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Creators/Authors contains: "Nakamura, T."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Properties of the nuclear equation of state (EoS) can be probed by measuring the dynamical properties of nucleus-nucleus collisions. In this study, we present the directed flow (v1), elliptic flow (v2) and stopping (VarXZ) measured in fixed target Sn+ Sn collisions at 270AMeV with the S'll'RlT Time Projection Chamber. We perform Bayesian analyses in which EoS parameters are var­ied simultaneously within the Improved Quantum Molecular Dynamics-Skyrme (ImQMD-Sky) transport code to obtain a multivariate correlated constraint. The varied parameters include symmetry energy, S0, and slope of the symme­try energy, L, at saturation density, isoscalar effective mass, m;/mN, isovector effective mass, m􀀒/mN and the in-medium cross-section enhancement factor rJ. We find that the flow and VarXZ observables are sensitive to the splitting of proton and neutron effective masses and the in-medium cross-section. Compar­isons of ImQMD-Sky predictions to the S'll' RJT data suggest a narrow range of preferred values for m;/mN, m􀀕/mN and 1/· 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  3. At the Earth’s low-latitude magnetopause, the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) waves, which are driven by the super-Alfvénic velocity shear across the magnetopause, have been frequently observed during periods of northward interplanetary-magnetic-field (IMF) and believed to contribute to efficiently transporting the solar wind plasmas into the magnetosphere. On the other hand, during southward IMF periods, the signatures of the KH waves are much less frequently observed and how the KH waves contribute to the solar wind transport has not been well explored. Recently, the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission successfully detected signatures of the KH waves near the dusk-flank of the magnetopause during southward IMF. In this study, we analyzed a series of two- and three-dimensional fully kinetic simulations modeling this MMS event. The results show that a turbulent evolution of the lower-hybrid drift instability (LHDI) near the low-density (magnetospheric) side of the edge layer of the KH waves rapidly disturbs the structure of the layer and causes an effective transport of plasmas across the layer. The obtained transport rate is comparable to or even larger than that predicted for the northward IMF. These results indicate that the diffusive solar wind transport induced by the KH waves may be active at the flank-to-tail magnetopause during southward IMF. 
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  4. Smith, KT (Ed.)

    Cosmic rays are energetic charged particles from extraterrestrial sources, with the highest-energy events thought to come from extragalactic sources. Their arrival is infrequent, so detection requires instruments with large collecting areas. In this work, we report the detection of an extremely energetic particle recorded by the surface detector array of the Telescope Array experiment. We calculate the particle’s energy as244±29 stat. 76+51syst. exa–electron volts(~40 joules). Its arrival direction points back to a void in the large-scale structure of the Universe. Possible explanations include a large deflection by the foreground magnetic field, an unidentified source in the local extragalactic neighborhood, or an incomplete knowledge of particle physics.

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