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Creators/Authors contains: "Olsen, Bradley D."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 26, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Thermoset toughness and deconstructability are often opposing features; simultaneously improving both without sacrificing other mechanical properties (e.g., stiffness and tensile strength) is difficult, but, if achieved, could enhance the usage lifetime and end‐of‐life options for these materials. Here, a strategy that addresses this challenge in the context of photopolymer resins commonly used for 3D printing of glassy, acrylic thermosets is introduced. It is shown that incorporating bis‐acrylate “transferinkers,” which are cross‐linkers capable of undergoing degenerative chain transfer and new strand growth, as additives (5–25 mol%) into homemade or commercially available photopolymer resins leads to photopolymer thermosets with substantially improved tensile toughness and triggered chemical deconstructability with minimal impacts on Young's moduli, tensile strengths, and glass transition temperatures. These properties result from a transferinker‐driven topological transition in network structure from the densely cross‐linked long, heterogeneous primary strands of traditional photopolymer networks to more uniform, star‐like networks with few dangling ends; the latter structure more effectively bear stress yet is also more easily depercolated via solvolysis. Thus, transferinkers represent a simple and effective strategy for improving the mechanical properties of photopolymer thermosets and providing a mechanism for their triggered deconstructability.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 11, 2025
  3. Molecular search is important in chemistry, biology, and informatics for identifying molecular structures within large data sets, improving knowledge discovery and innovation, and making chemical data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). Search algorithms for polymers are significantly less developed than those for small molecules because polymer search relies on searching by polymer name, which can be challenging because polymer naming is overly broad (i.e., polyethylene), complicated for complex chemical structures, and often does not correspond to official IUPAC conventions. Chemical structure search in polymers is limited to substructures, such as monomers, without awareness of connectivity or topology. This work introduces a novel query language and graph traversal search algorithm for polymers that provides the first search method able to fully capture all of the chemical structures present in polymers. The BigSMARTS query language, an extension of the small-molecule SMARTS language, allows users to write queries that localize monomer and functional group searches to different parts of the polymer, like the middle block of a triblock, the side chain of a graft, and the backbone of a repeat unit. The substructure search algorithm is based on the traversal of graph representations of the generating functions for the stochastic graphs of polymers. Operationally, the algorithm first identifies cycles representing the monomers and then the end groups and finally performs a depth-first search to match entire subgraphs. To validate the algorithm, hundreds of queries were searched against hundreds of target chemistries and topologies from the literature, with approximately 440,000 query–target pairs. This tool provides a detailed algorithm that can be implemented in search engines to provide search results with full matching of the monomer connectivity and polymer topology. 
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  4. This work investigates static gel structure and cooperative multi-chain motion in associative networks using a well-defined model system composed of artificial coiled-coil proteins. The combination of small-angle and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering provides evidence for three static length scales irrespective of protein gel design which are attributed to correlations arising from the blob length, inter-junction spacing, and multi-chain density fluctuations. Self-diffusion measurements using forced Rayleigh scattering demonstrate an apparent superdiffusive regime in all gels studied, reflecting a transition between distinct “slow” and “fast” diffusive species. The interconversion between the two diffusive modes occurs on a length scale on the order of the largest correlation length observed by neutron scattering, suggesting a possible caging effect. Comparison of the self-diffusive behavior with characteristic molecular length scales and the single-sticker dissociation time inferred from tracer diffusion measurements supports the primarily single-chain mechanisms of self-diffusion as previously conceptualized. The step size of the slow mode is comparable to the root-mean-square length of the midblock strands, consistent with a single-chain walking mode rather than collective motion of multi-chain aggregates. The transition to the fast mode occurs on a timescale 10–1000 times the single-sticker dissociation time, which is consistent with the onset of single-molecule hopping. Finally, the terminal diffusivity depends exponentially on the number of stickers per chain, further suggesting that long-range diffusion occurs by molecular hopping rather than sticky Rouse motion of larger assemblies. Collectively, the results suggest that diffusion of multi-chain clusters is dominated by the single-chain pictures proposed in previous coarse-grained modeling. 
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  5. Defining the similarity between chemical entities is an essential task in polymer informatics, enabling ranking, clustering, and classification. Despite its importance, the pairwise chemical similarity of polymers remains an open problem. Here, a similarity function for polymers with well-defined backbones is designed based on polymers’ stochastic graph representations generated from canonical BigSMILES, a structurally based line notation for describing macromolecules. The stochastic graph representations are separated into three parts: repeat units, end groups, and polymer topology. The earth mover’s distance is utilized to calculate the similarity of the repeat units and end groups, while the graph edit distance is used to calculate the similarity of the topology. These three values can be linearly or nonlinearly combined to yield an overall pairwise chemical similarity score for polymers that is largely consistent with the chemical intuition of expert users and is adjustable based on the relative importance of different chemical features for a given similarity problem. This method gives a reliable solution to quantitatively calculate the pairwise chemical similarity score for polymers and represents a vital step toward building search engines and quantitative design tools for polymer data. 
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