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Tail tube assembly is an essential step in the lifecycle of long-tailed bacteriophages. Limited structural and biophysical information has impeded an understanding of assembly and stability of their long, flexible tail tubes. The hyperthermophilic phage P74-26 is particularly intriguing as it has the longest tail of any known virus (nearly 1 μm) and is the most thermostable known phage. Here, we use structures of the P74-26 tail tube along with an in vitro system for studying tube assembly kinetics to propose the first molecular model for the tail tube assembly of long-tailed phages. Our high-resolution cryo-EM structure provides insight into how the P74-26 phage assembles through flexible loops that fit into neighboring rings through tight "ball-and-socket"-like interactions. Guided by this structure, and in combination with mutational, light scattering, and molecular dynamics simulations data, we propose a model for the assembly of conserved tube-like structures across phage and other entities possessing tail tube-like proteins. We propose that formation of a full ring promotes the adoption of a tube elongation-competent conformation among the flexible loops and their corresponding sockets, which is further stabilized by an adjacent ring. Tail assembly is controlled by the cooperative interaction of dynamic intraring and interring contacts. Given the structural conservation among tail tube proteins and tail-like structures, our model can explain the mechanism of high-fidelity assembly of long, stable tubes.more » « less
Abstract The bacterial FtsK motor harvests energy from ATP to translocate double-stranded DNA during cell division. Here, we probe the molecular mechanisms underlying coordinated DNA translocation in FtsK by performing long timescale simulations of its hexameric assembly and individual subunits. From these simulations we predict signaling pathways that connect the ATPase active site to DNA-gripping residues, which allows the motor to coordinate its translocation activity with its ATPase activity. Additionally, we utilize well-tempered metadynamics simulations to compute free-energy landscapes that elucidate the extended-to-compact transition involved in force generation. We show that nucleotide binding promotes a compact conformation of a motor subunit, whereas the apo subunit is flexible. Together, our results support a mechanism whereby each ATP-bound subunit of the motor conforms to the helical pitch of DNA, and ATP hydrolysis/product release causes a subunit to lose grip of DNA. By ordinally engaging and disengaging with DNA, the FtsK motor unidirectionally translocates DNA.
null (Ed.)Abstract Double-stranded DNA viruses package their genomes into pre-assembled capsids using virally-encoded ASCE ATPase ring motors. We present the first atomic-resolution crystal structure of a multimeric ring form of a viral dsDNA packaging motor, the ATPase of the asccφ28 phage, and characterize its atomic-level dynamics via long timescale molecular dynamics simulations. Based on these results, and previous single-molecule data and cryo-EM reconstruction of the homologous φ29 motor, we propose an overall packaging model that is driven by helical-to-planar transitions of the ring motor. These transitions are coordinated by inter-subunit interactions that regulate catalytic and force-generating events. Stepwise ATP binding to individual subunits increase their affinity for the helical DNA phosphate backbone, resulting in distortion away from the planar ring towards a helical configuration, inducing mechanical strain. Subsequent sequential hydrolysis events alleviate the accumulated mechanical strain, allowing a stepwise return of the motor to the planar conformation, translocating DNA in the process. This type of helical-to-planar mechanism could serve as a general framework for ring ATPases.more » « less
Many viruses utilize ringed packaging ATPases to translocate double-stranded DNA into procapsids during replication. A critical step in the mechanochemical cycle of such ATPases is ATP binding, which causes a subunit within the motor to grip DNA tightly. Here, we probe the underlying molecular mechanism by which ATP binding is coupled to DNA gripping and show that a glutamate-switch residue found in AAA+ enzymes is central to this coupling in viral packaging ATPases. Using free-energy landscapes computed through molecular dynamics simulations, we determined the stable conformational state of the ATPase active site in ATP- and ADP-bound states. Our results show that the catalytic glutamate residue transitions from an active to an inactive pose upon ATP hydrolysis and that a residue assigned as the glutamate switch is necessary for regulating this transition. Furthermore, we identified via mutual information analyses the intramolecular signaling pathway mediated by the glutamate switch that is responsible for coupling ATP binding to conformational transitions of DNA-gripping motifs. We corroborated these predictions with both structural and functional experimental measurements. Specifically, we showed that the crystal structure of the ADP-bound P74-26 packaging ATPase is consistent with the structural coupling predicted from simulations, and we further showed that disrupting the predicted signaling pathway indeed decouples ATPase activity from DNA translocation activity in the φ29 DNA packaging motor. Our work thus establishes a signaling pathway that couples chemical and mechanical events in viral DNA packaging motors.