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  1. Abstract Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a large and diverse class of genes in eukaryotic genomes that contribute to a variety of regulatory processes. Functionally characterized lncRNAs play critical roles in plants, ranging from regulating flowering to controlling lateral root formation. However, findings from the past decade have revealed that thousands of lncRNAs are present in plant transcriptomes, and characterization has lagged far behind identification. In this setting, distinguishing function from noise is challenging. However, the plant community has been at the forefront of discovery in lncRNA biology, providing many functional and mechanistic insights that have increased our understanding of this gene class. In this review, we examine the key discoveries and insights made in plant lncRNA biology over the past two and a half decades. We describe how discoveries made in the pregenomics era have informed efforts to identify and functionally characterize lncRNAs in the subsequent decades. We provide an overview of the functional archetypes into which characterized plant lncRNAs fit and speculate on new avenues of research that may uncover yet more archetypes. Finally, this review discusses the challenges facing the field and some exciting new molecular and computational approaches that may help inform lncRNA comparative and functional analyses. 
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  2. Abstract

    In contrast to the catalytic subunit of telomerase, its RNA subunit (TR) is highly divergent in size, sequence and biogenesis pathways across eukaryotes. Current views on TR evolution assume a common origin of TRs transcribed with RNA polymerase II in Opisthokonta (the supergroup including Animalia and Fungi) and Trypanosomida on one hand, and TRs transcribed with RNA polymerase III under the control of type 3 promoter, found in TSAR and Archaeplastida supergroups (including e.g. ciliates and Viridiplantae taxa, respectively). Here, we focus on unknown TRs in one of the largest Animalia order - Hymenoptera (Arthropoda) with more than 300 available representative genomes. Using a combination of bioinformatic and experimental approaches, we identify their TRs. In contrast to the presumed type of TRs (H/ACA box snoRNAs transcribed with RNA Polymerase II) corresponding to their phylogenetic position, we find here short TRs of the snRNA type, likely transcribed with RNA polymerase III under the control of the type 3 promoter. The newly described insect TRs thus question the hitherto assumed monophyletic origin of TRs across Animalia and point to an evolutionary switch in TR type and biogenesis that was associated with the divergence of Arthropods.

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  3. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are an increasingly studied group of non-protein coding transcripts with a wide variety of molecular functions gaining attention for their roles in numerous biological processes. Nearly 6,000 lncRNAs have been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana but many have yet to be studied. Here, we examine a class of previously uncharacterized lncRNAs termed CONSERVED IN BRASSICA RAPA ( lncCOBRA ) transcripts that were previously identified for their high level of sequence conservation in the related crop species Brassica rapa , their nuclear-localization and protein-bound nature. In particular, we focus on lncCOBRA1 and demonstrate that its abundance is highly tissue and developmental specific, with particularly high levels early in germination. lncCOBRA1 contains two snoRNAs domains within it, making it the first sno-lincRNA example in a non-mammalian system. However, we find that it is processed differently than its mammalian counterparts. We further show that plants lacking lncCOBRA1 display patterns of delayed germination and are overall smaller than wild-type plants. Lastly, we identify the proteins that interact with lncCOBRA1 and propose a novel mechanism of lincRNA action in which it may act as a scaffold with the RACK1A protein to regulate germination and development, possibly through a role in ribosome biogenesis. 
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  4. Abstract Long intergenic noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs) are a large yet enigmatic class of eukaryotic transcripts that can have critical biological functions. The wealth of RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data available for plants provides the opportunity to implement a harmonized identification and annotation effort for lincRNAs that enables cross-species functional and genomic comparisons as well as prioritization of functional candidates. In this study, we processed >24 Tera base pairs of RNA-seq data from >16,000 experiments to identify ∼130,000 lincRNAs in four Brassicaceae: Arabidopsis thaliana, Camelina sativa, Brassica rapa, and Eutrema salsugineum. We used nanopore RNA-seq, transcriptome-wide structural information, peptide data, and epigenomic data to characterize these lincRNAs and identify conserved motifs. We then used comparative genomic and transcriptomic approaches to highlight lincRNAs in our data set with sequence or transcriptional conservation. Finally, we used guilt-by-association analyses to assign putative functions to lincRNAs within our data set. We tested this approach on a subset of lincRNAs associated with germination and seed development, observing germination defects for Arabidopsis lines harboring T-DNA insertions at these loci. LincRNAs with Brassicaceae-conserved putative miRNA binding motifs, small open reading frames, or abiotic-stress modulated expression are a few of the annotations that will guide functional analyses into this cryptic portion of the transcriptome. 
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  5. Abstract

    Genetic variants in SCN2A, encoding the NaV1.2 voltage-gated sodium channel, are associated with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders with overlapping phenotypes. Some variants fit into a framework wherein gain-of-function missense variants that increase neuronal excitability lead to developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, while loss-of-function variants that reduce neuronal excitability lead to intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with or without co-morbid seizures. One unique case less easily classified using this framework is the de novo missense variant SCN2A-p.K1422E, associated with infant-onset developmental delay, infantile spasms and features of ASD. Prior structure–function studies demonstrated that K1422E substitution alters ion selectivity of NaV1.2, conferring Ca2+ permeability, lowering overall conductance and conferring resistance to tetrodotoxin (TTX). Based on heterologous expression of K1422E, we developed a compartmental neuron model incorporating variant channels that predicted reductions in peak action potential (AP) speed. We generated Scn2aK1422E mice and characterized effects on neurons and neurological/neurobehavioral phenotypes. Cultured cortical neurons from heterozygous Scn2aK1422E/+ mice exhibited lower current density with a TTX-resistant component and reversal potential consistent with mixed ion permeation. Recordings from Scn2aK1442E/+ cortical slices demonstrated impaired AP initiation and larger Ca2+ transients at the axon initial segment during the rising phase of the AP, suggesting complex effects on channel function. Scn2aK1422E/+ mice exhibited rare spontaneous seizures, interictal electroencephalogram abnormalities, altered induced seizure thresholds, reduced anxiety-like behavior and alterations in olfactory-guided social behavior. Overall, Scn2aK1422E/+ mice present with phenotypes similar yet distinct from other Scn2a models, consistent with complex effects of K1422E on NaV1.2 channel function.

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  6. null (Ed.)
    Abstract The enormous sequence heterogeneity of telomerase RNA (TR) subunits has thus far complicated their characterization in a wider phylogenetic range. Our recent finding that land plant TRs are, similarly to known ciliate TRs, transcribed by RNA polymerase III and under the control of the type-3 promoter, allowed us to design a novel strategy to characterize TRs in early diverging Viridiplantae taxa, as well as in ciliates and other Diaphoretickes lineages. Starting with the characterization of the upstream sequence element of the type 3 promoter that is conserved in a number of small nuclear RNAs, and the expected minimum TR template region as search features, we identified candidate TRs in selected Diaphoretickes genomes. Homologous TRs were then used to build covariance models to identify TRs in more distant species. Transcripts of the identified TRs were confirmed by transcriptomic data, RT-PCR and Northern hybridization. A templating role for one of our candidates was validated in Physcomitrium patens. Analysis of secondary structure demonstrated a deep conservation of motifs (pseudoknot and template boundary element) observed in all published TRs. These results elucidate the evolution of the earliest eukaryotic TRs, linking the common origin of TRs across Diaphoretickes, and underlying evolutionary transitions in telomere repeats. 
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  7. Abstract Phylogenomic analyses are recovering previously hidden histories of hybridization, revealing the genomic consequences of these events on the architecture of extant genomes. We applied phylogenomic techniques and several complementary statistical tests to show that introgressive hybridization appears to have occurred between close relatives of Arabidopsis, resulting in cytonuclear discordance and impacting our understanding of species relationships in the group. The composition of introgressed and retained genes indicates that selection against incompatible cytonuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions likely acted during introgression, while linkage also contributed to genome composition through the retention of ancient haplotype blocks. We also applied divergence-based tests to determine the species branching order and distinguish donor from recipient lineages. Surprisingly, these analyses suggest that cytonuclear discordance arose via extensive nuclear, rather than cytoplasmic, introgression. If true, this would mean that most of the nuclear genome was displaced during introgression, while only a small proportion of native alleles were retained. 
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  8. Abstract

    A signaling complex comprising members of the LORELEI (LRE)-LIKE GPI-anchored protein (LLG) and Catharanthus roseus RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE 1-LIKE (CrRLK1L) families perceive RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR (RALF) peptides and regulate growth, reproduction, immunity, and stress responses in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Genes encoding these proteins are members of multigene families in most angiosperms and could generate thousands of signaling complex variants. However, the links between expansion of these gene families and the functional diversification of this critical signaling complex as well as the evolutionary factors underlying the maintenance of gene duplicates remain unknown. Here, we investigated LLG gene family evolution by sampling land plant genomes and explored the function and expression of angiosperm LLGs. We found that LLG diversity within major land plant lineages is primarily due to lineage-specific duplication events, and that these duplications occurred both early in the history of these lineages and more recently. Our complementation and expression analyses showed that expression divergence (i.e. regulatory subfunctionalization), rather than functional divergence, explains the retention of LLG paralogs. Interestingly, all but one monocot and all eudicot species examined had an LLG copy with preferential expression in male reproductive tissues, while the other duplicate copies showed highest levels of expression in female or vegetative tissues. The single LLG copy in Amborella trichopoda is expressed vastly higher in male compared to in female reproductive or vegetative tissues. We propose that expression divergence plays an important role in retention of LLG duplicates in angiosperms.

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