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  1. This article reviews the notion of a Sustainability Mindset in comparison to sustainability competencies in the context of a study of a first year cohort of students beginning a minor in Sustainability Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez. A framework of Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Attitudes (A), Behaviors (B), and Attitudes (A) is adopted to capture the students' developing mindsets broadly the context of Sustainability. A detailed open-form survey was administered after the first semester and was completed by 9/11 participants. Results show mature growth in the domain of sustainability (e.g., broad knowledge of the concept of sustainability to encompass the three 'pillars' of environmental, equity, and economic factors, and deep knowledge regarding ideas such as circular economy and earth systems cycles). Further growth is also demonstrated in academic and personal development (e.g., improved study skills, time management, and research skills). Future work will endeavor to continue observing the evolution of the mindset at the KSBA level and at finer levels of detail. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 23, 2025
  2. Several consensus reports cite a critical need to dramatically increase the number and diversity of STEM graduates over the next decade. They conclude that a change to evidence-based instructional practices, such as concept-based active learning, is needed. Concept-based active learning involves the use of activity-based pedagogies whose primary objectives are to make students value deep conceptual understanding (instead of only factual knowledge) and then to facilitate their development of that understanding. Concept-based active learning has been shown to increase academic engagement and student achievement, to significantly improve student retention in academic programs, and to reduce the performance gap of underrepresented students. Fostering students' mastery of fundamental concepts is central to real world problem solving, including several elements of engineering practice. Unfortunately, simply proving that these instructional practices are more effective than traditional methods for promoting student learning, for increasing retention in academic programs, and for improving ability in professional practice is not enough to ensure widespread pedagogical change. In fact, the biggest challenge to improving STEM education is not the need to develop more effective instructional practices, but to find ways to get faculty to adopt the evidence-based pedagogies that already exist. In this project we seek to propagate the Concept Warehouse, a technological innovation designed to foster concept-based active learning, into Mechanical Engineering (ME) and to study student learning with this tool in five diverse institutional settings. The Concept Warehouse (CW) is a web-based instructional tool that we developed for Chemical Engineering (ChE) faculty. It houses over 3,500 ConcepTests, which are short questions that can rapidly be deployed to engage students in concept-oriented thinking and/or to assess students’ conceptual knowledge, along with more extensive concept-based active learning tools. The CW has grown rapidly during this project and now has over 1,600 faculty accounts and over 37,000 student users. New ConcepTests were created during the current reporting period; the current numbers of questions for Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Materials are 342, 410, and 41, respectively. A detailed review process is in progress, and will continue through the no-cost extension year, to refine question clarity and to identify types of new questions to fill gaps in content coverage. There have been 497 new faculty accounts created after June 30, 2018, and 3,035 unique students have answered these mechanics questions in the CW. We continue to analyze instructor interviews, focusing on 11 cases, all of whom participated in the CW Community of Practice (CoP). For six participants, we were able to compare use of the CW both before and after participating in professional development activities (workshops and/or a community or practice). Interview results have been coded and are currently being analyzed. To examine student learning, we recruited faculty to participate in deploying four common questions in both statics and dynamics. In statics, each instructor agreed to deploy the same four questions (one each for Rigid Body Equilibrium, Trusses, Frames, and Friction) among their overall deployments of the CW. In addition to answering the question, students were also asked to provide a written explanation to explain their reasoning, to rate the confidence of their answers, and to rate the degree to which the questions were clear and promoted deep thinking. The analysis to date has resulted in a Work-In-Progress paper presented at ASEE 2022, reporting a cross-case comparison of two instructors and a Work-In-Progress paper to be presented at ASEE 2023 analyzing students’ metacognitive reflections of concept questions. 
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  3. It has been well-established that concept-based active learning strategies increase student retention, improve engagement and student achievement, and reduce the performance gap of underrepresented students. Despite the evidence supporting concept-based instruction, many faculty continue to stress algorithmic problem solving. In fact, the biggest challenge to improving STEM education is not the need to develop more effective instructional practices, but to find ways to get faculty to adopt the evidence-based pedagogies that already exist. Our project aims to propagate the Concept Warehouse (CW), an online innovation tool that was developed in the Chemical Engineering community, into Mechanical Engineering (ME). A portion of our work focuses on content development in mechanics, and includes statics, dynamics, and to a lesser extent strength of materials. Our content development teams had created 170 statics and 253 dynamics questions. Additionally, we have developed four different simulations to be embedded in online Instructional Tools – these are interactive modules that provided different physical scenarios to help students understand important concepts in mechanics. During initial interviews, we found that potential adopters needed coaching on the benefits of concept-based instruction, training on how to use the CW, and support on how to best implement the different affordances offered by the CW. This caused a slight shift in our initial research plans, and much of our recent work has concentrated on using faculty development activities to help us advertise the CW and encourage evidence-based practices. From these activities, we are recruiting participants for surveys and interviews to help us investigate how different contexts affect the adoption of educational innovations. A set of two summer workshops attracted over 270 applicants, and over 60 participants attended each synchronous offering. Other applicants were provided links to recordings of the workshop. From these participants, we recruited 20 participants to join our Community of Practice (CoP). These members are sharing how they use the CW in their classes, especially in the virtual environment. Community members discuss using evidence-based practices, different things that the CW can do, and suggest potential improvements to the tool. They will also be interviewed to help us determine barriers to adoption, how their institutional contexts and individual epistemologies affect adoption, and how they have used the CW in their classes. Our research will help us formulate strategies that others can use when attempting to propagate pedagogical innovations. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    In mechanics, the standard 3-credit, 45-hour course is sufficient to deliver standard lectures with prepared examples and questions. Moreover, it is not only feasible, but preferable, to employ any of a variety of active learning and teaching techniques. Nevertheless, even when active learning is strategically used, students and instructors alike experience pressure to accomplish their respective learning and teaching goals under the constraints of the academic calendar, raising questions as to whether the allocated time is sufficient to enable authentic learning. One way to assess learning progress is to examine the learning cycles through which students attempt, re-think, and re-attempt their work. This article provides data to benchmark the time required to learn key Statics concepts based on results of instruction of approximately 50 students in a Statics class at a public research university during the Fall 2020 semester. Two parallel techniques are employed to foster and understand student learning cycles. • Through a Mastery Based Learning model, 15 weekly pass/fail “Mastery Tests” are given. Students who do not pass may re-test with a different but similar test on the same topic each week until the semester’s conclusion. The tests are highly structured in that they are well posed and highly focused. For example, some tests focus only on drawing Free Body Diagrams, with no equations or calculations. Other tests focus on writing equilibrium equations from a given Free Body Diagram. Passing the first six tests is required to earn the grade of D; passing the next three for C; the next three for B; and the final three for A. Evaluations include coding of student responses to infer student reasoning. Learning cycles occur as students repeat the same topics, and their progress is assessed by passing rates and by comparing evolving responses to the same test topics. • Concept Questions that elicit qualitative responses and written explanations are deployed at least weekly. The learning cycle here consists of students answering a question, seeing the overall class results (but without the correct answer), having a chance to explore the question with other students and the instructor, and finally an opportunity to re-answer the same question, perhaps a few minutes or up to a couple days later. Sometimes, that same question is given a third time to encourage further effort or progress. To date, results from both cycles appear to agree on one important conclusion: the rate of demonstrated learning is quite low. For example, each Mastery Test has a passing rate of 20%-30%, including for students with several repeats. With the Concept Questions, typically no more than half of the students who answered incorrectly change to the correct answer by the time of the final poll. The final article will provide quantitative and qualitative results from each type of cycle, including tracking coded responses on Mastery Tests, written responses on Concept Questions, and cross-comparisons thereof. Additional results will be presented from student surveys. Since the Mastery Tests and Concept Questions follow typical Statics topics, this work has potential to lead to a standardized set of benchmarks and standards for measuring student learning – and its rate – in Statics. 
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