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The problems of changing the walking speed and stride length of impact-free gaits for point-foot planar bipeds are addressed. The impact-free gaits are designed using an approach developed in prior work. It is shown that the impulse controlled Poincar´e map (ICPM) approach can be modified to transition between orbits defining gaits with different walking speeds, and the continuous controller can be changed during the swing phase to transition between gaits that have distinct stride lengths. The effectiveness of the approaches is demonstrated using simulations carried out on a five-link biped.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available October 30, 2025
Abstract In 2017 February, the blazar OJ 287 underwent a period of intense multiwavelength activity. It reached a new historic peak in the soft X-ray (0.3–10 keV) band, as measured by the Swift X-ray Telescope. This event coincides with a very-high-energy (VHE)
γ -ray outburst that led VERITAS to detect emission above 100 GeV, with a detection significance of 10σ (from 2016 December 9 to 2017 March 31). The time-averaged VHEγ -ray spectrum was consistent with a soft power law (Γ = −3.81 ± 0.26) and an integral flux corresponding to ∼2.4% that of the Crab Nebula above the same energy. Contemporaneous data from multiple instruments across the electromagnetic spectrum reveal a complex flaring behavior, primarily in the soft X-ray and VHE bands. To investigate the possible origin of such an event, our study focuses on three distinct activity states: before, during, and after the 2017 February peak. The spectral energy distributions during these periods suggest the presence of at least two nonthermal emission zones, with the more compact one responsible for the observed flare. Broadband modeling results and observations of a new radio knot in the jet of OJ 287 in 2017 are consistent with a flare originating from a strong recollimation shock outside the radio core. -
Abstract G106.3+2.7, commonly considered to be a composite supernova remnant (SNR), is characterized by a boomerang-shaped pulsar wind nebula (PWN) and two distinct (“head” and “tail”) regions in the radio band. A discovery of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission (
E γ > 100 GeV) followed by the recent detection of ultrahigh-energy gamma-ray emission (E γ > 100 TeV) from the tail region suggests that G106.3+2.7 is a PeVatron candidate. We present a comprehensive multiwavelength study of the Boomerang PWN (100″ around PSR J2229+6114) using archival radio and Chandra data obtained two decades ago, a new NuSTAR X-ray observation from 2020, and upper limits on gamma-ray fluxes obtained by Fermi-LAT and VERITAS observatories. The NuSTAR observation allowed us to detect a 51.67 ms spin period from the pulsar PSR J2229+6114 and the PWN emission characterized by a power-law model with Γ = 1.52 ± 0.06 up to 20 keV. Contrary to the previous radio study by Kothes et al., we prefer a much lower PWNB -field (B ∼ 3μ G) and larger distance (d ∼ 8 kpc) based on (1) the nonvarying X-ray flux over the last two decades, (2) the energy-dependent X-ray size of the PWN resulting from synchrotron burn-off, and (3) the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) data. Our SED model suggests that the PWN is currently re-expanding after being compressed by the SNR reverse shock ∼1000 yr ago. In this case, the head region should be formed by GeV–TeV electrons injected earlier by the pulsar propagating into the low-density environment. -
Abstract This paper investigates the origin of the
γ -ray emission from MGRO J1908+06 in the GeV–TeV energy band. By analyzing the data collected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope, the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, and High Altitude Water Cherenkov, with the addition of spectral data previously reported by LHAASO, a multiwavelength study of the morphological and spectral features of MGRO J1908+06 provides insight into the origin of theγ -ray emission. The mechanism behind the bright TeV emission is studied by constraining the magnetic field strength, the source age, and the distance through detailed broadband modeling. Both spectral shape and energy-dependent morphology support the scenario that inverse Compton emission of an evolved pulsar wind nebula associated with PSR J1907+0602 is responsible for the MGRO J1908+06γ -ray emission with a best-fit true age ofT = 22 ± 9 kyr and a magnetic field ofB = 5.4 ± 0.8μ G, assuming the distance to the pulsard PSR= 3.2 kpc.