Variations in the water vapor that atmospheric rivers (ARs) carry toward North America within Pacific storms strongly modulates the spatiotemporal distribution of west‐coast precipitation. The “AR Recon” program was established to improve forecasts of landfalling Pacific‐coast ARs and their associated precipitation. Dropsondes are deployed from weather reconnaissance aircraft and pressure sensors have been added to drifting ocean buoys to fill a major gap in standard weather observations, while research is being conducted on the potential for airborne Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation (ARO) to also contribute to forecast improvement. ARO further expands the spatial coverage of the data collected during AR Recon flights. This study provides the first description of these data, which provide water vapor and temperature information typically as far as 300 km to the side of the aircraft. The first refractivity profiles from European Galileo satellites are provided and their accuracy is evaluated using the dropsondes. It is shown that spatial variations in the refractivity anomaly (difference from the climatological background) are modulated by AR features, including the low‐level jet and tropopause fold, illustrating the potential for RO measurements to represent key AR characteristics. It is demonstrated that assimilation of ARO refractivity profiles can influence the moisture used as initial conditions in a high‐resolution model. While the dropsonde measurements provide precise, in situ wind, temperature and water vapor vertical profiles beneath the aircraft, and the buoys provide surface pressure, ARO provides complementary thermodynamic information aloft in broad areas not otherwise sampled at no additional expendable cost.
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Murphy, M. J. (2)
Boggs, L. (1)
Bozarth, A. (1)
Briggs, M. S. (1)
Cao, B. (1)
Cramer, E. S. (1)
Delle Monache, L. (1)
Dwyer, J. R. (1)
Haase, J. S. (1)
Krehbiel, P. R. (1)
Mailyan, B. G. (1)
Nag, A. (1)
Ralph, F. M. (1)
Rassoul, H. K. (1)
Rison, W. (1)
Roberts, O. J. (1)
Stanbro, M. (1)
Zheng, M. (1)
#Tyler Phillips, Kenneth E. (0)
#Willis, Ciara (0)
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(submitted - in Review for IEEE ICASSP-2024) (0)
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Abstract -
Mailyan, B. G. ; Nag, A. ; Murphy, M. J. ; Briggs, M. S. ; Dwyer, J. R. ; Rison, W. ; Krehbiel, P. R. ; Boggs, L. ; Bozarth, A. ; Cramer, E. S. ; et al ( , Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics)In this study, we analyze 44 terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) occurring in 2014–2016 in conjunction with data from the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). We examine the characteristics of magnetic field waveforms measured by NLDN sensors for 61 pulses that occurred within 5 ms of the start-time of the TGF photon flux. For 21 (out of 44) TGFs, the associated NLDN pulse occurred almost simultaneously with (that is, within 200 μs of) the TGF. One TGF had two NLDN pulses within 200 μs. The median absolute time interval between the beginning of these near-simultaneous pulses and the TGF flux start-time is 50 μs. We speculate that these RF pulses are signatures of either TGF-associated relativistic electron avalanches or currents traveling in conducting paths “preconditioned” by TGF-associated electron beams. Compared to pulses that were not simultaneous with TGFs (but within 5 ms of one), simultaneous pulses had higher median absolute peak current (26 kA versus 11 kA), longer median threshold-to-peak rise time (14 μs versus 2.8 μs), and longer median peak-to-zero time (15 μs versus 5.5 μs). A majority (77%) of our simultaneous RF pulses had NLDN-estimated peak currents less than 50 kA indicating that TGF emissions can be associated with moderate-peak-amplitude processes. The lightning flash associated with one of the TGFs in our data set was observed by a Lightning Mapping Array, which reported a relatively high-power source at an altitude of 25 km occurring 101 μs after the GBM-reported TGF discovery-bin start-time.more » « less