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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  2. We analyze the convergence properties of Fermat distances, a family of density-driven metrics defined on Riemannian manifolds with an associated probability measure. Fermat distances may be defined either on discrete samples from the underlying measure, in which case they are random, or in the continuum setting, where they are induced by geodesics under a density-distorted Riemannian metric. We prove that discrete, sample-based Fermat distances converge to their continuum analogues in small neighborhoods with a precise rate that depends on the intrinsic dimensionality of the data and the parameter governing the extent of density weighting in Fermat distances. This is done by leveraging novel geometric and statistical arguments in percolation theory that allow for non-uniform densities and curved domains. Our results are then used to prove that discrete graph Laplacians based on discrete, sample-driven Fermat distances converge to corresponding continuum operators. In particular, we show the discrete eigenvalues and eigenvectors converge to their continuum analogues at a dimension-dependent rate, which allows us to interpret the efficacy of discrete spectral clustering using Fermat distances in terms of the resulting continuum limit. The perspective afforded by our discrete-to-continuum Fermat distance analysis leads to new clustering algorithms for data and related insights into efficient computations associated to density-driven spectral clustering. Our theoretical analysis is supported with numerical simulations and experiments on synthetic and real image data. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 30, 2025
  3. Hyperspectral images taken from aircraft or satellites contain information from hundreds of spectral bands, within which lie latent lower-dimensional structures that can be exploited for classifying vegetation and other materials. A disadvantage of working with hyperspectral images is that, due to an inherent trade-off between spectral and spatial resolution, they have a relatively coarse spatial scale, meaning that single pixels may correspond to spatial regions containing multiple materials. This article introduces the Diffusion and Volume maximization-based Image Clustering (D-VIC) algorithm for unsupervised material clustering to address this problem. By directly incorporating pixel purity into its labeling procedure, D-VIC gives greater weight to pixels corresponding to a spatial region containing just a single material. D-VIC is shown to outperform comparable state-of-the-art methods in extensive experiments on a range of hyperspectral images, including land-use maps and highly mixed forest health surveys (in the context of ash dieback disease), implying that it is well-equipped for unsupervised material clustering of spectrally-mixed hyperspectral datasets. 
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