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Habli, Ibrahim ; Sujan, Mark ; Bitsch, Friedemann (Ed.)We introduce DeepCert, a tool-supported method for verifying the robustness of deep neural network (DNN) image classifiers to contextually relevant perturbations such as blur, haze, and changes in image contrast. While the robustness of DNN classifiers has been the subject of intense research in recent years, the solutions delivered by this research focus on verifying DNN robustness to small perturbations in the images being classified, with perturbation magnitude measured using established 𝐿𝑝 norms. This is useful for identifying potential adversarial attacks on DNN image classifiers, but cannot verify DNN robustness to contextually relevant image perturbations, which are typically not small when expressed with 𝐿𝑝 norms. DeepCert addresses this underexplored verification problem by supporting: (1) the encoding of real-world image perturbations; (2) the systematic evaluation of contextually relevant DNN robustness, using both testing and formal verification; (3) the generation of contextually relevant counterexamples; and, through these, (4) the selection of DNN image classifiers suitable for the operational context (i) envisaged when a potentially safety-critical system is designed, or (ii) observed by a deployed system. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepCert by showing how it can be used to verify the robustness of DNN image classifiers build for two benchmark datasets (‘German Traffic Sign’ and ‘CIFAR-10’) to multiple contextually relevant perturbations.more » « less
Detecting regression bugs in software evolution, analyzing side-channels in programs and evaluating robustness in deep neural networks (DNNs) can all be seen as instances of differential software analysis, where the goal is to generate diverging executions of program paths. Two executions are said to be diverging if the observable program behavior differs, e.g., in terms of program output, execution time, or (DNN) classification. The key challenge of differential software analysis is to simultaneously reason about multiple program paths, often across program variants. This paper presents HyDiff, the first hybrid approach for differential software analysis. HyDiff integrates and extends two very successful testing techniques: Feedback-directed greybox fuzzing for efficient program testing and shadow symbolic execution for systematic program exploration. HyDiff extends greybox fuzzing with divergence-driven feedback based on novel cost metrics that take into account the control flow graph of the program. Furthermore HyDiff extends shadow symbolic execution by applying four-way forking in a systematic exploration and still having the ability to incorporate concrete inputs in the analysis. HyDiff applies divergence revealing heuristics based on resource consumption and control-flow information to efficiently guide the symbolic exploration, which allows its efficient usage beyond regression testing applications. We introduce differential metrics such as output, decision and cost difference, as well as patch distance, to assist the fuzzing and symbolic execution components in maximizing the execution divergence. We implemented our approach on top of the fuzzer AFL and the symbolic execution framework Symbolic PathFinder. We illustrate HyDiff on regression and side-channel analysis for Java bytecode programs, and further show how to use HyDiff for robustness analysis of neural networks.more » « less
Fuzz testing has been gaining ground recently with substantial efforts devoted to the area. Typically, fuzzers take a set of seed inputs and leverage random mutations to continually improve the inputs with respect to a cost, e.g. program code coverage, to discover vulnerabilities or bugs. Following this methodology, fuzzers are very good at generating unstructured inputs that achieve high coverage. However fuzzers are less effective when the inputs are structured, say they conform to an input grammar. Due to the nature of random mutations, the overwhelming abundance of inputs generated by this common fuzzing practice often adversely hinders the effectiveness and efficiency of fuzzers on grammar-aware applications. The problem of testing becomes even harder, when the goal is not only to achieve increased code coverage, but also to nd complex vulnerabilities related to other cost measures, say high resource consumption in an application. We propose Saffron an adaptive grammar-based fuzzing approach to effectively and efficiently generate inputs that expose expensive executions in programs. Saffron takes as input a user-provided grammar, which describes the input space of the program under analysis, and uses it to generate test inputs. Saffron assumes that the grammar description is approximate since precisely describing the input program space is often difficult as a program may accept unintended inputs due to e.g., errors in parsing. Yet these inputs may reveal worst-case complexity vulnerabilities. The novelty of Saffron is then twofold: (1) Given the user-provided grammar, Saffron attempts to discover whether the program accepts unexpected inputs outside of the provided grammar, and if so, it repairs the grammar via grammar mutations. The repaired grammar serves as a specification of the actual inputs accepted by the application. (2) Based on the refined grammar, it generates concrete test inputs. It starts by treating every production rule in the grammar with equal probability of being used for generating concrete inputs. It then adaptively refines the probabilities along the way by increasing the probabilities for rules that have been used to generate inputs that improve a cost, e.g., code coverage or arbitrary user-defined cost. Evaluation results show that Saffron significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.more » « less