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  1. Martiny, Jennifer_B H (Ed.)
    Coastal herbivorous fishes consume macroalgae, which is then degraded by microbes along their digestive tract. However, there is scarce genomic information about the microbiota that perform this degradation. This study explores the potential ofKyphosusgastrointestinal microbial symbionts to collaboratively degrade and ferment polysaccharides from red, green, and brown macroalgae throughin silicostudy of carbohydrate-active enzyme and sulfatase sequences. Recovery of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from previously describedKyphosusgut metagenomes and newly sequenced bioreactor enrichments reveals differences in enzymatic capabilities between the major microbial taxa inKyphosusguts. The most versatile of the recovered MAGs were from theBacteroidotaphylum, whose MAGs house enzyme collections able to decompose a variety of algal polysaccharides. Unique enzymes and predicted degradative capacities of genomes from theBacillota(genusVallitalea) andVerrucomicrobiota(orderKiritimatiellales) highlight the importance of metabolic contributions from multiple phyla to broaden polysaccharide degradation capabilities. Few genomes contain the required enzymes to fully degrade any complex sulfated algal polysaccharide alone. The distribution of suitable enzymes between MAGs originating from different taxa, along with the widespread detection of signal peptides in candidate enzymes, is consistent with cooperative extracellular degradation of these carbohydrates. This study leverages genomic evidence to reveal an untapped diversity at the enzyme and strain level amongKyphosussymbionts and their contributions to macroalgae decomposition. Bioreactor enrichments provide a genomic foundation for degradative and fermentative processes central to translating the knowledge gained from this system to the aquaculture and bioenergy sectors.


    Seaweed has long been considered a promising source of sustainable biomass for bioenergy and aquaculture feed, but scalable industrial methods for decomposing terrestrial compounds can struggle to break down seaweed polysaccharides efficiently due to their unique sulfated structures. Fish of the genusKyphosusfeed on seaweed by leveraging gastrointestinal bacteria to degrade algal polysaccharides into simple sugars. This study reconstructs metagenome-assembled genomes for these gastrointestinal bacteria to enhance our understanding of herbivorous fish digestion and fermentation of algal sugars. Investigations at the gene level identifyKyphosusguts as an untapped source of seaweed-degrading enzymes ripe for further characterization. These discoveries set the stage for future work incorporating marine enzymes and microbial communities in the industrial degradation of algal polysaccharides.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 8, 2025
  2. Increasingly frequent marine heatwaves are devastating coral reefs. Corals that survive these extreme events must rapidly recover if they are to withstand subsequent events, and long-term survival in the face of rising ocean temperatures may hinge on recovery capacity and acclimatory gains in heat tolerance over an individual’s lifespan. To better understand coral recovery trajectories in the face of successive marine heatwaves, we monitored the responses of bleaching-susceptible and bleaching-resistant individuals of two dominant coral species in Hawai’i,Montipora capitataandPorites compressa, over a decade that included three marine heatwaves. Bleaching-susceptible colonies ofP. compressaexhibited beneficial acclimatization to heat stress (i.e., less bleaching) following repeat heatwaves, becoming indistinguishable from bleaching-resistant conspecifics during the third heatwave. In contrast, bleaching-susceptibleM. capitatarepeatedly bleached during all successive heatwaves and exhibited seasonal bleaching and substantial mortality for up to 3 y following the third heatwave. Encouragingly, bleaching-resistant individuals of both species remained pigmented across the entire time series; however, pigmentation did not necessarily indicate physiological resilience. Specifically,M. capitatadisplayed incremental yet only partial recovery of symbiont density and tissue biomass across both bleaching phenotypes up to 35 mo following the third heatwave as well as considerable partial mortality. Conversely,P. compressaappeared to recover across most physiological metrics within 2 y and experienced little to no mortality. Ultimately, these results indicate that even some visually robust, bleaching-resistant corals can carry the cost of recurring heatwaves over multiple years, leading to divergent recovery trajectories that may erode coral reef resilience in the Anthropocene.

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  3. Abstract

    Coral bleaching is a well-documented and increasingly widespread phenomenon in reefs across the globe, yet there has been relatively little research on the implications for reef water column microbiology and biogeochemistry. A mesocosm heating experiment and bottle incubation compared how unbleached and bleached corals alter dissolved organic matter (DOM) exudation in response to thermal stress and subsequent effects on microbial growth and community structure in the water column. Thermal stress of healthy corals tripled DOM flux relative to ambient corals. DOM exudates from stressed corals (heated and/or previously bleached) were compositionally distinct from healthy corals and significantly increased growth of bacterioplankton, enriching copiotrophs and putative pathogens. Together these results demonstrate how the impacts of both short-term thermal stress and long-term bleaching may extend into the water column, with altered coral DOM exudation driving microbial feedbacks that influence how coral reefs respond to and recover from mass bleaching events.

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  4. Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in high volcanic islands can be an important source of freshwater and nutrients to coral reefs. High inorganic nutrient content is generally thought to augment primary production in coastal systems but when this is delivered via a freshwater vector as is the case with SGD in this study, the effects on productivity are unclear. In the current literature, there is limited evidence for a direct association between SGD and primary productivity of reefs. To elucidate the response of primary productivity to SGD, we conducted spatially and temporally explicit in situ benthic chamber experiments on a reef flat along a gradient of SGD. We found significant quadratic relationships between C-uptake and SGD for both phytoplankton and the most abundant macroalga, Gracilaria salicornia , with uptake maxima at SGD-derived salinities of ~21−22 (24.5−26.6 μmol NO 3 -L −1 ). These results suggest a physiological tradeoff between salinity tolerance and nutrient availability for reef primary producers. Spatially explicit modeling of reefs with SGD and without SGD indicate reef-scale G. salicornia and phytoplankton C-uptake decreased by 82% and 36% in the absence of SGD, respectively. Thus, nutrient-rich and low salinity SGD has significant effects on algal C-uptake in reef systems. 
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  5. To thrive in nutrient-poor waters, coral reefs must retain and recycle materials efficiently. This review centers microbial processes in facilitating the persistence and stability of coral reefs, specifically the role of these processes in transforming and recycling the dissolved organic matter (DOM) that acts as an invisible currency in reef production, nutrient exchange, and organismal interactions. The defining characteristics of coral reefs, including high productivity, balanced metabolism, high biodiversity, nutrient retention, and structural complexity, are inextricably linked to microbial processing of DOM. The composition of microbes and DOM in reefs is summarized, and the spatial and temporal dynamics of biogeochemical processes carried out by microorganisms in diverse reef habitats are explored in a variety of key reef processes, including decomposition, accretion, trophictransfer, and macronutrient recycling. Finally, we examine how widespread habitat degradation of reefs is altering these important microbe–DOM interactions, creating feedbacks that reduce reef resilience to global change. 
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  6. Rudi, Knut (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT Marine herbivorous fish that feed primarily on macroalgae, such as those from the genus Kyphosus, are essential for maintaining coral health and abundance on tropical reefs. Here, deep metagenomic sequencing and assembly of gut compartment-specific samples from three sympatric, macroalgivorous Hawaiian kyphosid species have been used to connect host gut microbial taxa with predicted protein functional capacities likely to contribute to efficient macroalgal digestion. Bacterial community compositions, algal dietary sources, and predicted enzyme functionalities were analyzed in parallel for 16 metagenomes spanning the mid- and hindgut digestive regions of wild-caught fishes. Gene colocalization patterns of expanded carbohydrate (CAZy) and sulfatase (SulfAtlas) digestive enzyme families on assembled contigs were used to identify likely polysaccharide utilization locus associations and to visualize potential cooperative networks of extracellularly exported proteins targeting complex sulfated polysaccharides. These insights into the gut microbiota of herbivorous marine fish and their functional capabilities improve our understanding of the enzymes and microorganisms involved in digesting complex macroalgal sulfated polysaccharides. IMPORTANCE This work connects specific uncultured bacterial taxa with distinct polysaccharide digestion capabilities lacking in their marine vertebrate hosts, providing fresh insights into poorly understood processes for deconstructing complex sulfated polysaccharides and potential evolutionary mechanisms for microbial acquisition of expanded macroalgal utilization gene functions. Several thousand new marine-specific candidate enzyme sequences for polysaccharide utilization have been identified. These data provide foundational resources for future investigations into suppression of coral reef macroalgal overgrowth, fish host physiology, the use of macroalgal feedstocks in terrestrial and aquaculture animal feeds, and the bioconversion of macroalgae biomass into value-added commercial fuel and chemical products. 
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  7. Recent developments in molecular networking have expanded our ability to characterize the metabolome of diverse samples that contain a significant proportion of ion features with no mass spectral match to known compounds. Manual and tool-assisted natural annotation propagation is readily used to classify molecular networks; however, currently no annotation propagation tools leverage consensus confidence strategies enabled by hierarchical chemical ontologies or enable the use of new in silico tools without significant modification. Herein we present ConCISE (Consensus Classifications of In Silico Elucidations) which is the first tool to fuse molecular networking, spectral library matching and in silico class predictions to establish accurate putative classifications for entire subnetworks. By limiting annotation propagation to only structural classes which are identical for the majority of ion features within a subnetwork, ConCISE maintains a true positive rate greater than 95% across all levels of the ChemOnt hierarchical ontology used by the ClassyFire annotation software (superclass, class, subclass). The ConCISE framework expanded the proportion of reliable and consistent ion feature annotation up to 76%, allowing for improved assessment of the chemo-diversity of dissolved organic matter pools from three complex marine metabolomics datasets comprising dominant reef primary producers, five species of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzchia, and stromatolite sediment samples. 
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  8. Abstract Background Gut microorganisms aid in the digestion of food by providing exogenous metabolic pathways to break down organic compounds. An integration of longitudinal microbial and chemical data is necessary to illuminate how gut microorganisms supplement the energetic and nutritional requirements of animals. Although mammalian gut systems are well-studied in this capacity, the role of microbes in the breakdown and utilization of recalcitrant marine macroalgae in herbivorous fish is relatively understudied and an emerging priority for bioproduct extraction. Here we use a comprehensive survey of the marine herbivorous fish gut microbial ecosystem via parallel 16S rRNA gene amplicon profiling (microbiota) and untargeted tandem mass spectrometry (metabolomes) to demonstrate consistent transitions among 8 gut subsections across five fish of the genus of Kyphosus . Results Integration of microbial phylogenetic and chemical diversity data reveals that microbial communities and metabolomes covaried and differentiated continuously from stomach to hindgut, with the midgut containing multiple distinct and previously uncharacterized microenvironments and a distinct hindgut community dominated by obligate anaerobes. This differentiation was driven primarily by anaerobic gut endosymbionts of the classes Bacteroidia and Clostridia changing in concert with bile acids, small peptides, and phospholipids: bile acid deconjugation associated with early midgut microbiota, small peptide production associated with midgut microbiota, and phospholipid production associated with hindgut microbiota. Conclusions The combination of microbial and untargeted metabolomic data at high spatial resolution provides a new view of the diverse fish gut microenvironment and serves as a foundation to understand functional partitioning of microbial activities that contribute to the digestion of complex macroalgae in herbivorous marine fish. 
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  9. Abstract The Bay of Bengal receives nitrogen inputs from multiple sources and the potential role of nitrogen-metabolizing microbial communities in the surface water is not well understood. The nitrogen budget estimate shows a deficit of 4.7 ± 2.4 Tg N yr -1 , suggesting a significant role of dissolved organic nitrogen remineralization in fuelling ecosystem processes. Unravelling the process of remineralization leading to increasing concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in coastal ecosystems such as in mangroves require a better understanding of the composition of functional resident bacterioplankton communities. Bacterioplankton communities were elucidated from eight stations along different estuaries spanning west to east of northeast coastal Bay of Bengal to understand the influence of DIN on shaping these communities. The eight stations were differentiated into ‘low’ and ‘high’ DIN stations based on DIN concentration, with five stations with High DIN concentration (>45 μ M) and three stations with Low DIN concentration (<40 μ M). The V3–V4 region of 16S rRNA was amplified and sequenced to elucidate resident bacterioplankton community structure from environmental DNA. Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes were the dominant bacterioplankton phyla across all stations. Nitrogen-fixing groups such as Nitrospirae, Lentisphaerae, Chloroflexi, and Planctomycetes make up about 1% of the bacterioplankton communities. Abundances of Spirochaetes and Tenericutes showed a positive correlation with DIN. Pseudomonadales, Alteromonadales, and Desulfovibrionales were found to distinctly vary in abundance between Low and High DIN stations. Predicted metagenomic profiles from taxonomically derived community structures indicated bacterial nitrate-nitrite reductase to be negatively correlated with prevalent DIN concentration in High DIN stations but positively correlated in Low DIN stations. This trend was also consistent for genes encoding for nitrate/nitrite response regulators and transporter proteins. This indicates the need to delineate functional bacterioplankton community structures to better understand their role in influencing rates and fluxes of nitrogen within mangroves. 
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