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  1. Abstract

    Tweezers based on optical, electric, magnetic, and acoustic fields have shown great potential for contactless object manipulation. However, current tweezers designed for manipulating millimeter‐sized objects such as droplets, particles, and small animals exhibit limitations in translation resolution, range, and path complexity. Here, a novel acoustic vortex tweezers system is introduced, which leverages a unique airborne acoustic vortex end effector integrated with a three‐degree‐of‐freedom (DoF) linear motion stage, for enabling contactless, multi‐mode, programmable manipulation of millimeter‐sized objects. The acoustic vortex end effector utilizes a cascaded circular acoustic array, which is portable and battery‐powered, to generate an acoustic vortex with a ring‐shaped energy pattern. The vortex applies acoustic radiation forces to trap and spin an object at its center, simultaneously protecting this object by repelling other materials away with its high‐energy ring. Moreover, The vortex tweezers system facilitates contactless, multi‐mode, programmable object surfing, as demonstrated in experiments involving trapping, repelling, and spinning particles, translating particles along complex paths, guiding particles around barriers, translating and rotating droplets containing zebrafish larvae, and merging droplets. With these capabilities, It is anticipated that the tweezers system will become a valuable tool for the automated, contactless handling of droplets, particles, and bio‐samples in biomedical and biochemical research.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 22, 2025
  2. Abstract

    We present UV–optical–near-infrared observations and modeling of supernova (SN) 2024ggi, a type II supernova (SN II) located in NGC 3621 at 7.2 Mpc. Early-time (“flash”) spectroscopy of SN 2024ggi within +0.8 days of discovery shows emission lines of Hi, Hei, Ciii, and Niiiwith a narrow core and broad, symmetric wings (i.e., “IIn-like”) arising from the photoionized, optically thick, unshocked circumstellar material (CSM) that surrounded the progenitor star at shock breakout (SBO). By the next spectral epoch at +1.5 days, SN 2024ggi showed a rise in ionization as emission lines of Heii, Civ, Niv/v, and Ovbecame visible. This phenomenon is temporally consistent with a blueward shift in the UV–optical colors, both likely the result of SBO in an extended, dense CSM. The IIn-like features in SN 2024ggi persist on a timescale oftIIn= 3.8 ± 1.6 days, at which time a reduction in CSM density allows the detection of Doppler-broadened features from the fastest SN material. SN 2024ggi has peak UV–optical absolute magnitudes ofMw2= −18.7 mag andMg= −18.1 mag, respectively, that are consistent with the known population of CSM-interacting SNe II. Comparison of SN 2024ggi with a grid of radiation hydrodynamics and non–local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative-transfer simulations suggests a progenitor mass-loss rate ofṀ=102Myr−1(vw= 50 km s−1), confined to a distance ofr< 5 × 1014cm. Assuming a wind velocity ofvw= 50 km s−1, the progenitor star underwent an enhanced mass-loss episode in the last ∼3 yr before explosion.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 5, 2025
  3. Mechanisms for hydrodynamic benefit via fluid interactions in large planar fish schools ( n ≥ 10) are investigated by two-dimensional numerical simulations of carangiform fish swimming. It is observed that the average swimming efficiency of the 10-fish school is increased by 30% over a single swimmer, along with a thrust production improvement of 114%. The performance and flow analyses characterize the associated hydrodynamic interaction mechanisms in large dense schools leading to enhanced performance. First, anterior body suction arises from the proximity of the suction side of the flapping tail to the head of the following fish. Next, the block effect is observed as another fish body blocks the flow behind a fish. Finally, the wall effect enhances the flow of momentum downstream where the body of a neighboring fish acts as a wall for the flapping of a fish tail moving toward it. Because these primary body–body interactions are based on the arrangement of surrounding fish, a classification of the individual fish within the school is presented based on the intra-fish interactions and is reflected in the performance of the individuals. It is shown that the school can be separated as front fish, middle fish, edge fish, and back fish based on the geometric position, performance, and wake characteristics. Finally, groupings and mechanisms observed are proven to be consistent over a range of Reynolds numbers and school arrangements. 
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  4. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using tandem foils to mimic and study fish swimming, and to inform underwater vehicle design. Though much effort has been put to understanding the propulsion mechanisms of a tandem-foil system, the stability of such a system and the mechanisms for maintaining it remain an open question. In this study, a 3-foil system in an in-line configuration is used towards understanding the hydrodynamics of lateral stability. The foils actively pitch with varying phase. To quantify lateral force oscillation, the standard deviation of the lateral force, 𝝈𝝈𝒀𝒀, calculated over one typical flapping cycle is used, to account for the amount of variation in the lateral force experienced by the system of 3 foils. The higher the standard deviation, the more the spread in the lateral force cycle data, the more lateral momentum exchanged between the flow and the foils, and the less stable the system is. Through phase variations, it is found that the lateral force is minimized when the phases of the three foils are approximately, though not exactly, evenly distributed. The least stable system is found to be the one with the foils all in phase. Systems that are more laterally stable are found to tend to have narrower envelopes of regions around the foils with high momentum. Near-wake of the foils, the envelopes of stable systems are also found to have pronounced convergent sections, whereas the envelope of the less stable systems are found to diverge without much interruption. In the far wake, coherent, singular thrust jets, along with orderly 2-S vortices are found to form in the two best performing cases. In less stable cases, the thrust jets are found to be branched. Corresponding to the width of the high-momentum envelopes, lateral jets are found to exist in the gaps between neighboring foils, the strengths of which vary based on stability, with the lateral jets being more pronounced in the less stable cases (cases with high amount of lateral force oscillation). Peak lateral forces are found to coincide with moments of pressure gradient build-up across the foils. The pressure-driven flow near the trailing edge of the foils then creates trailing-edge vortices, and correspondingly, lateral gap flows. Moments of peak and plateau lateral force on an individual foil in the system are found to coincide with the initiation and shedding of trailing-edge vortices, respectively. The formation of trailing-edge vortices, lateral jets and cross-stream flows in gaps are closely intertwined, and all are 1. Indicative of large lateral momentum oscillation, and 2. The results of pressure gradient build-up across foils. 
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  5. The canonical motion of foils has been studied extensively in many applications, including energy harvesting. The advantage of undulating foils is often realized in their ability to positively interfere with neighboring foils. However, more research is needed in understanding different arrangements of undulating foils, along with the fluid dynamics interactions involved in enhancing the performance of the foils for this advantage to properly scale to a large number of foils. This work utilizes the concept of subgroups within a school, borrowed from biological studies of fish schools, along with an immersed boundary methodbased computational fluids solver to investigate how these larger groups of undulating foils interact. A parametric study is completed around the spacing of the back subgroup, and the vortex formation and wake structures are analyzed, revealing that the back subgroup gains efficiency via interactions with the wake of the front subgroup. The present study gives insight into how groups of undulating foils interact and uncovers mechanisms that enhance performance through their interaction. 
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  6. This paper develops a tree-topological local mesh refinement (TLMR) method on Cartesian grids for the simulation of bio-inspired flow with multiple moving objects. The TLMR nests refinement mesh blocks of structured grids to the target regions and arrange the blocks in a tree topology. The method solves the time-dependent incompressible flow using a fractional-step method and discretizes the Navier-Stokes equation using a finite-difference formulation with an immersed boundary method to resolve the complex boundaries. When iteratively solving the discretized equations across the coarse and fine TLMR blocks, for better accuracy and faster convergence, the momentum equation is solved on all blocks simultaneously, while the Poisson equation is solved recursively from the coarsest block to the finest ones. When the refined blocks of the same block are connected, the parallel Schwarz method is used to iteratively solve both the momentum and Poisson equations. Convergence studies show that the algorithm is second-order accurate in space for both velocity and pressure, and the developed mesh refinement technique is benchmarked and demonstrated by several canonical flow problems. The TLMR enables a fast solution to an incompressible flow problem with complex boundaries or multiple moving objects. Various bio-inspired flows of multiple moving objects show that the solver can save over 80% computational time, proportional to the grid reduction when refinement is applied. 
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  7. In this study, numerical simulations are performed to study the effects of body shape on propulsive performance in a carangiform-like swimming motion. A focus is given to the variation in performance due to changes in the maximum thickness, maximum thickness location, leading-edge radius, and boattail angle of an undulating foil. An immersed boundary method-based incompressible flow solver is implemented to solve for the propulsive performance of two-dimensional undulating foils. The resulting flow simulations yield the thrust, drag, efficiency, and flow for each body shape. From this study, we have found that better propulsive performance comes from a thinner maximum thickness, a maximum thickness location closer to the head of the fish, a narrower boattail angle, and a larger leading-edge radius. Particular care is given to the analysis of the boattail angle, because of the surprising and significant results. In changing only the boattail angle the efficiency is shown to vary by 10.3%. Changes in the leading-edge radius varies the efficiency by 4.4%, the maximum thickness by 4.0%, and the maximum thickness location along the body by 5.0%. The large improvement observed in the thinner boattail angle cases are caused by the increased curvature around the middle of the fish body leading to a high-pressure region at the tail that improves the thrust performance. The results can be used to improve understanding of fish body shapes observed in nature as well as better informing the design of bioinspired underwater robots. 
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