzymes are soluble and act either as conventional single subunit flavin-dependent dehydrogenases known as Class 1A (DHODA) or as unusual heterodimeric enzymes known as Class 1B (DHODB). DHODBs possess two active sites separated by ∼20 Å, each with a noncovalently bound flavin cofactor. NAD is thought to interact at the FAD containing site, and the pyrimidine substrate is known to bind at the FMN containing site. At the approximate center of the protein is a single Fe2S2 center that is assumed to act as a conduit, facilitating one-electron transfers between the flavins. We present anaerobic transient state analysis of a DHODB enzyme from Lactoccocus lactis. The data presented primarily report the exothermic reaction that reduces orotate to dihydroorotate. The reductive half reaction reveals rapid two-electron reduction that is followed by the accumulation of a four-electron reduced state when NADH is added in excess, suggesting that the initial two electrons acquired reside on the FMN cofactor. Concomitant with the first reduction is the accumulation of a long-wavelength absorption feature consistent with the blue form of a flavin semiquinone. Spectral deconvolution and fitting to a model that includes reversibility for the second electron transfer reveals equilibrium accumulation of a flavin bisemiquinone state that has features of both red and blue semiquinones. Single turnover reactions with limiting NADH and excess orotate reveal that the flavin bisemiquinone accumulates with reduction of the enzyme by NADH and decays with reduction of the pyrimidine substrate, establishing the bisemiquinone as a fractional state of the two-electron reduced intermediate observed. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 21, 2025
  2. Jin, Jian-Ping ; Forman, Henry (Ed.)
    Flavin disulfide reductases (FDRs) are FAD-dependent enzymes that transmit electrons from NAD(P)H to reduce specific oxidant substrate disulfides. These enzymes have been studied extensively, most particularly the paradigm examples: glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase. The common, though not universal, traits of the family include a tyrosine- or phenylalanine-gated binding pocket for NAD(P) nicotinamides adjacent to the FAD isoalloxazine re-face, and a disulfide stacked against the si-face of the isoalloxazine whose dithiol form is activated for subsequent exchange reactions by a nearby histidine acting as a base. This arrangement promotes transduction of the reducing equivalents for disulfide exchange relay reactions. From an observational standpoint the proximal parallel stacking of three redox moieties induces up to three opportunities for unique charge transfer interactions (NAD(P)H FAD, NAD(P)+•FADH2, and FAD•thiolate). In transient state, the charge transfer transitions provide discrete signals to assign reaction sequences. This review summarizes the lineage of observations for the FDR enzymes that have been extensively studied. Where applicable and in order to chart a consistent interpretation of the record, only data derived from studies that used anaerobic methods are cited. These data reveal a recurring theme for catalysis that is elaborated with specific additional functionalities for each oxidant substrate. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  3. He, Chuan (Ed.)
    Human ornithine aminotransferase (hOAT), a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, has been shown to play an essential role in the metabolic reprogramming and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HCC accounts for approximately 75% of primary liver cancers and is within the top three causes of cancer death worldwide. As a result of treatment limitations, the overall 5-year survival rate for all patients with HCC is under 20%. The prevalence of HCC necessitates continued development of novel and effective treatment methods. In recent years, the therapeutic potential of selective inactivation of hOAT has been demonstrated for the treatment of HCC. Inspired by previous increased selectivity for hOAT by the expansion of the cyclopentene ring scaffold to a cyclohexene, we designed, synthesized, and evaluated a series of novel fluorinated cyclohexene analogues and identified (R)-3-amino-5,5-difluorocyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylic acid as a time-dependent inhibitor of hOAT. Structural and mechanistic studies have elucidated the mechanism of inactivation of hOAT by 5, resulting in a PLP-inactivator adduct tightly bound to the active site of the enzyme. Intact protein mass spectrometry, 19F NMR spectroscopy, transient state kinetic studies, and X-ray crystallography were used to determine the structure of the final adduct and elucidate the mechanisms of inactivation. Interestingly, despite the highly electrophilic intermediate species conferred by fluorine and structural evidence of solvent accessibility in the hOAT active site, Lys292 and water did not participate in nucleophilic addition during the inactivation mechanism of hOAT by 5. Instead, rapid aromatization to yield the final adduct was favored. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 17, 2025
  4. Giulivi, Cecilia (Ed.)
    Thioredoxin/glutathione reductase (TGR) from the platyhelminthic parasitic worms has recently been identified as a drug target for the treatment of schistosomiasis. Schistosomes lack catalase, and so are heavily reliant on the regeneration of reduced thioredoxin (Trx) and glutathione (GSH) to reduce peroxiredoxins that ameliorate oxidative damage from hydrogen peroxide generated by the host immune response. This study focuses on the characterization of the catalytic mechanism ofSchistosoma mansoniTGR (SmTGR). Variant forms of SmTGR were studied to assign the function of residues that participate in the electron distribution chain within the enzyme. Using anaerobic transient state spectrophotometric methods, redox changes for the FAD and NADPH were observed and the function of specific residues was defined from observation of charge transfer absorption transitions that are indicative of specific complexations and redox states. The C159S variant prevented distribution of electrons beyond the flavin and as such did not accumulate thiolate-FAD charge transfer absorption. The lack of this absorption facilitated observation of a new charge transfer absorption consistent with proximity of NADPH and FAD. The C159S variant was used to confine electrons from NADPH at the flavin, and it was shown that NADPH and FAD exchange hydride in both directions and come to an equilibrium that yields only fractional FAD reduction, suggesting that both have similar reduction potentials. Mutation of U597 to serine resulted in sustained thiolate-FAD charge transfer absorption and loss of the ability to reduce Trx, indicating that the C596-U597 disulfide functions in the catalytic sequence to receive electrons from the C154 C159 pair and distribute them to Trx. No kinetic evidence for a loss or change in function associated with the distal C28-C31 disulfide was observed when the C31S variant reductive half-reaction was observed. The Y296A variant was shown to slow the rate of but increase extent of reduction of the flavin, and the dissociation of NADP+. The H571 residue was confirmed to be the residue responsible for the deprotonation of the C159 thiol, increasing its reactivity and generating the prominent thiolate-FAD charge transfer absorption that accumulates with oxidation of the flavin.

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  5. Jin, Jian-Ping ; Forman, Henry (Ed.)
    Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is an enzyme that uses an elaborate architecture to catalyze a simple net reaction: the reduction of the vinylic bond of uracil and thymine. Known DPDs have two active sites separated by approximately 60 Å. One active site has an FAD cofactor and binds NAD(P) and the other has an FMN cofactor and binds pyrimidines. The intervening distance is spanned by four Fe4S4 centers that act as an electron conduit. Recent advancements with porcine DPD have revealed unexpected chemical sequences where the enzyme undergoes reductive activation by transferring two electrons from NADPH to the FMN via the FAD such that the active form has the cofactor set FAD•4(Fe4S4)•FMNH2. Here we describe the first comprehensive kinetic investigation of a bacterial form of DPD. Using primarily transient state methods, DPD from E. coli (EcDPD) was shown to have a similar mechanism to that observed with the mammalian form in that EcDPD is observed to undergo reductive activation before pyrimidine reduction and displays half-of-sites activity. However, two distinct aspects of the EcDPD reaction relative to the mammalian enzyme were observed that relate to the effector roles for substrates: (i) the enzyme will rapidly take up electrons from NADH, reducing a flavin in the absence of pyrimidine substrate, and (ii) the activated form of the enzyme can become fully oxidized by transferring electrons to pyrimidine substrates in the absence of NADH. 
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  6. Shepartz, Alanna (Ed.)
    Thioredoxin/glutathione reductase from Schistosoma mansoni (SmTGR) catalyzes the reduction of both oxidized thioredoxin and glutathione with electrons from reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). SmTGR is a drug target for the treatment of Schistosomiasis, an infection caused by Schistosoma platyhelminths residing in the blood vessels of the host. Schistosoma spp. are reliant on TGR enzymes as they lack catalase and so use reduced thioredoxin and glutathione to regenerate peroxiredoxins consumed in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species. SmTGR is a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent enzyme, and we have used the flavin as a spectrophotometric reporter to observe the movement of electrons within the enzyme. The data show that NADPH fractionally reduces the active site flavin with an observed rate constant estimated in this study to be ∼3000 s-1. The flavin then reoxidizes by passing electrons at a similar rate to the proximal Cys159-Cys154 disulfide pair. The dissociation of NADP+ occurs with a rate of ∼180 s-1, which induces the deprotonation of Cys159, and this coincides with the accumulation of an intense FAD-thiolate charge transfer band. It is proposed that the electrons then pass to the Cys596-Cys597 disulfide pair of the associated subunit in the dimer with a net rate constant of ∼2 s-1. (Note: Cys597 is Sec597 in wild-type (WT) SmTGR.) From this position, the electrons can be passed to oxidized thioredoxin or further into the protein to reduce the Cys28-Cys31 disulfide pair of the originating subunit of the dimer. From the Cys28-Cys31 center, electrons can then pass to oxidized glutathione that has a binding site directly adjacent. 
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  7. Jin, Jian-Ping ; Forman, Henry (Ed.)
    Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is a flavin dependent enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of the 5,6-vinylic bond of pyrimidines uracil and thymine with electrons from NADPH. DPD has two active sites that are separated by ∼60 Å. At one site NADPH binds adjacent to an FAD cofactor and at the other pyrimidine binds proximal to an FMN. Four Fe4S4 centers span the distance between these active sites. It has recently been established that the enzyme undergoes reductive activation prior to reducing the pyrimidine. In this initial process NADPH is oxidized at the FAD site and electrons are transmitted to the FMN via the Fe4S4 centers to yield the active state with a cofactor set of FAD•4(Fe4S4)•FMNH2. The catalytic chemistry of DPD can be studied in transient-state by observation of either NADPH consumption or charge transfer absorption associated with complexation of NADPH adjacent to the FAD. Here we have utilized both sets of absorption transitions to find evidence for specific additional aspects of the DPD mechanism. Competition for binding with NADP+ indicates that the two charge transfer species observed in activation/single turnover reactions arise from NADPH populating the FAD site before and after reductive activation. An additional charge transfer species is observed to accumulate at longer times when high NADPH concentrations are mixed with the enzyme•pyrimidine complex and this data can be modelled based on asymmetry in the homodimer. It was also shown that, like pyrimidines, dihydropyrimidines induce rapid reductive activation indicating that the reduced pyrimidine formed in turnover can stimulate the reinstatement of the active state of the enzyme. Investigation of the reverse reaction revealed that dihydropyrimidines alone can reductively activate the enzyme, albeit inefficiently. In the presence of dihydropyrimidine and NADP+ DPD will form NADPH but apparently without measurable reductive activation. Pyrimidines that have 5-substituent halogens were utilized to probe both reductive activation and turnover. The linearity of the Hammett plot based on the rate of hydride transfer to the pyrimidine establishes that, at least to the radius of an iodo-group, the 5-substituent volume does not have influence on the observed kinetics of pyrimidine reduction. 
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