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    A leading model for Type Ia supernovae involves the double-detonation of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf. Double-detonations arise when a surface helium shell detonation generates shockwaves that trigger a core detonation; this mechanism may be triggered via accretion or during the merger of binaries. Most previous double-detonation simulations only included the primary white dwarf; however, the fate of the secondary has significant observational consequences. Recently, hydrodynamic simulations accounted for the companion in double-degenerate double-detonation mergers. In the merger of a 1.05 M$_{\odot }$ primary white dwarf and 0.7 M$_{\odot }$ secondary white dwarf, the primary consistently detonates while the fate of the secondary remains uncertain. We consider two versions of this scenario, one in which the secondary survives and another in which it detonates. We present the first 3D radiative transfer calculations for these models and show that the synthetic observables for both models are similar and match properties of the peculiar 02es-like subclass of Type Ia supernovae. Our calculations show angle dependencies sensitive to the companion’s fate, and we can obtain a closer spectroscopic match to normal Type Ia supernovae when the secondary detonates and the effects of helium detonation ash are minimized. The asymmetry in the width–luminosity relationship is comparable to previous double-detonation models, but the overall spread is increased with a secondary detonation. The secondary detonation has a meaningful impact on all synthetic observables; however, multidimensional nebular phase calculations are needed to support or rule out either model as a likely explanation for Type Ia supernovae.

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    Type Iax supernovae (SNe Iax) are proposed to arise from deflagrations of Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs (WDs). Previous deflagration simulations have achieved good agreement with the light curves and spectra of intermediate-luminosity and bright SNe Iax. However, the model light curves decline too quickly after peak, particularly in red optical and near-infrared (NIR) bands. Deflagration models with a variety of ignition configurations do not fully unbind the WD, leaving a remnant polluted with 56Ni. Emission from such a remnant may contribute to the luminosity of SNe Iax. Here we investigate the impact of adding a central energy source, assuming instantaneous powering by 56Ni decay in the remnant, in radiative transfer calculations of deflagration models. Including the remnant contribution improves agreement with the light curves of SNe Iax, particularly due to the slower post-maximum decline of the models. Spectroscopic agreement is also improved, with intermediate-luminosity and faint models showing greatest improvement. We adopt the full remnant 56Ni mass predicted for bright models, but good agreement with intermediate-luminosity and faint SNe Iax is only possible for remnant 56Ni masses significantly lower than those predicted. This may indicate that some of the 56Ni decay energy in the remnant does not contribute to the radiative luminosity but instead drives mass ejection, or that escape of energy from the remnant is significantly delayed. Future work should investigate the structure of remnants predicted by deflagration models and the potential roles of winds and delayed energy escape, as well as extend radiative transfer simulations to late times.

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  3. Abstract

    New observational facilities are probing astrophysical transients such as stellar explosions and gravitational-wave sources at ever-increasing redshifts, while also revealing new features in source property distributions. To interpret these observations, we need to compare them to predictions from stellar population models. Such models require the metallicity-dependent cosmic star formation history ((Z,z)) as an input. Large uncertainties remain in the shape and evolution of this function. In this work, we propose a simple analytical function for(Z,z). Variations of this function can be easily interpreted because the parameters link to its shape in an intuitive way. We fit our analytical function to the star-forming gas of the cosmological TNG100 simulation and find that it is able to capture the main behavior well. As an example application, we investigate the effect of systematic variations in the(Z,z)parameters on the predicted mass distribution of locally merging binary black holes. Our main findings are that (i) the locations of features are remarkably robust against variations in the metallicity-dependent cosmic star formation history, and (ii) the low-mass end is least affected by these variations. This is promising as it increases our chances of constraining the physics that govern the formation of these objects (

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    The visibility of high-redshift Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) provides important constraints on galaxy formation processes and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). However, predicting realistic and representative statistics for comparison with observations represents a significant challenge in the context of large-volume cosmological simulations. The thesan project offers a unique framework for addressing such limitations by combining state-of-the-art galaxy formation (IllustrisTNG) and dust models with the arepo-rt radiation-magnetohydrodynamics solver. In this initial study, we present Lyman-alpha centric analysis for the flagship simulation that resolves atomic cooling haloes throughout a $(95.5\, \text{cMpc})^3$ region of the Universe. To avoid numerical artefacts, we devise a novel method for accurate frequency-dependent line radiative transfer in the presence of continuous Hubble flow, transferable to broader astrophysical applications as well. Our scalable approach highlights the utility of LAEs and red damping-wing transmission as probes of reionization, which reveal nontrivial trends across different galaxies, sightlines, and frequency bands that can be modelled in the framework of covering fractions. In fact, after accounting for environmental factors influencing large-scale ionized bubble formation such as redshift and UV magnitude, the variation across galaxies and sightlines mainly depends on random processes including peculiar velocities and self-shielded systems that strongly impact unfortunate rays more than others. Throughout the EoR local and cosmological optical depths are often greater than or less than unity such that the exp (− τ) behaviour leads to anisotropic and bimodal transmissivity. Future surveys will benefit by targeting both rare bright objects and Goldilocks zone LAEs to infer the presence of these (un)predictable (dis)advantages.

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    The high-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM) and the primeval galaxy population are rapidly becoming the new frontier of extragalactic astronomy. We investigate the IGM properties and their connection to galaxies at z ≥ 5.5 under different assumptions for the ionizing photon escape and the nature of dark matter, employing our novel thesan radiation-hydrodynamical simulation suite, designed to provide a comprehensive picture of the emergence of galaxies in a full reionization context. Our simulations have realistic ‘late’ reionization histories, match available constraints on global IGM properties, and reproduce the recently observed rapid evolution of the mean free path of ionizing photons. We additionally examine high-z Lyman-α transmission. The optical depth evolution is consistent with data, and its distribution suggests an even-later reionization than simulated, although with a strong sensitivity to the source model. We show that the effects of these two unknowns can be disentangled by characterizing the spectral shape and separation of Lyman-α transmission regions, opening up the possibility to observationally constrain both. For the first time in simulations, thesan reproduces the modulation of the Lyman-α flux as a function of galaxy distance, demonstrating the power of coupling a realistic galaxy formation model with proper radiation hydrodynamics. We find this feature to be extremely sensitive on the timing of reionization, while being relatively insensitive to the source model. Overall, thesan produces a realistic IGM and galaxy population, providing a robust framework for future analysis of the high-z Universe.

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    The progenitor systems and explosion mechanism of Type Ia supernovae are still unknown. Currently favoured progenitors include double-degenerate systems consisting of two carbon-oxygen white dwarfs with thin helium shells. In the double-detonation scenario, violent accretion leads to a helium detonation on the more massive primary white dwarf that turns into a carbon detonation in its core and explodes it. We investigate the fate of the secondary white dwarf, focusing on changes of the ejecta and observables of the explosion if the secondary explodes as well rather than survives. We simulate a binary system of a $1.05\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$ and a $0.7\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$ carbon-oxygen white dwarf with $0.03\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$ helium shells each. We follow the system self-consistently from inspiral to ignition, through the explosion, to synthetic observables. We confirm that the primary white dwarf explodes self-consistently. The helium detonation around the secondary white dwarf, however, fails to ignite a carbon detonation. We restart the simulation igniting the carbon detonation in the secondary white dwarf by hand and compare the ejecta and observables of both explosions. We find that the outer ejecta at $v~\gt ~15\, 000$ km s−1 are indistinguishable. Light curves and spectra are very similar until $\sim ~40 \ \mathrm{d}$ after explosion and the ejecta are much more spherical than violent merger models. The inner ejecta differ significantly slowing down the decline rate of the bolometric light curve after maximum of the model with a secondary explosion by ∼20 per cent. We expect future synthetic 3D nebular spectra to confirm or rule out either model.

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    We introduce the thesan project, a suite of large volume ($L_\mathrm{box} = 95.5 \, \mathrm{cMpc}$) radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations that simultaneously model the large-scale statistical properties of the intergalactic medium during reionization and the resolved characteristics of the galaxies responsible for it. The flagship simulation has dark matter and baryonic mass resolutions of $3.1 \times 10^6\, {\rm M_\odot }$ and $5.8 \times 10^5\, {\rm M_\odot }$, respectively. The gravitational forces are softened on scales of 2.2 ckpc with the smallest cell sizes reaching 10 pc at z = 5.5, enabling predictions down to the atomic cooling limit. The simulations use an efficient radiation hydrodynamics solver (arepo-rt) that precisely captures the interaction between ionizing photons and gas, coupled to well-tested galaxy formation (IllustrisTNG) and dust models to accurately predict the properties of galaxies. Through a complementary set of medium resolution simulations we investigate the changes to reionization introduced by different assumptions for ionizing escape fractions, varying dark matter models, and numerical convergence. The fiducial simulation and model variations are calibrated to produce realistic reionization histories that match the observed evolution of the global neutral hydrogen fraction and electron scattering optical depth to reionization. They also match a wealth of high-redshift observationally inferred data, including the stellar-to-halo-mass relation, galaxy stellar mass function, star formation rate density, and the mass–metallicity relation, despite the galaxy formation model being mainly calibrated at z = 0. We demonstrate that different reionization models give rise to varied bubble size distributions that imprint unique signatures on the 21 cm emission, especially on the slope of the power spectrum at large spatial scales, enabling current and upcoming 21 cm experiments to accurately characterize the sources that dominate the ionizing photon budget.

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  8. Abstract

    Gravitational-wave detectors are starting to reveal the redshift evolution of the binary black hole (BBH) merger rate,RBBH(z). We make predictions forRBBH(z) as a function of black hole mass for systems originating from isolated binaries. To this end, we investigate correlations between the delay time and black hole mass by means of the suite of binary population synthesis simulations,COMPAS. We distinguish two channels: the common envelope (CE), and the stable Roche-lobe overflow (RLOF) channel, characterized by whether the system has experienced a common envelope or not. We find that the CE channel preferentially produces BHs with masses below about 30Mand short delay times (tdelay≲ 1 Gyr), while the stable RLOF channel primarily forms systems with BH masses above 30Mand long delay times (tdelay≳ 1 Gyr). We provide a new fit for the metallicity-dependent specific star formation rate density based on the Illustris TNG simulations, and use this to convert the delay time distributions into a prediction ofRBBH(z). This leads to a distinct redshift evolution ofRBBH(z) for high and low primary BH masses. We furthermore find that, at high redshift,RBBH(z) is dominated by the CE channel, while at low redshift, it contains a large contribution (∼40%) from the stable RLOF channel. Our results predict that, for increasing redshifts, BBHs with component masses above 30Mwill become increasingly scarce relative to less massive BBH systems. Evidence of this distinct evolution ofRBBH(z) for different BH masses can be tested with future detectors.

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