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Creators/Authors contains: "Paesani, Francesco"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 18, 2025
  2. Data-driven many-body simulations provide the first realistic view of water harvesting in metal–organic frameworks as a function of relative humidity.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 3, 2025
  3. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), with their unique porous structures and versatile functionality, have emerged as promising materials for the adsorption, separation, and storage of diverse molecular species. In this study, we investigate water adsorption in MOF-808, a prototypical MOF that shares the same secondary building unit (SBU) as UiO-66, and elucidate how differences in topology and connectivity between the two MOFs influence the adsorption mechanism. To this end, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to calculate several thermodynamic and dynamical properties of water in MOF-808 as a function of relative humidity (RH), from the initial adsorption step to full pore filling. At low RH, the μ3-OH groups of the SBUs form hydrogen bonds with the initial water molecules entering the pores, which triggers the filling of these pores before the μ3-OH groups in other pores become engaged in hydrogen bonding with water molecules. Our analyses indicate that the pores of MOF-808 become filled by water sequentially as the RH increases. A similar mechanism has been reported for water adsorption in UiO-66. Despite this similarity, our study highlights distinct thermodynamic properties and framework characteristics that influence the adsorption process differently in MOF-808 and UiO-66.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 7, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 28, 2025
  5. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 9, 2025
  6. Abstract

    Many-body interactions between polymer-grafted nanoparticles (NPs) play a key role in promoting their assembly into low-dimensional structures within polymer melts, even when the particles are spherical and isotropically grafted. However, capturing such interactions in simulations of NP assembly is very challenging because explicit modeling of the polymer grafts and melt chains is highly computationally expensive, even using coarse-grained models. Here, we develop a many-body potential for describing the effective interactions between spherical polymer-grafted NPs in a polymer matrix through a machine-learning approach. The approach involves using permutationally invariant polynomials to fit two- and three-body interactions derived from the potential of mean force calculations. The potential developed here reduces the computational cost by several orders of magnitude, thereby, allowing us to explore assembly behavior over large length and time scales. We show that the potential not only reproduces previously known assembled phases such as 1D strings and 2D hexagonal sheets, which generally cannot be achieved using isotropic two-body potentials, but can also help discover interesting phases such as networks, clusters, and gels. We demonstrate how each of these assembly morphologies intrinsically arises from a competition between two- and three-body interactions. Our approach for deriving many-body effective potentials can be readily extended to other colloidal systems, enabling researchers to make accurate predictions of their behavior and dissect the role of individual interaction energy terms of the overall potential in the observed behavior.

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