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Creators/Authors contains: "Odubela, Kehinde"

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  1. Hunger relief organizations often estimate food demand using food distribution data. Leveraging Visual Analytics (VA) and historical data, we examine how underlying factors like unemployment, poverty rate, and median household income affect forecasts for aid recipients’ food demand. Our study reveals that incorporating these factors enhances forecast accuracy. Visual Analytics empowers decision-makers to integrate field knowledge with computational insights, enabling more informed decisions. This innovative approach presents a valuable tool for charitable organizations to strategically improve forecasting precision in the dynamic landscape of hunger relief. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 15, 2025
  2. Food insecurity is defined as an individual or household’s inability or limited access to safe and nutritious food that every person in the household need for an active, healthy life. In this research, we apply visual analytics, the integration of data analytics and interactive visualization, to provide evidence-based decision-making for a local food bank to better understand the people and communities in its service area and improve the reach and impact of the food bank. We have identified the indicators of the need, rates of usage, and other factors related to the general accessibility of the food bank and its programs. Interactive dashboards were developed to allow decision-makers of the food bank to combine their field knowledge with the computing power to make evidence-based informed decisions in complex hunger relief operations.

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  3. Hunger relief organizations are mostly non-profits that collect food from various sources and redirect them to the people in need. This is to combat the prevalent food insecurity affecting children, the unemployed, students, seniors and so on. Previous research has focused on the demand/donation side of food rescue operations, but the distribution or supply side - especially in reducing the uncertainty associated with food demand - has received significantly lower attention. In this study, we obtained data from a local hunger relief organization, specifically a food pantry to develop estimates of the demand they expect to receive in the future. To do this, we fit the growth of the food pantry client population to a logistic growth model to obtain a good fit. We then obtained data for frequency of visits to develop estimates of the number of visits expected in the future, using time series models. This will be combined with the allocation policy for food distribution to develop estimates of true demand. This study has merit for hunger relief organizations. It will aid decision making relative to food distribution, while also providing data for planning purposes. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    North Carolina is the third most hurricane-prone states in the US. In 2018, Hurricane Florence caused a lot of damages to households in North Carolina. The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina (FBCENC) serves 34 counties in North Carolina, and 22 of them were affected by Hurricane Florence. This research aims to investigate the impact of Hurricane Florence on the operations of FBCENC. We developed interactive dashboards to visualize food bank operational data and other relevant data and studied the trends and patterns of food distribution in three key stages: preparedness, response, and recovery. These dashboards enable food bank operations managers to explore and interact with the data with ease to explore the operational data at different stages, at different branch level, and on a different time scale (monthly, weekly, or daily). The impact on the operations of affected service areas vs. not affected areas could be investigated as well. The findings of this research will provide insight into how humanitarian relief agencies can better prepare for, respond to, and recover from the disruptions caused by hurricanes. 
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  5. Non-profit hunger relief organizations rely on the goodwill of donors for their in-kind cash, food donations and other supplies to alleviate hunger, reduce human suffering and save lives. However, these organizations struggle with changing demand and supply patterns, disruptions caused by very low donations even though they must make strategic distribution decisions. Food distribution forecasts based on times series models can be useful for these decisions. Yet, it is plausible that food distribution by hunger relief organizations (and demand by the people in need) are driven by certain underlying factors. In this research, we used Visual Analytics (VA) to study the effect of certain underlying factors on the forecast generated for food distribution to the aid recipients. Specifically, we used already tested forecasting techniques to predict the expected quantity of distributed food for the underlying factors identified. 
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