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Creators/Authors contains: "Mu, Anthony U."

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  1. Abstract

    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have played a crucial role in recent advancements in developing lithium‐based battery electrolytes, electrodes, and separators. Although many MOF‐based battery components rely on their well‐defined porosity and controllable functionality, they also boast a myriad of other significant properties relevant to battery applications. In this mini‐review, the distinct advantages of MOFs in battery applications are discussed, including using MOFs to 1) scavenge impurities to increase cycling stability, 2) widen the operation temperature range of conventional electrolytes, 3) widen the operation voltage range of common electrolytes, and 4) employ as artificial solid‐electrolyte interphases to prevent lithium dendrite growth. Furthermore, subsisting challenges of developing these emerging MOF‐based battery technologies are discussed and guidance for shaping the future of this field is given.

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  2. Abstract

    In this work, a novel version of macrocyclic arenes, namely leaning pillar[6]arenes, was discovered and it can be considered as a tilted version of a pillar[6]arene with two hydroxy/alkoxy functionalities removed. Through a facile two‐step synthetic approaches, in conjunction with a diversity of post‐modification possibilities, a series of leaning pillar[6]arenes, with good cavity adaptability and enhanced guest‐binding capability, was synthesized, and their self‐assembly in single‐crystal states is presented. DFT calculations demonstrated that the lower rotational barrier of unsubstituted phenylene rings, the uneven electron density centered at the leaning phenyl rings, and the polarization effect along the edge generated by the hydrogen‐bond‐induced orientation of hydroxy groups greatly affected the host‐guest properties, and meanwhile provided an intuitive explanation for the pillar‐like and rigid structure of traditional pillar[6]arenes. Significantly, the crystal structure of cyclo‐oligomeric quinone was obtained by direct oxidation of leaning pillar[6]arenes.

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  3. Abstract

    In this work, a novel version of macrocyclic arenes, namely leaning pillar[6]arenes, was discovered and it can be considered as a tilted version of a pillar[6]arene with two hydroxy/alkoxy functionalities removed. Through a facile two‐step synthetic approaches, in conjunction with a diversity of post‐modification possibilities, a series of leaning pillar[6]arenes, with good cavity adaptability and enhanced guest‐binding capability, was synthesized, and their self‐assembly in single‐crystal states is presented. DFT calculations demonstrated that the lower rotational barrier of unsubstituted phenylene rings, the uneven electron density centered at the leaning phenyl rings, and the polarization effect along the edge generated by the hydrogen‐bond‐induced orientation of hydroxy groups greatly affected the host‐guest properties, and meanwhile provided an intuitive explanation for the pillar‐like and rigid structure of traditional pillar[6]arenes. Significantly, the crystal structure of cyclo‐oligomeric quinone was obtained by direct oxidation of leaning pillar[6]arenes.

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