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  1. Abstract

    Seagrass meadows perform an important ecological function as filters for incoming nutrients from surrounding watersheds, especially nitrogen (N). By enhancing N removal processes, including N burial in sediments and denitrification, seagrass meadows improve water quality. With accelerating losses of seagrass meadows worldwide, seagrass restoration plays a key role in reestablishing these coastal ecosystem functions. However, few measurements exist of N burial rates in temperate seagrass meadows and none have been published for restored meadows. In this study, we measured N burial rates in a large (6.9 km2) restored eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadow and compared N removal through burial to previous measurements of removal via denitrification. We also compared N removal to inputs from external loading and fixation and to N assimilation in seagrass biomass. We found that, in this meadow, burial was the dominant process of N removal; the burial rate of 3.52 g N m−2yr−1was comparable to rates in natural meadows within 10 yr after seeding and was more than 20× the rate in adjacent bare sediments (0.17 g N m−2yr−1). We also found that the high rates of N assimilation (2.62 g N m−2yr−1) created a substantial though temporary sink for nitrogen during the growing season. Our results highlight how seagrass meadows mediate N cycling through high rates of burial, which to date has been understudied in the literature. The successful return of the N filter function after restoration, shown here for the first time, can motivate continued efforts for seagrass restoration and conservation.

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