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Creators/Authors contains: "Ortiz, Sarah"

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  1. null (Ed.)
    In this paper, we propose that the theory of planned behavior (TPB) with the additional factors of awareness and context-based information can be used to positively influence users' cybersecurity behavior. A research model based on TPB is developed and validated using a user study. As a proof-of-concept, we developed a mobile cybersecurity news app that incorporates context-based information such as location, search history, and usage information of other mobile apps into its article recommendations and warning notifications to address user awareness better. Through a survey of 100 participants, the proposed research model was validated, and it was confirmed that context-based information positively influences users' awareness in cybersecurity. 
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  2. Abstract

    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) is a key ecological process whose impact depends on the strategy of SNF regulation—the degree to which rates of SNF change in response to limitation by N versus other resources. SNF that is obligate or exhibits incomplete downregulation can result in excess N fixation, whereas a facultative SNF strategy does not. We hypothesized that tree‐based SNF strategies differed by latitude (tropical vs. temperate) and symbiotic type (actinorhizal vs. rhizobial). Specifically, we expected tropical rhizobial symbioses to display strongly facultative SNF as an explanation of their success in low‐latitude forests. In this study we used15N isotope dilution field experiments in New York, Oregon, and Hawaii to determine SNF strategies in six N‐fixing tree symbioses. Nitrogen fertilization with +10 and +15 g N m−2 year−1for 4–5 years alleviated N limitation in all taxa, paving the way to determine SNF strategies. Contrary to our hypothesis, all six of the symbioses we studied sustained SNF even at high N.Robinia pseudoacacia(temperate rhizobial) fixed 91% of its N (%Ndfa) in controls, compared to 64% and 59% in the +10 and +15 g N m−2 year−1treatments. ForAlnus rubra(temperate actinorhizal), %Ndfawas 95%, 70%, and 60%. For the tropical species, %Ndfawas 86%, 80%, and 82% forGliricidia sepium(rhizobial); 79%, 69%, and 67% forCasuarina equisetifolia(actinorhizal); 91%, 42%, and 67% forAcacia koa(rhizobial); and 60%, 51%, and 19% forMorella faya(actinorhizal). Fertilization with phosphorus did not stimulate tree growth or SNF. These results suggest that the latitudinal abundance distribution of N‐fixing trees is not caused by a shift in SNF strategy. They also help explain the excess N in many forests where N fixers are common.

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