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Abstract G106.3+2.7, commonly considered to be a composite supernova remnant (SNR), is characterized by a boomerang-shaped pulsar wind nebula (PWN) and two distinct (“head” and “tail”) regions in the radio band. A discovery of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission (
E γ > 100 GeV) followed by the recent detection of ultrahigh-energy gamma-ray emission (E γ > 100 TeV) from the tail region suggests that G106.3+2.7 is a PeVatron candidate. We present a comprehensive multiwavelength study of the Boomerang PWN (100″ around PSR J2229+6114) using archival radio and Chandra data obtained two decades ago, a new NuSTAR X-ray observation from 2020, and upper limits on gamma-ray fluxes obtained by Fermi-LAT and VERITAS observatories. The NuSTAR observation allowed us to detect a 51.67 ms spin period from the pulsar PSR J2229+6114 and the PWN emission characterized by a power-law model with Γ = 1.52 ± 0.06 up to 20 keV. Contrary to the previous radio study by Kothes et al., we prefer a much lower PWNB -field (B ∼ 3μ G) and larger distance (d ∼ 8 kpc) based on (1) the nonvarying X-ray flux over the last two decades, (2) the energy-dependent X-ray size of the PWN resulting from synchrotron burn-off, and (3) the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) data. Our SED model suggests that the PWN is currently re-expanding after being compressed by the SNR reverse shock ∼1000 yr ago. In this case, the head region should be formed by GeV–TeV electrons injected earlier by the pulsar propagating into the low-density environment. -
Abstract This paper investigates the origin of the
γ -ray emission from MGRO J1908+06 in the GeV–TeV energy band. By analyzing the data collected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope, the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, and High Altitude Water Cherenkov, with the addition of spectral data previously reported by LHAASO, a multiwavelength study of the morphological and spectral features of MGRO J1908+06 provides insight into the origin of theγ -ray emission. The mechanism behind the bright TeV emission is studied by constraining the magnetic field strength, the source age, and the distance through detailed broadband modeling. Both spectral shape and energy-dependent morphology support the scenario that inverse Compton emission of an evolved pulsar wind nebula associated with PSR J1907+0602 is responsible for the MGRO J1908+06γ -ray emission with a best-fit true age ofT = 22 ± 9 kyr and a magnetic field ofB = 5.4 ± 0.8μ G, assuming the distance to the pulsard PSR= 3.2 kpc. -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
Abstract The origin of high-energy galactic cosmic rays is yet to be understood, but some galactic cosmic-ray accelerators can accelerate cosmic rays up to PeV energies. The high-energy cosmic rays are expected to interact with the surrounding material or radiation, resulting in the production of gamma-rays and neutrinos. To optimize for the detection of such associated production of gamma-rays and neutrinos for a given source morphology and spectrum, a multimessenger analysis that combines gamma-rays and neutrinos is required. In this study, we use the Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework with IceCube Maximum Likelihood Analysis software and HAWC Accelerated Likelihood to search for a correlation between 22 known gamma-ray sources from the third HAWC gamma-ray catalog and 14 yr of IceCube track-like data. No significant neutrino emission from the direction of the HAWC sources was found. We report the best-fit gamma-ray model and 90% CL neutrino flux limit from the 22 sources. From the neutrino flux limit, we conclude that, for five of the sources, the gamma-ray emission observed by HAWC cannot be produced purely from hadronic interactions. We report the limit for the fraction of gamma-rays produced by hadronic interactions for these five sources.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025 -
Context. The response of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes to incident γ -ray-initiated showers in the atmosphere changes as the telescopes age due to exposure to light and weather. These aging processes affect the reconstructed energies of the events and γ -ray fluxes. Aims. This work discusses the implementation of signal calibration methods for the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) to account for changes in the optical throughput and detector performance over time. Methods. The total throughput of a Cherenkov telescope is the product of camera-dependent factors, such as the photomultiplier tube gains and their quantum efficiencies, and the mirror reflectivity and Winston cone response to incoming radiation. This document summarizes different methods to determine how the camera gains and mirror reflectivity have evolved over time and how we can calibrate this changing throughput in reconstruction pipelines for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The implementation is validated against seven years of observations with the VERITAS telescopes of the Crab Nebula, which is a reference object in very-high-energy astronomy. Results. Regular optical throughput monitoring and the corresponding signal calibrations are found to be critical for the reconstruction of extensive air shower images. The proposed implementation is applied as a correction to the signals of the photomultiplier tubes in the telescope simulation to produce fine-tuned instrument response functions. This method is shown to be effective for calibrating the acquired γ -ray data and for recovering the correct energy of the events and photon fluxes. At the same time, it keeps the computational effort of generating Monte Carlo simulations for instrument response functions affordably low.more » « less
Abstract Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are prime candidate sources of the high-energy, astrophysical neutrinos detected by IceCube. This is demonstrated by the real-time multimessenger detection of the blazar TXS 0506+056 and the recent evidence of neutrino emission from NGC 1068 from a separate time-averaged study. However, the production mechanism of the astrophysical neutrinos in AGN is not well established, which can be resolved via correlation studies with photon observations. For neutrinos produced due to photohadronic interactions in AGN, in addition to a correlation of neutrinos with high-energy photons, there would also be a correlation of neutrinos with photons emitted at radio wavelengths. In this work, we perform an in-depth stacking study of the correlation between 15 GHz radio observations of AGN reported in the MOJAVE XV catalog, and 10 yr of neutrino data from IceCube. We also use a time-dependent approach, which improves the statistical power of the stacking analysis. No significant correlation was found for both analyses, and upper limits are reported. When compared to the IceCube diffuse flux, at 100 TeV and for a spectral index of 2.5, the upper limits derived are ∼3% and ∼9% for the time-averaged and time-dependent cases, respectively.