A key area of interest in evolutionary biology has been understanding the role of ecological opportunity in the formation of adaptive radiations, lineages where speciation and phenotypic diversification are driven by open ecological opportunity. Evolutionary theory posits that adaptive radiations should show initial bursts of ecomorphological diversification and rapid speciation, and that these two processes are correlated. Here, we investigate and contrast these predictions across ecomorphologically diverse continental (Australia) and insular (New Caledonia and New Zealand) radiations of diplodactyloid geckos. We test two key hypotheses: (a) that island colonization and the transition to novel niche-space has resulted in increased rates of speciation and trait diversification and (b) that rates of morphological diversification are correlated across multiple trait axes. Surprisingly, we find that speciation rate is homogenous and morphological diversification rates are idiosyncratic and uncorrelated with speciation rates. Tests of morphological integration suggests that while all traits coevolve, constraint may act differentially on individual axes. This accords with a growing number of studies indicating that ecologically diverse and species-rich radiations can show limited or no evidence of exceptional regime shifts in speciation dynamics or morphological diversification, especially in continental contexts.
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Abstract -
Mills, Harriet (Ed.)
Context Skinks comprise the dominant component of the terrestrial vertebrate fauna in Oceania, New Guinea, and Eastern Wallacea (ONGEW). However, knowledge of their diversity is incomplete, and their conservation needs are poorly understood. Aims To explore the diversity and threat status of the skinks of ONGEW and identify knowledge gaps and conservation needs. Methods We compiled a list of all skink species occurring in the region and their threat categories designated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. We used available genetic sequences deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s GenBank to generate a phylogeny of the region’s skinks. We then assessed their diversity within geographical sub-divisions and compared to other reptile taxa in the region. Key results Approximately 300 species of skinks occur in ONGEW, making it the second largest global hotspot of skink diversity following Australia. Many phylogenetic relationships remain unresolved, and many species and genera are in need of taxonomic revision. One in five species are threatened with extinction, a higher proportion than almost all reptile families in the region. Conclusions ONGEW contain a large proportion of global skink diversity on <1% of the Earth’s landmass. Many are endemic and face risks such as habitat loss and invasive predators. Yet, little is known about them, and many species require taxonomic revision and threat level re-assessment. Implications The skinks of ONGEW are a diverse yet underexplored group of terrestrial vertebrates, with many species likely facing extreme risks in the near future. Further research is needed to understand the threats they face and how to protect them.
Abstract Identifying hotspots of biological diversity is a key step in conservation prioritisation. Melanesia—centred on the vast island of New Guinea—is increasingly recognised for its exceptionally species-rich and endemic biota. Here we show that Melanesia has the world’s most diverse insular amphibian fauna, with over 7% of recognised global frog species in less than 0.7% of the world’s land area, and over 97% of species endemic. We further estimate that nearly 200 additional candidate species have been discovered but remain unnamed, pointing to a total fauna in excess of 700 species. Nearly 60% of the Melanesian frog fauna is in a lineage of direct-developing microhylids characterised by smaller distributions than co-occurring frog families, suggesting lineage-specific high beta diversity is a key driver of Melanesian anuran megadiversity. A comprehensive conservation status assessment further highlights geographic concentrations of recently described range-restricted threatened taxa that warrant urgent conservation actions. Nonetheless, by world standards, the Melanesian frog fauna is relatively intact, with 6% of assessed species listed as threatened and no documented extinctions; and thus it provides an unparalleled opportunity to understand and conserve a megadiverse and relatively intact insular biota.
Abstract Cryptic ecologies, the Wallacean Shortfall of undocumented species’ geographical ranges and the Linnaean Shortfall of undescribed diversity, are all major barriers to conservation assessment. When these factors overlap with drivers of extinction risk, such as insular distributions, the number of threatened species in a region or clade may be underestimated, a situation we term ‘cryptic extinction risk’. The genus
Lepidodactylus is a diverse radiation of insular and arboreal geckos that occurs across the western Pacific. Previous work onLepidodactylus showed evidence of evolutionary displacement around continental fringes, suggesting an inherent vulnerability to extinction from factors such as competition and predation. We sought to (1) comprehensively review status and threats, (2) estimate the number of undescribed species, and (3) estimate extinction risk in data deficient and candidate species, inLepidodactylus . From our updated IUCN Red List assessment, 60% of the 58 recognized species are threatened (n = 15) or Data Deficient (n = 21), which is higher than reported for most other lizard groups. Species from the smaller and isolated Pacific islands are of greatest conservation concern, with most either threatened or Data Deficient, and all particularly vulnerable to invasive species. We estimated 32 undescribed candidate species and linear modelling predicted that an additional 18 species, among these and the data deficient species, are threatened with extinction. Focusing efforts to resolve the taxonomy and conservation status of key taxa, especially on small islands in the Pacific, is a high priority for conserving this remarkably diverse, yet poorly understood, lizard fauna. Our data highlight how cryptic ecologies and cryptic diversity combine and lead to significant underestimation of extinction risk. -
Abstract New Guinea has been considered both as a refuge for mesic rainforest-associated lineages that contracted in response to the late Cenozoic aridification of Australia and as a centre of biotic diversification and radiation since the mid-Miocene or earlier. Here, we estimate the diversity and a phylogeny for the Australo-Papuan forest dragons (Sauria: Agamidae; ~20 species) in order to examine the following: (1) whether New Guinea and/or proto-Papuan Islands may have been a biogeographical refuge or a source for diversity in Australia; (2) whether mesic rainforest environments are ancestral to the entire radiation, as may be predicted by the New Guinea refuge hypothesis; and (3) more broadly, how agamid ecological diversity varies across the contrasting environments of Australia and New Guinea. Patterns of lineage distribution and diversity suggest that extinction in Australia, and colonization and radiation on proto-Papuan islands, have both shaped the extant diversity and distribution of forest dragons since the mid-Miocene. The ancestral biome for all Australo-Papuan agamids is ambiguous. Both rainforest and arid-adapted radiations probably started in the early Miocene. However, despite deep-lineage diversity in New Guinea rainforest habitats, overall species and ecological diversity is low when compared with more arid areas, with terrestrial taxa being strikingly absent.
The geckos in the genus
Strophurus (Diplodactylidae) are one of only two squamate lineages with specialized caudal defensive glands. Many species in this genus also have distinctive caudal ornamentation combined with bright and/or contrasting colour pattern elements on the iris, tail and especially the lining of the mouth that are hypothesized to be adaptations for specialized (e.g. deimatic) defensive functions. We present the first multilocus, phylogenetic analysis of the biogeography and evolution of all recognized taxa ofStrophurus . Contrary to previous phenotypic and ecological assessments, our phylogenetic analyses delineate four divergent lineages. Three lineages are relatively small (snout‐vent length [SVL ] 40–60 mm), species‐poor (<5 recognized taxa), cryptically coloured (either striped or spotted) and lack precloacal pores (a secondary sexual trait) and putative deimatic elements. In contrast, the remaining lineage is comparatively species rich (at least 14 taxa), attains a larger body size (SVL 60–90 mm), possesses precloacal pores and shows extensive variation in caudal ornamentation and often bright and/or contrasting eye, tail and mouth colouration. The three less diverse lineages have smaller distributions and tend to be associated with spinifex (e.g.Triodia ) hummock grasses or rocks, whereas the fourth lineage is much more widespread (including multiple biomes) and consistently reported to utilize more exposed diurnal microhabitats on shrubs and trees. Biogeographical analyses also indicate that – in contrast to many other Australian radiations – the arid biome is the ancestral area of occupation forStrophurus , with multiple inferred shifts into surrounding sclerophyll and monsoon biomes. This study emphasizes that – independent of caudal defensive glands – it appears to be a shift in microhabitat use that correlates with the accumulation of bright and contrasting colouration elements, secondary sexual characters and the widest geographic distribution.