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Creators/Authors contains: "Need, Ryan F."

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  1. null (Ed.)
  2. Abstract

    Non‐collinear antiferromagnets (AFMs) are an exciting new platform for studying intrinsic spin Hall effects (SHEs), phenomena that arise from the materials’ band structure, Berry phase curvature, and linear response to an external electric field. In contrast to conventional SHE materials, symmetry analysis of non‐collinear antiferromagnets does not forbid non‐zero longitudinal and out‐of‐plane spin currents with polarization and predicts an anisotropy with current orientation to the magnetic lattice. Here, multi‐component out‐of‐plane spin Hall conductivities are reported in L12‐ordered antiferromagnetic PtMn3thin films that are uniquely generated in the non‐collinear state. The maximum spin torque efficiencies (ξ  =JS /Je ≈ 0.3) are significantly larger than in Pt (ξ  ≈  0.1). Additionally, the spin Hall conductivities in the non‐collinear state exhibit the predicted orientation‐dependent anisotropy, opening the possibility for new devices with selectable spin polarization. This work demonstrates symmetry control through the magnetic lattice as a pathway to tailored functionality in magnetoelectronic systems.

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  3. null (Ed.)
    Topology and strong electron correlations are crucial ingredients in emerging quantum materials, yet their intersection in experimental systems has been relatively limited to date. Strongly correlated Weyl semimetals, particularly when magnetism is incorporated, offer a unique and fertile platform to explore emergent phenomena in novel topological matter and topological spintronics. The antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Mn 3 Sn exhibits many exotic physical properties such as a large spontaneous Hall effect and has recently attracted intense interest. In this work, we report synthesis of epitaxial Mn 3+ x Sn 1− x films with greatly extended compositional range in comparison with that of bulk samples. As Sn atoms are replaced by magnetic Mn atoms, the Kondo effect, which is a celebrated example of strong correlations, emerges, develops coherence, and induces a hybridization energy gap. The magnetic doping and gap opening lead to rich extraordinary properties, as exemplified by the prominent DC Hall effects and resonance-enhanced terahertz Faraday rotation. 
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  4. Bi2Se3is a prototypical topological insulator, which has a small bandgap (∼0.3 eV) and topologically protected conducting surface states. This material exhibits quite strong thermoelectric effects. Here, we show in a mechanically exfoliated thick (∼100 nm) nanoflake device that we can measure the energy dependent optical absorption through the photothermoelectric effect. Spectral signatures are seen for a number of optical transitions between the valence and conduction bands, including a broad peak at 1.5 eV, which is likely dominated by bulk band-to-band optical transitions but is at the same energy as the well-known optical transition between the two topologically protected conducting surface states. We also observe a surprising linear polarization dependence in the response of the device that reflects the influence of the metal contacts.

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