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  1. The MGO symposium was held on February 18th with seven featured speakers from all over the globe. Drs. Bin Zhang and Alexey Onufriev chaired the session with Drs. Yamini Dalal and Anna Panchenko as the 2022 MGO co-chairs. The session and goals of the MGO subgroup were introduced by Dr. Panchenko, followed by talks from the invited speakers. The presentations showcased research at the forefront of the field and elicited high audience engagement. Here, we summarize the presentations of these invited speakers. 
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  2. Abstract PBRM1 is a subunit of the PBAF chromatin remodeling complex, which is mutated in 40–50% of clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients. It is thought to largely function as a chromatin binding subunit of the PBAF complex, but the molecular mechanism underlying this activity is not fully known. PBRM1 contains six tandem bromodomains which are known to cooperate in binding of nucleosomes acetylated at histone H3 lysine 14 (H3K14ac). Here, we demonstrate that the second and fourth bromodomains from PBRM1 also bind nucleic acids, selectively associating with double stranded RNA elements. Disruption of the RNA binding pocket is found to compromise PBRM1 chromatin binding and inhibit PBRM1-mediated cellular growth effects. 
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  3. Abstract

    SANT domains are found in a number of chromatin regulators. They contain approximately 50 amino acids and have high similarity to the DNA binding domain of Myb related proteins. Though some SANT domains associate with DNA others have been found to bind unmodified histone tails. There are two SANT domains in Enhancer of Zeste 2 (EZH2), the catalytic subunit of the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2), of unknown function. Here we show that the first SANT domain (SANT1) of EZH2 is a histone binding domain with specificity for the histone H4 N-terminal tail. Using NMR spectroscopy, mutagenesis, and molecular modeling we structurally characterize the SANT1 domain and determine the molecular mechanism of binding to the H4 tail. Though not important for histone binding, we find that the adjacent stimulation response motif (SRM) stabilizes SANT1 and transiently samples its active form in solution. Acetylation of H4K16 (H4K16ac) or acetylation or methylation of H4K20 (H4K20ac and H4K20me3) are seen to abrogate binding of SANT1 to H4, which is consistent with these modifications being anti-correlated with H3K27me3in-vivo. Our results provide significant insight into this important regulatory region of EZH2 and the first characterization of the molecular mechanism of SANT domain histone binding.

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  4. The human genome contains all the instructions needed to build the human body. However, each human cell does not read all of these instructions, which come in the form of genes encoded in the DNA. Instead, different subsets of genes are switched on in each type of cell, while the rest of the genes are switched off. DNA within human cells is wrapped around proteins called histones, to form hundreds of thousands of structures called nucleosomes. If the DNA that encodes a gene contains a lot of nucleosomes, the DNA is not very accessible and the gene will generally be off; removing the histones or rearranging the nucleosomes can turn the gene on. Each histone contains a region called a tail – because it protrudes like the tail of a cat – that can be chemically modified in dozens of different ways. Particular combinations of histone modifications are thought to signal how the nucleosomes should be arranged so that each gene is properly regulated. However, it is unclear how these combinations of modifications actually work because, historically, it has been difficult to study tails in the context of a nucleosome. Instead most studies had looked at tails that had been removed from the nucleosome. Now, Morrison et al. set out to investigate how one protein, called BPTF, recognizes a specific chemical modification on the tail of a histone, referred to as H3K4me3, in the context of a human nucleosome. Unexpectedly, the experiments showed that the histone-binding domain of BPTF, which binds to H3K4me3, was impeded when the tail was attached to the nucleosome but not when it was removed from the nucleosome. Morrison et al. went on to show that this was because the histone tail is tucked onto the rest of the nucleosome and not easily accessible. Further experiments revealed that additional chemical modifications made the tail more accessible, making it easier for the histone-binding domain to bind. Together these findings show that a combination of histone modifications acts to positively regulate the binding of a regulatory protein to H3K4me3 in the context of the nucleosome by actually regulating the nucleosome itself. The disruption of the histone signals is known to lead to a number of diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disease, and neurological disorders, and these findings could guide further research that may lead to new treatments. Yet first, much more work is needed to investigate how other histone modifications are recognized in the context of the nucleosome, and how the large number of possible combinations of histone signals affects this process. 
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