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Abstract Multijet events at large transverse momentum ( $$p_{\textrm{T}}$$ p T ) are measured at $$\sqrt{s}=13\,\text {TeV} $$ s = 13 TeV using data recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $$36.3{\,\text {fb}^{-1}} $$ 36.3 fb - 1 . The multiplicity of jets with $$p_{\textrm{T}} >50\,\text {GeV} $$ p T > 50 GeV that are produced in association with a high- $$p_{\textrm{T}}$$ p T dijet system is measured in various ranges of the $$p_{\textrm{T}}$$ p T of the jet with the highest transverse momentum and as a function of the azimuthal angle difference $$\varDelta \phi _{1,2}$$ Δ ϕ 1 , 2 between the two highest $$p_{\textrm{T}}$$ p T jets in the dijet system. The differential production cross sections are measured as a function of the transverse momenta of the four highest $$p_{\textrm{T}}$$ p T jets. The measurements are compared with leading and next-to-leading order matrix element calculations supplemented with simulations of parton shower, hadronization, and multiparton interactions. In addition, the measurements are compared with next-to-leading order matrix element calculations combined with transverse-momentum dependent parton densities and transverse-momentum dependent parton shower.more » « less
Abstract The double differential cross sections of the Drell–Yan lepton pair (
, dielectron or dimuon) production are measured as functions of the invariant mass$$\ell ^+\ell ^-$$ , transverse momentum$$m_{\ell \ell }$$ , and$$p_{\textrm{T}} (\ell \ell )$$ . The$$\varphi ^{*}_{\eta }$$ observable, derived from angular measurements of the leptons and highly correlated with$$\varphi ^{*}_{\eta }$$ , is used to probe the low-$$p_{\textrm{T}} (\ell \ell )$$ region in a complementary way. Dilepton masses up to 1$$p_{\textrm{T}} (\ell \ell )$$ are investigated. Additionally, a measurement is performed requiring at least one jet in the final state. To benefit from partial cancellation of the systematic uncertainty, the ratios of the differential cross sections for various$$\,\text {Te\hspace{-.08em}V}$$ ranges to those in the Z mass peak interval are presented. The collected data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 36.3$$m_{\ell \ell }$$ of proton–proton collisions recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13$$\,\text {fb}^{-1}$$ . Measurements are compared with predictions based on perturbative quantum chromodynamics, including soft-gluon resummation.$$\,\text {Te\hspace{-.08em}V}$$ -
Abstract Protons consist of three valence quarks, two up-quarks and one down-quark, held together by gluons and a sea of quark-antiquark pairs. Collectively, quarks and gluons are referred to as partons. In a proton-proton collision, typically only one parton of each proton undergoes a hard scattering – referred to as single-parton scattering – leaving the remainder of each proton only slightly disturbed. Here, we report the study of double- and triple-parton scatterings through the simultaneous production of three J/
ψ mesons, which consist of a charm quark-antiquark pair, in proton-proton collisions recorded with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. We observed this process – reconstructed through the decays of J/ψ mesons into pairs of oppositely charged muons – with a statistical significance above five standard deviations. We measured the inclusive fiducial cross-section to be , and compared it to theoretical expectations for triple-J/$$27{2}_{-104}^{+141}\,{{{\rm{(stat)}}}}\,\pm 17\,{{{\rm{(syst)}}}}\,{{{\rm{fb}}}}\,$$ ψ meson production in single-, double- and triple-parton scattering scenarios. Assuming factorization of multiple hard-scattering probabilities in terms of single-parton scattering cross-sections, double- and triple-parton scattering are the dominant contributions for the measured process. -
Abstract Measurements of the associated production of a W boson and a charm (
) quark in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8$${\text {c}}$$ are reported. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 19.7$$\,\text {TeV}$$ collected by the CMS detector at the LHC. The W bosons are identified through their leptonic decays to an electron or a muon, and a neutrino. Charm quark jets are selected using distinctive signatures of charm hadron decays. The product of the cross section and branching fraction$$\,\text {fb}^{-1}$$ , where$$\sigma (\text {p}\text {p}\rightarrow \text {W}+ {\text {c}}+ \text {X}) {\mathcal {B}}(\text {W}\rightarrow \ell \upnu )$$ or$$\ell = \text {e}$$ , and the cross section ratio$$\upmu $$ are measured in a fiducial volume and differentially as functions of the pseudorapidity and of the transverse momentum of the lepton from the W boson decay. The results are compared with theoretical predictions. The impact of these measurements on the determination of the strange quark distribution is assessed.$$\sigma (\text {p}\text {p}\rightarrow {{\text {W}}^{+} + \bar{{\text {c}}} + \text {X}}) / \sigma (\text {p}\text {p}\rightarrow {{\text {W}}^{-} + {\text {c}}+ \text {X}})$$